74 research outputs found
Vertebrate diversity revealed by metabarcoding of bulk arthropod samples from tropical forests
Vertebrate diversity revealed by metabarcoding of bulk arthropod samples from tropical forests
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Quantas espécies de plantas vasculares existem em um hotspot local de biodiversidade no sudeste do Brasil?
Scientific information about the distribution of species richness and diversity is necessary for full comprehension of our evolutionary heritage forming a powerful tool for the development of nature conservation strategies. The aim of this article was to estimate the vascular plant species richness of the campos rupestres from the Itacolomi State Park (ISP) in order to verify the park´s classification as a local hotspot of biodiversity and to outline the status quo of knowledge about biodiversity in the region. For that, the species richness of two phytosociological surveys of 0.15 ha each were extrapolated using (a) the species-area relationship fitted by the power and the logarithmic model as well as (b) the taxon ratio model. The taxon ratio model estimates total vascular plant species richness to 1109 species using seven different taxa. Extrapolations of different fittings of the species-area relationships calculate the complete park’s richness to values between 241 and 386 (logarithmic model), and 3346 to 10421 (power model). These extrapolations are far beyond realistic: the logarithmic model underestimates the park´s species richness, because more than 520 vascular plant species have already been registered in the park. On the other hand, it is not plausible that one-fourth or more of all species registered so far in the Atlantic Tropical Forest Biome occur in the ISP as indicated by the extrapolation with the power model. The most realistic estimation was achieved by the taxon ratio model. Although confidence intervals are large, the species richness estimated by this method legitimates the classification of the ISP as a local hotspot of biodiversity, but this value also outlines the lack of knowledge about biodiversity in this region and the urgent need for more taxonomical and ecological research.Key words: campos rupestres, species-area relationship, taxon ratios, Espinhaço Mountain Range.Informação científica sobre a distribuição de riqueza e diversidade de espécies é necessária para a compreensão plena da nossa herança evolutiva formando uma ferramenta poderosa para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de conservação de natureza. O objetivo deste trabalho constituiu-se em estimar a riqueza de plantas vasculares nos campos rupestres do Parque Estadual do Itacolomi (PEI) para justificar a sua classificação como um hotspot local de biodiversidade e para delinear o status quo do conhecimento sobre a biodiversidade na região. Para isso, o número de espécies encontradas em dois levantamentos fitossociológicos de 0,15 ha cada foi extrapolado usando (a) a relação espécie-área ajustada pelo modelo de potência e pelo modelo logarítmico bem como (b) o modelo de relação de táxons. O modelo de relação de táxons estimou a riqueza total para 1.109 espécies usando sete diferentes táxons. Extrapolações de diferentes modelos da relação espécie-área estimaram a riqueza total dos campos rupestres do parque para valores entre 241 e 386 (modelo logarítmico) e 3346 e 10421 (modelo de potência). As extrapolações da relação espécie-área foram muito além do real: o modelo logarítmico subestimou a riqueza de espécies do parque, porque há mais de 520 espécies de plantas vasculares registradas para o parque. Por outro lado, não é plausível que um quarto ou mais das espécies registradas no Bioma Mata Atlântica ocorra no PEI como a extrapolação do modelo de potência indicou. A estimativa mais realista foi alcançada pelo modelo de relação dos táxons. Embora os intervalos de confiança sejam grandes, a riqueza de espécies estimada por esse método justificou a classificação do PEI como um hotspot local de biodiversidade. A riqueza estimada de espécies também destacou a falta de conhecimento sobre a biodiversidade da região e a necessidade urgente de mais pesquisas taxonômicas e ecológicas.Palavras-chave: campos rupestres, relação espécie-área, relações táxon, Serra do Espinhaço
Pollinator restoration in Brazilian ecosystems relies on a small but phylogenetically-diverse set of plant families
The alarming rate of global pollinator decline has made habitat restoration for pollinators a conservation priority. At the same time, empirical and theoretical studies on plant-pollinator networks have demonstrated that plant species are not equally important for pollinator community persistence and restoration. However, the scarcity of comprehensive datasets on plant-pollinator networks in tropical ecosystems constrains their practical value for pollinator restoration. As closely-related species often share traits that determine ecological interactions, phylogenetic relationships could inform restoration programs in data-scarce regions. Here, we use quantitative bee-plant networks from Brazilian ecosystems to test if priority plant species for different restoration criteria (bee species richness and visitation rates) can be identified using interaction networks; if phylogenetic relationships alone can guide plant species selection; and how restoration criteria influence restored network properties and function. We found plant species that maximised the benefits of habitat restoration for bees (i.e., generalists and those with distinct flower-visitor species) were clustered in a small number of phylogenetically-diverse plant families, and that prioritising the recovery of bee visitation rates improved both stability and function of restored plant-pollinator networks. Our approach can help guide restoration of pollinator communities, even where information on local ecosystems is limited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
DNA-Based Arthropod Diversity Assessment in Amazonian Iron Mine Lands Show Ecological Succession Towards Undisturbed Reference Sites
Human activities change natural landscapes, and in doing so endanger biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. To reduce the net impacts of these activities, such as mining, disturbed areas are rehabilitated and restored. During this process, monitoring is important to ensure that desired trajectories are maintained. In the Carajás region of the Brazilian Amazon, exploration for iron ores has transformed the original ecosystem; natural forest and a savanna formation with lateritic iron duricrust outcrops named canga. Here, native vegetation is logged and topsoil removed and deposited in waste piles along with mine waste. During rehabilitation, these waste piles are hydroseeded with non-native plant species to achieve rapid revegetation. Further, seeds of native canga and forest plant species are planted to point ecological succession towards natural ecosystems. In this study, we investigate diversity and composition of the arthropod community along a post-mining rehabilitation and restoration gradient, taking seasonality and primer bias into account. We use DNA metabarcoding of bulk arthropod samples collected in both the dry and rainy seasons from waste-pile benches at various stages of revegetation: non-revegetated exposed soils, initial stage with one-to-three-year-old stands, intermediate stage with four-to-five-year-old stands, and advanced stage with six-to-seven-year-old stands. We use samples from undisturbed cangas and forests as reference sites. In addition, we vegetation diversity and structure were measured to investigate relations between arthropod community and vegetation structure. Our results show that, over time, the arthropod community composition of the waste piles becomes more similar to the reference forests, but not to the reference cangas. Nevertheless, even the communities in the advanced-stage waste piles are different from the reference forests, and full restoration in these highly diverse ecosystems is not achieved, even after 6 to 7 years. Finally, our results show seasonal variation in arthropod communities and primer bias
Environmental severity promotes phylogenetic clustering in campo rupestre vegetation
The stress-dominance hypothesis postulates that the importance of competition in plant communities declines with increasing environmental stress while the importance of environmental filters increases. To test this hypothesis for campo rupestre vegetation, we analyzed phylogenetic diversity and community structure of angiosperm communities at two study sites within the Itacolomi State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Plots representing more favorable habitats, such as those with a higher percentage of rocky outcrops that might permit the tapping of deeper water and nutrient resources as well as higher contents of clay and loam thereby increasing water and nutrient availability, show higher phylogenetic diversity and therefore lower phylogenetic clustering than plots with more sever habitats. This observation is consistent with the stress-dominance hypothesis if we assume ecological niches to be conserved within evolutionary niches. However, more comprehensive studies including tests for phylogenetic signal of ecological niches are necessary before generalizations for larger regions may be carried out
Functional antagonism between nitrogen-fixing leguminous trees and calcicole-drought-tolerant trees in the Cerrado
Phylogenetic community structure reveals differences in plant community assembly of an oligotrophic white-sand ecosystem from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
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