513 research outputs found
Jet Bundles in Quantum Field Theory: The BRST-BV method
The geometric interpretation of the Batalin-Vilkovisky antibracket as the
Schouten bracket of functional multivectors is examined in detail. The
identification is achieved by the process of repeated contraction of even
functional multivectors with fermionic functional 1-forms. The classical master
equation may then be considered as a generalisation of the Jacobi identity for
Poisson brackets, and the cohomology of a nilpotent even functional multivector
is identified with the BRST cohomology. As an example, the BRST-BV formulation
of gauge fixing in theories with gauge symmetries is reformulated in the jet
bundle formalism. (Hopefully this version will be TeXable)Comment: 26 page
How `hot' are mixed quantum states?
Given a mixed quantum state of a qudit, we consider any observable
as a kind of `thermometer' in the following sense. Given a source which emits
pure states with these or those distributions, we select such distributions
that the appropriate average value of the observable is equal to the
average Tr of in the stare . Among those distributions we find
the most typical one, namely, having the highest differential entropy. We call
this distribution conditional Gibbs ensemble as it turns out to be a Gibbs
distribution characterized by a temperature-like parameter . The
expressions establishing the liaisons between the density operator and
its temperature parameter are provided. Within this approach, the
uniform mixed state has the highest `temperature', which tends to zero as the
state in question approaches to a pure state.Comment: Contribution to Quantum 2006: III workshop ad memoriam of Carlo
Novero: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information
with atoms and photons. 2-5 May 2006 - Turin, Ital
Multi-Component KdV Hierarchy, V-Algebra and Non-Abelian Toda Theory
I prove the recently conjectured relation between the -matrix
differential operator , and a certain non-linear and non-local
Poisson bracket algebra (-algebra), containing a Virasoro subalgebra, which
appeared in the study of a non-abelian Toda field theory. Here, I show that
this -algebra is precisely given by the second Gelfand-Dikii bracket
associated with . The Miura transformation is given which relates the second
to the first Gelfand-Dikii bracket. The two Gelfand-Dikii brackets are also
obtained from the associated (integro-) differential equation satisfied by
fermion bilinears. The asymptotic expansion of the resolvent of
is studied and its coefficients yield an infinite sequence of
hamiltonians with mutually vanishing Poisson brackets. I recall how this leads
to a matrix KdV hierarchy which are flow equations for the three component
fields of . For they reduce to the ordinary KdV
hierarchy. The corresponding matrix mKdV equations are also given, as well as
the relation to the pseudo- differential operator approach. Most of the results
continue to hold if is a hermitian -matrix. Conjectures are made
about -matrix -order differential operators and
associated -algebras.Comment: 20 pages, revised: several references to earlier papers on
multi-component KdV equations are adde
Fourier transform and rigidity of certain distributions
Let be a finite dimensional vector space over a local field, and be
its dual. For a closed subset of , and of , consider the space
of tempered distributions on whose support are contained
in and support of whose Fourier transform are contained in . We show
that possesses a certain rigidity property, for ,
which are some finite unions of affine subspaces.Comment: 10 page
Presymplectic representation of bi-Hamiltonian chain
Liouville integrable systems, which have bi-Hamiltonian representation of the
Gel'fand-Zakharevich type, are considered. Bi-presymplectic representation of
one-Casimir bi-Hamiltonian chains and weakly bi-presymplectic representation of
multi-Casimir bi-Hamiltonian chains are constructed. The reduction procedure
for Poisson and presymplectic structures is presented.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge
On the Non-relativistic Limit of Linear Wave Equations for Zero and Unity Spin Particles
The non-relativistic limit of the linear wave equation for zero and unity
spin bosons of mass in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau representation is
investigated by means of a unitary transformation, analogous to the
Foldy-Wouthuysen canonical transformation for a relativistic electron. The
interacting case is also analyzed, by considering a power series expansion of
the transformed Hamiltonian, thus demonstrating that all features of particle
dynamics can be recovered if corrections of order are taken into
account through a recursive iteration procedure.Comment: 10 page
A Mealy machine with polynomial growth of irrational degree
We consider a very simple Mealy machine (three states over a two-symbol
alphabet), and derive some properties of the semigroup it generates. In
particular, this is an infinite, finitely generated semigroup; we show that the
growth function of its balls behaves asymptotically like n^2.4401..., where
this constant is 1 + log(2)/log((1+sqrt(5))/2); that the semigroup satisfies
the identity g^6=g^4; and that its lattice of two-sided ideals is a chain.Comment: 20 pages, 1 diagra
A Lorentzian Signature Model for Quantum General Relativity
We give a relativistic spin network model for quantum gravity based on the
Lorentz group and its q-deformation, the Quantum Lorentz Algebra.
We propose a combinatorial model for the path integral given by an integral
over suitable representations of this algebra. This generalises the state sum
models for the case of the four-dimensional rotation group previously studied
in gr-qc/9709028.
As a technical tool, formulae for the evaluation of relativistic spin
networks for the Lorentz group are developed, with some simple examples which
show that the evaluation is finite in interesting cases. We conjecture that the
`10J' symbol needed in our model has a finite value.Comment: 22 pages, latex, amsfonts, Xypic. Version 3: improved presentation.
Version 2 is a major revision with explicit formulae included for the
evaluation of relativistic spin networks and the computation of examples
which have finite value
Spherical functions on the de Sitter group
Matrix elements and spherical functions of irreducible representations of the
de Sitter group are studied on the various homogeneous spaces of this group. It
is shown that a universal covering of the de Sitter group gives rise to
quaternion Euler angles. An explicit form of Casimir and Laplace-Beltrami
operators on the homogeneous spaces is given. Different expressions of the
matrix elements and spherical functions are given in terms of multiple
hypergeometric functions both for finite-dimensional and unitary
representations of the principal series of the de Sitter group.Comment: 40 page
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