4 research outputs found
Distorted Black Holes with Charge
We present new solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations representing a
class of charged distorted black holes. These solutions are static-axisymmetric
and are generalizations of the distorted black hole solutions studied by Geroch
and Hartle. Physically, they represent a charged black hole distorted by
external matter fields. We discuss the zeroth and first law for these black
holes. The first law is proved in two different forms, one motivated by the
isolated horizon framework and the other using normalizations at infinity.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe
Superposition of Weyl solutions: The equilibrium forces
Solutions to the Einstein equation that represent the superposition of static
isolated bodies with axially symmetry are presented. The equations nonlinearity
yields singular structures (strut and membranes) to equilibrate the bodies. The
force on the strut like singularities is computed for a variety of situations.
The superposition of a ring and a particle is studied in some detailComment: 31 pages, 7 figures, psbox macro. Submitted to Classical and Quantum
Isolated Horizons: Hamiltonian Evolution and the First Law
A framework was recently introduced to generalize black hole mechanics by
replacing stationary event horizons with isolated horizons. That framework is
significantly extended. The extension is non-trivial in that not only do the
boundary conditions now allow the horizon to be distorted and rotating, but
also the subsequent analysis is based on several new ingredients. Specifically,
although the overall strategy is closely related to that in the previous work,
the dynamical variables, the action principle and the Hamiltonian framework are
all quite different. More importantly, in the non-rotating case, the first law
is shown to arise as a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of
a consistent Hamiltonian evolution. Somewhat surprisingly, this consistency
condition in turn leads to new predictions even for static black holes. To
complement the previous work, the entire discussion is presented in terms of
tetrads and associated (real) Lorentz connections.Comment: 56 pages, 1 figure, Revtex; Final Version, to appear in PR