3 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Membaca Wacana Ujian Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 Bagi Calon Perawat Lansia Magang Jepang

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    Calon nakes perawat lansia magang di Jepang mengalami kesulitan untuk lulus ujian kemampuan Bahasa Jepang setara Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 yang merupakan syarat untuk berangkat magang di Jepang. Kesulitan terbesar mereka adalah pada bagian Membaca Wacana. Solusi yang dirancang pada kegiatan abdimas ini adalah pelatihan membaca wacana soal JLPT level 4 dengan menggunakan tiga modul yang merupakan pengembangan hasil penelitian pelaksana abdimas ini. Ketiga modul tersebut adalah modul Pemahaman Wacana, modul Pencarian Informasi Detil dalam Wacana, dan modul Strategi JLPT level N4. Ketiga modul dilaksanakan secara daring baik bersifat synchronous maupun asynchronous melalui aplikasi Whatsapp messenger dan media video conference ZOOM. Sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan pelatihan akan diadakan tes awal dan tes akhir untuk mengukur efektifitas pelatihan. Hasil pelaksanaan Abdimas menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada kemampuan membaca wacana peserta. Peserta mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dalam penguasaan membaca wacana secara utuh, mencari informasi detil dalam wacana dengan menggunakan kata kunci, dan mengerjakan simulasi JLPT N4 dengan menggunakan strategi memilih soal. Pada akhir kegiatan seluruh peserta mampu lulus simulasi ujian JLPT N4 yang dipersyaratkan bagi calon nakes perawat manula di Jepang.Kata Kunci: Pelatihan Membaca Wacana, JLPT level 4, Nakes Perawat Lansi

    Changes in the Matrilineal System within Minangkabau Children's Carito

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    This article explores the transformation of the matrilineal system within Minangkabau children’s carito. In general, children’s carito are considered bedtime stories that convey positive values; as such, research into them has focused on values. Children’s carito have been collected through interviews with storytellers who retain the carito within their memories. The memories of these storytellers have changed together with changes in the storytellers themselves and in their environments. To explore the changes in the matrilineal system within the carito, one story has been analyzed over three generations (from grandparents, parents, to children). Changes in the matrilineal system are evidenced through the carito characters’ emergence and disappearance, their actions, and their interactions with their mothers, who—as in the matrilineal system—are central within the carito. Changes, differences, and behaviors within the carito indicate the dynamic transformation of communal families to conjugal families and ultimately nuclear families

    Changes in the Matrilineal System within Minangkabau Children's Carito

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    This article explores the transformation of the matrilineal system within Minangkabau children’s carito. In general, children’s carito are considered bedtime stories that convey positive values; as such, research into them has focused on values. Children’s carito have been collected through interviews with storytellers who retain the carito within their memories. The memories of these storytellers have changed together with changes in the storytellers themselves and in their environments. To explore the changes in the matrilineal system within the carito, one story has been analyzed over three generations (from grandparents, parents, to children). Changes in the matrilineal system are evidenced through the carito characters’ emergence and disappearance, their actions, and their interactions with their mothers, who—as in the matrilineal system—are central within the carito. Changes, differences, and behaviors within the carito indicate the dynamic transformation of communal families to conjugal families and ultimately nuclear families