23,561 research outputs found
Linearizability of Saturated Polynomials
Brjuno and R\"ussmann proved that every irrationally indifferent fixed point
of an analytic function with a Brjuno rotation number is linearizable, and
Yoccoz proved that this is sharp for quadratic polynomials. Douady conjectured
that this is sharp for all rational functions of degree at least 2, i.e., that
non-M\"obius rational functions cannot have Siegel disks with non-Brjuno
rotation numbers. We prove that Douady's conjecture holds for the class of
polynomials for which the number of infinite tails of critical orbits in the
Julia set equals the number of irrationally indifferent cycles. As a corollary,
Douady's conjecture holds for the polynomials for all
and all complex .Comment: 28 pages, major revisions and additions following referee comment
The External Dimension of EU Citizenship: Arguing for Effective Protection of Citizens Abroad. CEPS Policy Brief No. 136, 3 July 2007
[From the Introduction]. This Policy Brief is the edited and extended version of CEPS’ contribution to the Commission’s Green Paper consultation. While acknowledging that the Green Paper addresses a wide range of issues, this document focuses mainly on the following themes: 1) the material scope of Art. 20 TEC, 2) its legal character as regards individual entitlement and 3) its enforceability and justiciability. The last sections deal with the questions of harmonisation as well as a possible involvement of Commission delegations in the exercise of consular assistance and diplomatic protection
Public Relations: A role for women?
In an effort to seek coherence, continuity and connection in the communication discipline, this paper explores the issue of gender and culture within the field of public relations. This paper examines how gender affects the disciplinary detachment of public relations from the many communication disciplines. Secondary research that has emerged over the last 25 years is analyzed by discussing the feminization and perspectives of gender’s influence in the discipline of public relations. Future opportunities for both universities and the industry are explored, in order to help bridge the gap of detachment of public relations to that of similar disciplines
On Modifications of the Sp(2) Covariant Superfield Quantization
We propose a modification of the Sp(2) covariant superfield quantization to
realize a superalgebra of generating operators isomorphic to the massless limit
of the corresponding superalgebra of the osp(1,2) covariant formalism. The
modified scheme ensures the compatibility of the superalgebra of generating
operators with extended BRST symmetry without imposing restrictions eliminating
superfield components from the quantum action. The formalism coincides with the
Sp(2) covariant superfield scheme and with the massless limit of the osp(1,2)
covariant quantization in particular cases of gauge-fixing and solutions of the
quantum master equations.Comment: 11 pages, to be published in Phys. Lett.
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