358 research outputs found
Detection of Anomalous Microwave Emission in the Pleiades Reflection Nebula with WMAP and the COSMOSOMAS Experiment
We present evidence for anomalous microwave emission (AME) in the Pleiades
reflection nebula, using data from the seven-year release of the Wilkinson
Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and from the COSMOSOMAS experiment. The flux
integrated in a 1-degree radius around R.A.=56.24^{\circ}, Dec.=23.78^{\circ}
(J2000) is 2.15 +/- 0.12 Jy at 22.8 GHz, where AME is dominant. COSMOSOMAS data
show no significant emission, but allow to set upper limits of 0.94 and 1.58 Jy
(99.7% C.L.) respectively at 10.9 and 14.7 GHz, which are crucial to pin down
the AME spectrum at these frequencies, and to discard any other emission
mechanisms which could have an important contribution to the signal detected at
22.8 GHz. We estimate the expected level of free-free emission from an
extinction-corrected H-alpha template, while the thermal dust emission is
characterized from infrared DIRBE data and extrapolated to microwave
frequencies. When we deduct the contribution from these two components at 22.8
GHz the residual flux, associated with AME, is 2.12 +/- 0.12 Jy (17.7-sigma).
The spectral energy distribution from 10 to 60 GHz can be accurately fitted
with a model of electric dipole emission from small spinning dust grains
distributed in two separated phases of molecular and atomic gas, respectively.
The dust emissivity, calculated by correlating the 22.8 GHz data with
100-micron data, is found to be 4.36+/-0.17 muK/MJy/sr, a value that is rather
low compared with typical values in dust clouds. The physical properties of the
Pleiades nebula indicate that this is indeed a much less opaque object than
others were AME has usually been detected. This fact, together with the broad
knowledge of the stellar content of this region, provides an excellent testbed
for AME characterization in physical conditions different from those generally
explored up to now.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 12 pages, 8 figure
The Effect of Hot Gas in WMAP's First Year Data
By cross-correlating templates constructed from the 2 Micron All Sky Survey
(2MASS) Extended Source (XSC) catalogue with WMAP's first year data, we search
for the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signature induced by hot gas in the local
Universe. Assuming that galaxies trace the distribution of hot gas, we select
regions on the sky with the largest projected density of galaxies. Under
conservative assumptions on the amplitude of foreground residuals, we find a
temperature decrement of -35 7 K ( detection level,
the highest reported so far) in the 26 square degrees of the sky
containing the largest number of galaxies per solid angle. We show that most of
the reported signal is caused by known galaxy clusters which, when convolved
with the average beam of the WMAP W band channel, subtend a typical angular
size of 20--30 arcmins. Finally, after removing from our analyses all pixels
associated with known optical and X-ray galaxy clusters, we still find a tSZ
decrement of -96 37 K in pixels subtending about 0.8 square
degrees on the sky. Most of this signal is coming from five different cluster
candidates in the Zone of Avoidance (ZoA), present in the Clusters In the ZoA
(CIZA) catalogue. We found no evidence that structures less bound than clusters
contribute to the tSZ signal present in the WMAP data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, matches accepted version in ApJ Letter
New radio observations of anomalous microwave emission in the HII region RCW175
We have observed the HII region RCW175 with the 64m Parkes telescope at
8.4GHz and 13.5GHz in total intensity, and at 21.5GHz in both total intensity
and polarization. High angular resolution, high sensitivity, and polarization
capability enable us to perform a detailed study of the different constituents
of the HII region. For the first time, we resolve three distinct regions at
microwave frequencies, two of which are part of the same annular diffuse
structure. Our observations enable us to confirm the presence of anomalous
microwave emission (AME) from RCW175. Fitting the integrated flux density
across the entire region with the currently available spinning dust models,
using physically motivated assumptions, indicates the presence of at least two
spinning dust components: a warm component with a relatively large hydrogen
number density n_H=26.3/cm^3 and a cold component with a hydrogen number
density of n_H=150/cm^3. The present study is an example highlighting the
potential of using high angular-resolution microwave data to break model
parameter degeneracies. Thanks to our spectral coverage and angular resolution,
we have been able to derive one of the first AME maps, at 13.5GHz, showing
clear evidence that the bulk of the AME arises in particular from one of the
source components, with some additional contribution from the diffuse
structure. A cross-correlation analysis with thermal dust emission has shown a
high degree of correlation with one of the regions within RCW175. In the center
of RCW175, we find an average polarized emission at 21.5GHz of
2.2\pm0.2(rand.)\pm0.3(sys.)% of the total emission, where we have included
both systematic and statistical uncertainties at 68% CL. This polarized
emission could be due to sub-dominant synchrotron emission from the region and
is thus consistent with very faint or non-polarized emission associated with
AME.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
Detailed study of the microwave emission of the supernova remnant 3C 396
We have observed the supernova remnant 3C~396 in the microwave region using
the Parkes 64-m telescope. Observations have been made at 8.4 GHz, 13.5 GHz,
and 18.6 GHz and in polarisation at 21.5 GHz. We have used data from several
other observatories, including previously unpublished observations performed by
the Green Bank Telescope at 31.2 GHz, to investigate the nature of the
microwave emission of 3C 396. Results show a spectral energy distribution
dominated by a single component power law emission with . Data do not favour the presence of anomalous microwave emission coming
from the source. Polarised emission at 21.5 GHz is consistent with
synchrotron-dominated emission. We present microwave maps and correlate them
with infrared (IR) maps in order to characterise the interplay between thermal
dust and microwave emission. IR vs. microwave TT plots reveal poor correlation
between mid-infrared and microwave emission from the core of the source. On the
other hand, a correlation is detected in the tail emission of the outer shell
of 3C 396, which could be ascribed to Galactic contamination.Comment: published in MNRA
Multifrequency spectral analysis of extragalactic radio sources in the 33-GHz VSA catalogue: sources with flattening and upturn spectrum
We present an analysis of the spectral properties of the extragalactic radio sources in the nearly complete Very Small Array (VSA) sample at 33 GHz. Data from different surveys are used to study source spectra between 1.4 and 33 GHz. We find that, in general, spectra cannot be well described by a single power law in the range of frequencies considered. In particular, most of the VSA sources that are steep between 1.4 and 5 GHz, show a spectral flattening at ν > 5 GHz. We identify 20 objects (19 per cent of the sample) clearly characterized by an upturn spectrum, i.e. a spectrum falling at low frequencies (ν less than or similar to 5 GHz) and inverted at higher frequencies. Spectra with high-frequency flattening or upturn shape are supposed to occur when the emission from the active galactic nucleus (AGN) compact core begins to dominate over the component from extended lobes. This picture fits well with the AGN unified scheme, for objects observed at intermediate viewing angles of the AGN jet. Finally, we discuss implications that this class of sources can have on future cosmic microwave background observations at high resolution
Cosmological parameter estimation using Very Small Array data out to ℓ= 1500
We estimate cosmological parameters using data obtained by the Very Small Array (VSA) in its extended configuration, in conjunction with a variety of other cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and external priors. Within the flat Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model, we find that the inclusion of high-resolution data from the VSA modifies the limits on the cosmological parameters as compared to those suggested by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) alone, while still remaining compatible with their estimates. We find that Ωbh2= 0.0234+0.0012−0.0014, Ωdmh2= 0.111+0.014−0.016, h= 0.73+0.09−0.05, nS= 0.97+0.06−0.03, 1010AS= 23+7−3 and τ= 0.14+0.14−0.07 for WMAP and VSA when no external prior is included. On extending the model to include a running spectral index of density fluctuations, we find that the inclusion of VSA data leads to a negative running at a level of more than 95 per cent confidence ( nrun=−0.069 ± 0.032 ), something that is not significantly changed by the inclusion of a stringent prior on the Hubble constant. Inclusion of prior information from the 2dF galaxy redshift survey reduces the significance of the result by constraining the value of Ωm. We discuss the veracity of this result in the context of various systematic effects and also a broken spectral index model. We also constrain the fraction of neutrinos and find that fν < 0.087 at 95 per cent confidence, which corresponds to mν < 0.32 eV when all neutrino masses are equal. Finally, we consider the global best fit within a general cosmological model with 12 parameters and find consistency with other analyses available in the literature. The evidence for nrun < 0 is only marginal within this model
Textures and Semi-Local Strings in SUSY Hybrid Inflation
Global topological defects may account for the large cold spot observed in
the Cosmic Microwave Background. We explore possibilities of constructing
models of supersymmetric F-term hybrid inflation, where the waterfall fields
are globally SU(2)-symmetric. In contrast to the case where SU(2) is gauged,
there arise Goldstone bosons and additional moduli, which are lifted only by
masses of soft-supersymmetry breaking scale. The model predicts the existence
of global textures, which can become semi-local strings if the waterfall fields
are gauged under U(1)_X. Gravitino overproduction can be avoided if reheating
proceeds via the light SU(2)-modes or right-handed sneutrinos. For values of
the inflaton- waterfall coupling >=10^-4, the symmetry breaking scale imposed
by normalisation of the power spectrum generated from inflation coincides with
the energy scale required to explain the most prominent of the cold spots. In
this case, the spectrum of density fluctuations is close to scale-invariant
which can be reconciled with measurements of the power spectrum by the
inclusion of the sub-dominant component due to the topological defects.Comment: 29 page
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