2,863 research outputs found
Pressure-induced enhancement of superconductivity and superconducting-superconducting transition in CaC
We measured the electrical resistivity, , of superconducting
CaC at ambient and high pressure up to 16 GPa. For 8 GPa, we found
a large increase of with pressure from 11.5 up to 15.1 K. At 8 GPa,
drops and levels off at 5 K above 10 GPa. Correspondingly, the residual
increases by 200 times and the behavior
becomes flat. The recovery of the pristine behavior after depressurization is
suggestive of a phase transition at 8 GPa between two superconducting phases
with good and bad metallic properties, the latter with a lower and more
static disorder
Status of KLOE-2
In a few months the KLOE-2 detector is expected to start data taking at the
upgraded DANE -factory of INFN Laboratori Nazionali di
Frascati. It aims to collect 25 fb at the peak, and about 5
fb in the energy region between 1 and 2.5 GeV. We review the status and
physics program of the projectComment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the PHIPSI09
Workshop, Oct 13-16, 2009, Beijing, Chin
Internal-strain mediated coupling between polar Bi and magnetic Mn ions in the defect-free quadruple-perovskite BiMnMnO
By means of neutron powder diffraction, we investigated the effect of the
polar Bi ion on the magnetic ordering of the Mn ions in
BiMnMnO, the counterpart with \textit{quadruple} perovskite
structure of the \textit{simple} perovskite BiMnO. The data are consistent
with a \textit{noncentrosymmetric} spacegroup which contrasts the
\textit{centrosymmetric} one previously reported for the isovalent and
isomorphic compound LaMnMnO, which gives evidence of a
Bi-induced polarization of the lattice. At low temperature, the two
Mn sublattices of the and sites order antiferromagnetically
(AFM) in an independent manner at 25 and 55 K, similarly to the case of
LaMnMnO. However, both magnetic structures of
BiMnMnO radically differ from those of LaMnMnO.
In BiMnMnO the moments of the sites form
an anti-body AFM structure, whilst the moments \textbf{M} of the
sites result from a large and \textit{uniform} modulation along the b-axis of the moments \textbf{M} in the
-plane. The modulation is strikingly correlated with the displacements of
the Mn ions induced by the Bi ions. Our analysis unveils a strong
magnetoelastic coupling between the internal strain created by the Bi
ions and the moment of the Mn ions in the sites. This is ascribed to
the high symmetry of the oxygen sites and to the absence of oxygen defects, two
characteristics of quadruple perovskites not found in simple ones, which
prevent the release of the Bi-induced strain through distortions or
disorder. This demonstrates the possibility of a large magnetoelectric coupling
in proper ferroelectrics and suggests a novel concept of internal strain
engineering for multiferroics design.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 5 table
Electron localization and possible phase separation in the absence of a charge density wave in single-phase 1T-VS
We report on a systematic study of the structural, magnetic and transport
properties of high-purity 1T-VS powder samples prepared under high
pressure. The results differ notably from those previously obtained by
de-intercalating Li from LiVS. First, no Charge Density Wave (CDW) is found
by transmission electron microscopy down to 94 K. Though, \textit{ab initio}
phonon calculations unveil a latent CDW instability driven by an acoustic
phonon softening at the wave vector (0.21,0.21,0)
previously reported in de-intercalated samples. A further indication of latent
lattice instability is given by an anomalous expansion of the V-S bond distance
at low temperature. Second, infrared optical absorption and electrical
resistivity measurements give evidence of non metallic properties, consistent
with the observation of no CDW phase. On the other hand, magnetic
susceptibility and NMR data suggest the coexistence of localized moments with
metallic carriers, in agreement with \textit{ab initio} band structure
calculations. This discrepancy is reconciled by a picture of electron
localization induced by disorder or electronic correlations leading to a phase
separation of metallic and non-metallic domains in the nm scale. We conclude
that 1T-VS is at the verge of a CDW transition and suggest that residual
electronic doping in Li de-intercalated samples stabilizes a uniform CDW phase
with metallic properties.Comment: 22 pages, 10 Figures. Full resolution pictures available at
The Low Energy Tagger for the KLOE-2 experiment
The KLOE experiment at the upgraded DAFNE e+e- collider in Frascati (KLOE-2)
is going to start a new data taking at the beginning of 2010 with its detector
upgraded with a tagging system for the identification of gamma-gamma
interactions. The tagging stations for low-energy e+e- will consist in two
calorimeters The calorimeter used to detect low-energy e+e- will be placed
between the beam-pipe outer support structure and the inner wall of the KLOE
drift chamber. This calorimeter will be made of LYSO crystals readout by
Silicon Photomultipliers, to achieve an energy resolution better than 8% at 200
MeV.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, in the proceedings of "Frontier detectors for
frontier physics", isola d'Elba, Italy, May 200
Granularity-induced gapless superconductivity in NbN films: evidence of thermal phase fluctuations
Using a single coil mutual inductance technique, we measure the low
temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth in superconducting NbN
films prepared with similar critical temperatures around 16 K but with
different microstructures. Only (100) epitaxial and weakly granular (100)
textured films display the characteristic exponential dependence of
conventional BCS s-wave superconductors. More granular (111) textured films
exhibit a linear dependence, indicating a gapless state in spite of the s-wave
gap. This result is quantitatively explained by a model of thermal phase
fluctuations favored by the granular structure.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Hall helps Ohm: some corrections to negative-U centers approach to transport properties of YBaCuO and LaSrCuO
For broad oxygen and strontium doping ranges, temperature dependences
(T-dependences) of the normal state resistivity \rho(T) of YBa_2Cu_3O_x (YBCO)
and La_(2-x)Sr_xCuO_4 (LSCO) are calculated and compared to experiments. Holes
transport was taken in the \tau-approximation, where \tau(T,\epsilon) is due to
acoustic phonons. Besides, T-dependence of the chemical potential \mu(T) and
effective carrier mass m* ~10-100 free electron masses, obtained by negative-U
centers modelling the T-dependence of the Hall coefficient, were used to
calculate \rho(T). In addition, it is demonstrated that anisotropy of the
cuprates does not affect the calculated T-variation of neither Hall coefficient
nor \rho, but only rescale their magnitudes by factors depending on
combinations of m_ab and m_c.Comment: 4th International Conference Fundamental Problems of High-Temperature
Superconductivity, Moscow-Zvenigorod (October 3-7, 2011) Submitted to J.
Supercond. Nov. Magn.: after revision. Extension for Supercond. Sci. Technol.
24 075026 (2011), DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/24/7/075026 Contains: 2 pages, 3
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