576 research outputs found

    Cs Extraction from Chloride Media by Calixarene Crown-Ethers

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    Asse II salt mine, in Germany, contains low and intermediate-level radioactive waste that must be retrieved in the upcoming years. Potentially contaminated salts and brines will require treatment, with 137Cs being the main contaminant. Cs+ is problematic to selectively recover due to its chemical similarity with Na+ and K+ which are present in high quantities in a salt mine. This paper offers a novel solution for Cs+ separation from concentrated chloride salt media by solvent extraction with calixarene-crown-ether extractants in an alcoholic diluent. The proposed solvent extracts Cs+ at elevated chloride concentrations (3–4 M) while back-extraction is achieved by contacting the solvent with dilute (0.01 M) hydrochloric acid

    SpaceCube Mini

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    This version of the SpaceCube will be a full-fledged, onboard space processing system capable of 2500+ MIPS, and featuring a number of plug-andplay gigabit and standard interfaces, all in a condensed 3x3x3 form factor [less than 10 watts and less than 3 lb (approximately equal to 1.4 kg)]. The main processing engine is the Xilinx SIRF radiation- hardened-by-design Virtex-5 FX-130T field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Even as the SpaceCube 2.0 version (currently under test) is being targeted as the platform of choice for a number of the upcoming Earth Science Decadal Survey missions, GSFC has been contacted by customers who wish to see a system that incorporates key features of the version 2.0 architecture in an even smaller form factor. In order to fulfill that need, the SpaceCube Mini is being designed, and will be a very compact and low-power system. A similar flight system with this combination of small size, low power, low cost, adaptability, and extremely high processing power does not otherwise exist, and the SpaceCube Mini will be of tremendous benefit to GSFC and its partners. The SpaceCube Mini will utilize space-grade components. The primary processing engine of the Mini is the Xilinx Virtex-5 SIRF FX-130T radiation-hardened-by-design FPGA for critical flight applications in high-radiation environments. The Mini can also be equipped with a commercial Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA with integrated PowerPCs for a low-cost, high-power computing platform for use in the relatively radiation- benign LEOs (low-Earth orbits). In either case, this version of the Space-Cube will weigh less than 3 pounds (.1.4 kg), conform to the CubeSat form-factor (10x10x10 cm), and will be low power (less than 10 watts for typical applications). The SpaceCube Mini will have a radiation-hardened Aeroflex FPGA for configuring and scrubbing the Xilinx FPGA by utilizing the onboard FLASH memory to store the configuration files. The FLASH memory will also be used for storing algorithm and application code for the PowerPCs and the Xilinx FPGA. In addition, it will feature highspeed DDR SDRAM (double data rate synchronous dynamic random-access memory) to store the instructions and data of active applications. This version will also feature SATA-II and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. Furthermore, there will also be general-purpose, multi-gigabit interfaces. In addition, the system will have dozens of transceivers that can support LVDS (low-voltage differential signaling), RS-422, or SpaceWire. The SpaceCube Mini includes an I/O card that can be customized to meet the needs of each mission. This version of the SpaceCube will be designed so that multiple Minis can be networked together using SpaceWire, Ethernet, or even a custom protocol. Scalability can be provided by networking multiple SpaceCube Minis together. Rigid-Flex technology is being targeted for the construction of the SpaceCube Mini, which will make the extremely compact and low-weight design feasible. The SpaceCube Mini is designed to fit in the compact CubeSat form factor, thus allowing deployment in a new class of missions that the previous SpaceCube versions were not suited for. At the time of this reporting, engineering units should be available in the summer 2012

    Technical note: Testing the effect of different pumping rates on pore-water sampling for ions, stable isotopes, and gas concentrations in the hyporheic zone

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    The hyporheic zone (HZ) is of major importance for carbon and nutrient cycling as well as for the ecological health of stream ecosystems, but it is also a hot spot of greenhouse gas production. Biogeochemical observations in this ecotone are complicated by a very high spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics. It is especially difficult to monitor changes in gas concentrations over time because this requires pore-water extraction, which may negatively affect the quality of gas analyses through gas losses or other sampling artifacts. In this field study, we wanted to test the effect of different pumping rates on gas measurements and installed Rhizon samplers for repeated pore-water extraction in the HZ of a small stream. Pore-water sampling at different pumping rates was combined with an optical sensor unit for in situ measurements of dissolved oxygen and a depth-resolved temperature monitoring system. While Rhizon samplers were found to be highly suitable for pore-water sampling of dissolved solutes, measured gas concentrations, here CH4, showed a strong dependency of the pumping rate during sample extraction, and an isotopic shift in gas samples became evident. This was presumably caused by a different behavior of water and gas phase in the pore space. The manufactured oxygen sensor could locate the oxic–anoxic interface with very high precision. This is ecologically important and allows us to distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic processes. Temperature data could not only be used to estimate vertical hyporheic exchange but also depicted sedimentation and erosion processes. Overall, the combined approach was found to be a promising and effective tool to acquire time-resolved data for the quantification of biogeochemical processes in the HZ with high spatial resolution.</p

    Mapping Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Using RapidEye Satellite Data: The Example of Lake Kummerow (Germany)

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    Submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) is sensitive to changes in environmental conditions and plays an important role as a long-term indictor for the trophic state of freshwater lakes. Variations in water level height, nutrient condition, light availability and water temperature affect the growth and species composition of SAV. Detailed information about seasonal variations in littoral bottom coverage are still unknown, although these effects are expected to mask climate change-related long-term changes, as derived by snapshots of standard monitoring methods included in the European Water Framework Directive. Remote sensing offers concepts to map SAV quickly, within large areas, and at short intervals. This study analyses the potential of a semi-empirical method to map littoral bottom coverage by a multi-seasonal approach. Depth-invariant indices were calculated for four Atmospheric & Topographic Correction (ATCOR2) atmospheric corrected RapidEye data sets acquired at Lake Kummerow, Germany, between June and August 2015. RapidEye data evaluation was supported by in situ measurements of the diffuse attenuation coefficient of the water column and bottom reflectance. The processing chain was able to differentiate between SAV and sandy sediment. The successive increase of SAV coverage from June to August was correctly monitored. Comparisons with in situ and Google Earth imagery revealed medium accuracies (kappa coefficient = 0.61, overall accuracy = 72.2%). The analysed time series further revealed how water constituents and temporary surface phenomena such as sun glint or algal blooms influence the identification success of lake bottom substrates. An abundant algal bloom biased the interpretability of shallow water substrate such that a differentiation of sediments and SAV patches failed completely. Despite the documented limitations, mapping of SAV using RapidEye seems possible, even in eutrophic lakes

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 4, 1975

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    Soloists named for Messiah • Party hangover • Ec Club hears oil co. view of energy crisis • Guidelines approved for records access • Faculty grievances presented to adm. • U.S.G.A.: Risen from the dead? • Editorial: Malcontents or outdated policy? • Letters to the editor: On student rights • Super game, super seasonhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1048/thumbnail.jp