20,049 research outputs found
The QCD rotator in the chiral limit
The low lying spectrum of QCD in the delta-regime is calculated here in
chiral perturbation theory up to NNL order. The spectrum has a simple form in
terms of the pion decay constant F and a combination of the low energy
constants Lambda1 and Lambda2. Since measuring low lying stable masses is among
the easiest numerical tasks, the results should help fixing these parameters to
good precision.Comment: 17 pages; typos are corrected and a paragraph added for better
understanding; the present version is identical with the published paper in
N.Phys.B. except a typo in eq(35) which is also corrected her
Quenched chiral perturbation theory to one loop
We calculate the divergences of the generating functional of quenched chiral perturbation theory at one loop, and renormalize the theory by an appropriate definition of the counterterms. We show that the quenched chiral logarithms can be accounted for by defining a renormalized B0 parameter which, at lowest order, is proportional to the vacuum expectation value of the scalar quark density. Finally, we calculate several quantities at one loop to better analyze the modifications induced by quenching in the ultraviolet finite part of the one-loop corrections. We point out that some of the finite loop corrections may diverge in the chiral limit.
Homeworks 1, 2, 5, And 10
In these assignments, students use the Wamesa Talking Dictionary and other related dictionaries in the Cenderawasih Bay corpus to discover the phonetics, phonology, and morphology of the Wamesa language, and to learn about digital lexicography as part of a language documentation project
Lattice calculation of the strangeness and electromagnetic nucleon form factors
We report on recent lattice QCD calculations of the strangeness magnetic
moment of the nucleon and the nucleon electromagnetic form factors, when we
allow the electromagnetic current to connect to quark loops as well as to the
valence quarks. Our result for the strangeness magnetic moment is
G_M^s(0)=-0.36+/-0.20. The sea contributions from the u and d quarks are about
80% larger. However, they cancel to a large extent due to their electric
charges, resulting in a smaller net sea contribution of -0.097+/-0.037 mu_N to
the nucleon magnetic moment. As far as the neutron to proton magnetic moment
ratio is concerned, this sea contribution tends to cancel out the cloud-quark
effect from the Z-graphs and results in a ratio of -0.68+/-0.04 which is close
to the SU(6) relation and the experiment. The strangeness Sachs electric
mean-square radius _E is found to be small and negative and the total
sea contributes substantially to the neutron electric form factor.Comment: LATTICE98(matrixelement); 3 pages, no figures, to appear in Lattice
'98 proceeding
Worldviews, the Problem of Evil, and Rational Discourse: Thoughts on the Framework of Stump’s Defence
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