890 research outputs found

    A Cooperative Emergency Navigation Framework using Mobile Cloud Computing

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    The use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for emergency navigation systems suffer disadvantages such as limited computing capacity, restricted battery power and high likelihood of malfunction due to the harsh physical environment. By making use of the powerful sensing ability of smart phones, this paper presents a cloud-enabled emergency navigation framework to guide evacuees in a coordinated manner and improve the reliability and resilience in both communication and localization. By using social potential fields (SPF), evacuees form clusters during an evacuation process and are directed to egresses with the aid of a Cognitive Packet Networks (CPN) based algorithm. Rather than just rely on the conventional telecommunications infrastructures, we suggest an Ad hoc Cognitive Packet Network (AHCPN) based protocol to prolong the life time of smart phones, that adaptively searches optimal communication routes between portable devices and the egress node that provides access to a cloud server with respect to the remaining battery power of smart phones and the time latency.Comment: This document contains 8 pages and 3 figures and has been accepted by ISCIS 2014 (29th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences

    Errors and power when communicating with spins

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    We consider a network composed of a finite set of communicating nodes that send individual particles to each other, and each particle can carry binary information. Though our main motivation is related to communications in nanonetworks with electrons that carry magnetic spin as the bipolar information, one can also imagine that the particles may be molecules that use chirality to convey information. Since it is difficult for a particle to carry an identifier that conveys the identity of the “source” or “destination”, each node receives particles whose source cannot be ascertained since physical imperfections may result in particles being directed to the wrong destination in a manner that interferes with the correctly directed particles, and particles that should arrive at a node may be received by some other node. In addition, noise may randomly switch the polarity of particles, and in the case of magnetic spin we can also have the effect of entanglement.We estimate the error probability in such a multipoint network as a function of the rate of flow of particles, and the power consumption per communicating pair of nodes. We then design a bipolar detector and show that it can significantly eliminate the effect of errors

    Multiprocessor speed-up, Amdahl's Law, and the Activity Set Model of parallel program behavior

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    An important issue in the effective use of parallel processing is the estimation of the speed-up one may expect as a function of the number of processors used. Amdahl's Law has traditionally provided a guideline to this issue, although it appears excessively pessimistic in the light of recent experimental results. In this note, Amdahl's Law is amended by giving a greater importance to the capacity of a program to make effective use of parallel processing, but also recognizing the fact that imbalance of the workload of each processor is bound to occur. An activity set model of parallel program behavior is then introduced along with the corresponding parallelism index of a program, leading to upper and lower bounds to the speed-up

    Capacity Based Evacuation with Dynamic Exit Signs

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    Exit paths in buildings are designed to minimise evacuation time when the building is at full capacity. We present an evacuation support system which does this regardless of the number of evacuees. The core concept is to even-out congestion in the building by diverting evacuees to less-congested paths in order to make maximal usage of all accessible routes throughout the entire evacuation process. The system issues a set of flow-optimal routes using a capacity-constrained routing algorithm which anticipates evolutions in path metrics using the concept of "future capacity reservation". In order to direct evacuees in an intuitive manner whilst implementing the routing algorithm's scheme, we use dynamic exit signs, i.e. whose pointing direction can be controlled. To make this system practical and minimise reliance on sensors during the evacuation, we use an evacuee mobility model and make several assumptions on the characteristics of the evacuee flow. We validate this concept using simulations, and show how the underpinning assumptions may limit the system's performance, especially in low-headcount evacuations

    Routing Diverse Evacuees with Cognitive Packets

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    This paper explores the idea of smart building evacuation when evacuees can belong to different categories with respect to their ability to move and their health conditions. This leads to new algorithms that use the Cognitive Packet Network concept to tailor different quality of service needs to different evacuees. These ideas are implemented in a simulated environment and evaluated with regard to their effectiveness.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Cloud Enabled Emergency Navigation Using Faster-than-real-time Simulation

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    State-of-the-art emergency navigation approaches are designed to evacuate civilians during a disaster based on real-time decisions using a pre-defined algorithm and live sensory data. Hence, casualties caused by the poor decisions and guidance are only apparent at the end of the evacuation process and cannot then be remedied. Previous research shows that the performance of routing algorithms for evacuation purposes are sensitive to the initial distribution of evacuees, the occupancy levels, the type of disaster and its as well its locations. Thus an algorithm that performs well in one scenario may achieve bad results in another scenario. This problem is especially serious in heuristic-based routing algorithms for evacuees where results are affected by the choice of certain parameters. Therefore, this paper proposes a simulation-based evacuee routing algorithm that optimises evacuation by making use of the high computational power of cloud servers. Rather than guiding evacuees with a predetermined routing algorithm, a robust Cognitive Packet Network based algorithm is first evaluated via a cloud-based simulator in a faster-than-real-time manner, and any "simulated casualties" are then re-routed using a variant of Dijkstra's algorithm to obtain new safe paths for them to exits. This approach can be iterated as long as corrective action is still possible.Comment: Submitted to PerNEM'15 for revie

    Adaptive Dispatching of Tasks in the Cloud

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    The increasingly wide application of Cloud Computing enables the consolidation of tens of thousands of applications in shared infrastructures. Thus, meeting the quality of service requirements of so many diverse applications in such shared resource environments has become a real challenge, especially since the characteristics and workload of applications differ widely and may change over time. This paper presents an experimental system that can exploit a variety of online quality of service aware adaptive task allocation schemes, and three such schemes are designed and compared. These are a measurement driven algorithm that uses reinforcement learning, secondly a "sensible" allocation algorithm that assigns jobs to sub-systems that are observed to provide a lower response time, and then an algorithm that splits the job arrival stream into sub-streams at rates computed from the hosts' processing capabilities. All of these schemes are compared via measurements among themselves and with a simple round-robin scheduler, on two experimental test-beds with homogeneous and heterogeneous hosts having different processing capacities.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Search in the Universe of Big Networks and Data

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    Searching in the Internet for some object characterised by its attributes in the form of data, such as a hotel in a certain city whose price is less than something, is one of our most common activities when we access the Web. We discuss this problem in a general setting, and compute the average amount of time and the energy it takes to find an object in an infinitely large search space. We consider the use of N search agents which act concurrently. Both the case where the search agent knows which way it needs to go to find the object, and the case where the search agent is perfectly ignorant and may even head away from the object being sought. We show that under mild conditions regarding the randomness of the search and the use of a time-out, the search agent will always find the object despite the fact that the search space is infinite. We obtain a formula for the average search time and the average energy expended by N search agents acting concurrently and independently of each other. We see that the time-out itself can be used to minimise the search time and the amount of energy that is consumed to find an object. An approximate formula is derived for the number of search agents that can help us guarantee that an object is found in a given time, and we discuss how the competition between search agents and other agents that try to hide the data object, can be used by opposing parties to guarantee their own success.Comment: IEEE Network Magazine - Special Issue on Networking for Big Data, July-August 201

    Signalling Storms in 3G Mobile Networks

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    We review the characteristics of signalling storms that have been caused by certain common apps and recently observed in cellular networks, leading to system outages. We then develop a mathematical model of a mobile user's signalling behaviour which focuses on the potential of causing such storms, and represent it by a large Markov chain. The analysis of this model allows us to determine the key parameters of mobile user device behaviour that can lead to signalling storms. We then identify the parameter values that will lead to worst case load for the network itself in the presence of such storms. This leads to explicit results regarding the manner in which individual mobile behaviour can cause overload conditions on the network and its signalling servers, and provides insight into how this may be avoided.Comment: IEEE ICC 2014 - Communications and Information Systems Security Symposiu