95 research outputs found
Delphi Austria - An Example of Tailoring Foresight to the Needs of a Small Country
The world-wide diffusion and recognition of Technology Foresight suggests that it is of value for quite diverse types of economies and societies. Its merit as an important tool of strategic intelligence for policy-making also in small countries and transition economies depends on a careful tailoring to specific needs. Practice of Foresight is rather diverse also among small countries, but approaches tend to be more selective in scope, have more specific goals, and put greater emphasis on demand aspects than in bigger countries. Austriaâs first systematic Foresight programme (completed in 1998) is an example of an innovative approach adapted to the needs of a small country. This contribution shows how Delphi Austria was tailored to a small economy which had undergone a successful catch-up process and how the Foresight process as well as its results have been utilised.Technology Foresight, Delphi method, small country, Austria, innovation, technology policy, implementation
e-Participation in Austria: Trends and Public Policies
The paper is a first step to assess the status of e-participation within the political system in Austria. It takes a top-down perspective focusing on the policy framework related to citizensÂŽ rights in the digital environment, the role of public participation and public policies on e-participation in Austria. The analysis of the development of e-participation in Austria as well as of social and political trends regarding civic participation in general and its electronic embedding, show a remarkable recent increase of e-participation projects and related initiatives. The paper identifies main institutional actors actively dealing with or promoting e-participation and reviews government initiatives as well as relevant policy documents specifically addressing and relating to e-participation or e-democracy. Finally, it takes a look at the state of the evaluation of e-participation. A major conclusion is that e-participation has become a subject of public policies in Austria; however, the recent upswing of supportive initiatives for public participation and e-participation goes together with ambivalent attitudes among politicians and administration towards e-participation.e-participation, e-democracy, citizensÂŽ rights, institutional actors, public policies, government initiatives, evaluation
Struktur und Wirksamkeit arbeitsmarktpolitischer Qualifizierungsprogramme in Ăsterreich
"Der Beitrag beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem arbeitsmarktpolitischen Einsatz beruflicher QualifizierungsmaĂnahmen in auĂerbetrieblichen Einrichtungen in Ăsterreich. Dieses zentrale arbeitsmarktpolitische Instrument diente bis weit in die zweite HĂ€lfte der siebziger Jahre der Funktion der Aufstiegsförderung. Mit der Verschlechterung der Arbeitsmarktlage schob sich die BeschĂ€ftigungssicherung als neue Funktionsbestimmung zunehmend in den Vordergrund. Die wachsende Ausrichtung auf Zielgruppen mit besonderen Arbeitsmarktproblemen und der steigende Anteil von AuftragsmaĂnahmen sind Ausdruck dieses Wandels. Im Rahmen einer reprĂ€sentativen lĂ€ngerfristigen Verbleibsanalyse werden personenbezogene Wirkungen der Teilnahme an derartigen FördermaĂnahmen vorgestellt. Ausgehend von den Zielsetzungen, die durch das Arbeitsmarktförderungsgesetz (AMFG) und entsprechende DurchfĂŒhrungsbestimmungen definiert sind, steht als objektiver Wirkungsindikator die VerĂ€nderung der Arbeitsmarktposition (Erwerbsstatus und StabilitĂ€t der Berufskarriere) im Vordergrund. AuĂerdem wird das subjektive Urteil der Teilnehmer zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Schulung und ihrer Wirkungen erhoben. Auf der Basis subjektiver und objektiver Befunde werden mehrdimensionale Erfolgsmuster ermittelt. Unterschiede in der Wirksamkeit der SchulungsmaĂnahme fĂŒr verschiedene Personengruppen und Kurstypen stellen einen zentralen Untersuchungsaspekt dar. AuĂerdem wird abzuschĂ€tzen versucht, inwieweit die Ergebnisse der Wirkungsanalyse von bestimmten Rahmenbedingungen beeinfluĂt werden." (Autorenrefarat)Qualifizierung - Programm, Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Auswirkungen, Teilnehmerstruktur, BeschĂ€ftigungseffekte, Teilnehmer - Einstellungen, Wirkungsforschung, Ăsterreich
Ăsterreichische Technologiepolitik auf dem PrĂŒfstand
Abstract: Technology policy has developed into one of the most prominent political agendas in advanced industrial societies, promising to overcome their structural economic crisis and to maintain their high standard of living. In this paper we discuss the Austrian "state of the art" of technology policy. We describe the specific economic and political conditions as well as the new challenges technology policy has had to face in Austria. We give an overview of the development of strategies, organizational structures, resources, and instruments of Austrian technology policy. We find that steps have been taken towards the formulation of an integrated strategy which also considers the social and ecological impact of new technologies. The evaluation of measures and outcomes, on the other hand, provides evidence that implementation remains far behind. In order to realize its ambitious goals and effectively incorporate social and ecological concerns, the political process will have to be opened for new groups and made more responsive to the interests of consumers and users of new technologies.
European E-Democracy in Practice
This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at the local, national and European governmental levels, it identifies the preconditions, best practices and shortcomings of e-participation practices in connection with EU decision-making procedures and institutions. The book features case studies on parliamentary monitoring, e-voting practices, and e-publics, and offers recommendations for improving the integration of e-democracy in European politics and governance. Accordingly, it will appeal to scholars as well as practitioners interested in identifying suitable e-participation tools for European institutions and thus helps to reduce the EUâs current democratic deficit. This book is a continuation of the book âElectronic Democracy in Europeâ published by Springer
Prospects for e-democracy in Europe
The drivers behind e-participation are digitalisation, the development of digital tools that can be usedfor citizen involvement â social media, deliberative software, e-voting systems, etc. â and growingaccess to the internet. In European countries, especially those that rank prominently among the top 50performers, citizens have more and more opportunities to have their say in government and politics.According to the UN, the largest share of e-participation initiatives relates to central and localgovernments giving access to public sector information and public consultation via digital tools.Recently there has been a growing focus on citizen involvement in policy making, although progressin this field has been modest so far
Das ExpertInnen-Delphi: Methodische Grundlagen und Anwendungsfeld âTechnology Foresightâ
Die Delphi-Methode ist im Kern ein relativ stark strukturierter Gruppenkommunikationsprozess, in dem Fachleute Sachverhalte beurteilen, ĂŒber die naturgemÀà unsicheres und unvollstĂ€ndiges Wissen vorhanden ist. Das ExpertInnen-Delphi hat unter anderem einen festen Platz im Rahmen von weltweit an Bedeutung gewinnenden Technology Foresight Projekten. Der Beitrag legt methodische Grundlagen dar und illustriert seine Anwendung am Beispiel des österreichischen Technologie-Delphi. Zum innovativen Ansatz des Projekts und des Einsatzes der Delphi-Methode gehören folgende Hauptelemente: der auf die spezifische Situation Ăsterreichs zugeschnittene Vorausschau-Ansatz (selektiv, nachfrage-, problem- und umsetzungsorientiert); die Modifikation des klassischen Delphi zu einem Entscheidungs-Delphi; eine breitere Definition der ExpertInnenbasis; sowie die Orientierung an der Total Design Methode fĂŒr postalische Umfragen. Die Umsetzung dieser Designelemente und ihr Beitrag zum erzielten Response werden diskutiert, anhand einiger GĂŒtekriterien belegt und mit einem Blick auf den Verwertungszusammenhang des Technologie-Delphi abgerundet
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