3,003 research outputs found

    A Dielectric Flow Solution with Maximal Supersymmetry

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    We obtain a solution to eleven-dimensional supergravity that consists of M2-branes embedded in a dielectric distribution of M5-branes. Contrary to normal expectations, this solution has maximal supersymmetry for a brane solution (i.e. sixteen supercharges). While the solution is constructed using gauged supergravity in four dimensions, the complete eleven-dimensional solution is given. In particular, we obtain the Killing spinors explicitly, and we find that they are characterised by a duality rotation of the standard Dirichlet projection matrix for M2-branes.Comment: 17 pages; harvma

    Classifying Supergravity Solutions

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    We review the substantial progress that has been made in classifying supersymmetric solutions of supergravity theories using G-structures. We also review the construction of supersymmetric black rings that were discovered using the classification of D=5 supergravity solutions.Comment: 16 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium Ahrenshoop, ``Recent Developments in String/M-Theory and Field Theory", August 23-27 2004, Berlin-Schmoeckwitz. References adde

    Toric Sasaki-Einstein metrics on S^2 x S^3

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    We show that by taking a certain scaling limit of a Euclideanised form of the Plebanski-Demianski metrics one obtains a family of local toric Kahler-Einstein metrics. These can be used to construct local Sasaki-Einstein metrics in five dimensions which are generalisations of the Y^{p,q} manifolds. In fact, we find that these metrics are diffeomorphic to those recently found by Cvetic, Lu, Page and Pope. We argue that the corresponding family of smooth Sasaki-Einstein manifolds all have topology S^2 x S^3. We conclude by setting up the equations describing the warped version of the Calabi-Yau cones, supporting (2,1) three-form flux.Comment: 9 pages; v2: complex coordinates give

    Bubbling 1/2 BPS solutions of minimal six-dimensional supergravity

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    We continue our previous analysis (hep-th/0412045) of 1/2 BPS solutions to minimal 6d supergravity of bubbling form. We show that, by turning on an axion field in the T^2 torus reduction, the constraint F \wedge F, present in the case of an S^1 x S^1 reduction, is relaxed. We prove that the four-dimensional reduction to a bosonic field theory, whose content is the metric, a gauge field, two scalars and a pseudo-scalar (the axion), is consistent. Moreover, these reductions when lifted to the six-dimensional minimal supergravity represent the sought-after family of 1/2 BPS bubbling solutions.Comment: 17 pages, late

    AdS spacetimes from wrapped M5 branes

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    We derive a complete geometrical characterisation of a large class of AdS3AdS_3, AdS4AdS_4 and AdS5AdS_5 supersymmetric spacetimes in eleven-dimensional supergravity using G-structures. These are obtained as special cases of a class of supersymmetric R1,1\mathbb{R}^{1,1}, R1,2\mathbb{R}^{1,2} and R1,3\mathbb{R}^{1,3} geometries, naturally associated to M5-branes wrapping calibrated cycles in manifolds with G2G_2, SU(3) or SU(2) holonomy. Specifically, the latter class is defined by requiring that the Killing spinors satisfy the same set of projection conditions as for wrapped probe branes, and that there is no electric flux. We show how the R-symmetries of the dual field theories appear as isometries of the general AdS geometries. We also show how known solutions previously constructed in gauged supergravity satisfy our more general G-structure conditions, demonstrate that our conditions for half-BPS AdS5AdS_5 geometries are precisely those of Lin, Lunin and Maldacena, and construct some new singular solutions.Comment: 1+56 pages, LaTeX; v2, references added; v3, minor corrections, final version to appear in JHE

    Geometries with Killing Spinors and Supersymmetric AdS Solutions

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    The seven and nine dimensional geometries associated with certain classes of supersymmetric AdS3AdS_3 and AdS2AdS_2 solutions of type IIB and D=11 supergravity, respectively, have many similarities with Sasaki-Einstein geometry. We further elucidate their properties and also generalise them to higher odd dimensions by introducing a new class of complex geometries in 2n+22n+2 dimensions, specified by a Riemannian metric, a scalar field and a closed three-form, which admit a particular kind of Killing spinor. In particular, for n≥3n\ge 3, we show that when the geometry in 2n+22n+2 dimensions is a cone we obtain a class of geometries in 2n+12n+1 dimensions, specified by a Riemannian metric, a scalar field and a closed two-form, which includes the seven and nine-dimensional geometries mentioned above when n=3,4n=3,4, respectively. We also consider various ansatz for the geometries and construct infinite classes of explicit examples for all nn.Comment: 28 page

    AdS(3) Solutions of IIB Supergravity from D3-branes

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    We consider pure D3-brane configurations of IIB string theory which lead to supersymmetric solutions containing an AdS3_3 factor. They can provide new examples of AdS3_3/CFT2_2 examples on D3-branes whose worldvolume is partially compactified. When the internal 7 dimensional space is non-compact, they can be identified as supersymmetric fluctuations of higher dimensional AdS solutions and are in general dual to 1/8-BPS operators thereof. We find that supersymmetry requires the 7 dimensional space take the form of a warped U(1) fibration over a 6 dimensional Kahler manifold.Comment: 10 pages, no figure, JHEP3.cls; v3: corrected errors in the published versio
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