2,112 research outputs found

    Measurement of Drift Velocity in the CMS Barrel Muon Chambers at the CMS Magnet Test Cosmic Challenge

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    This note reports the results of the analysis performed on the data collected by the CMS Barrel Muon system during the Magnet Test-Cosmic Challenge, aimed to study the Drift Tube chambers behavior at the nominal value of the CMS magnetic field. In particular, the analysis is devoted to the study of the drift velocity in the various equipped regions of the apparatus. It is shown that the drift velocity is significantly affected by the presence of a residual magnetic field in the chamber volume only in the innermost stations, MB1, of Wheel+2; where the maximal variation inside the chamber is of 4 percent, which does not prevent a good functionality of the DT trigger even in this most critical region

    Localization of parathyroid enlargement: experience with technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile and thallium-201 scintigraphy, ultrasonography and computed tomography

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    Technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI), like thallium-201, has recently been introduced as a myocardial perfusion agent and is now also showing very promising results in parathyroid scintigrapy. The results of 201 Tl/ 99m Tc-pertechnetate and 99m Tc-MIBI/ 99m Tc-pertechnetate subtraction scintigraphy, ultrasonography and computed tomography are presented in a series of 43 patients operated on for hyperparathyroidism. All four imaging modalities were confirmed to be reliable, scintigraphy being the most accurate. Sensitivities ranged from 81% to 95%, that of 99m Tc-MIBI being the highest. Moreover this tracer, which has more favourable physical and also biochemical properties, yielded images of superior quality. This allowed localization of the lesion by visual inspection only in as many as 86% of the patients with positive 99m Tc-MIBI/ 99m Tc-pertechnetate subtraction scintigraphy. We believe that the higher sensitivity, superior image quality and lower cost of 99m Tc-MIBI imaging will make 99m Tc-MIBI the new radiopharmaceutical of choice for parathyroid scintigraphy (when one takes into account the stability of labelling with large activities it is possible to perform three or four cardiac studies together with one parathyroid scintigraphic examination using one lyophililzed vial).Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46834/1/259_2004_Article_BF00182301.pd

    Hepatocyte Growth Factor-mediated satellite cells niche perturbation promotes development of distinct sarcoma subtypes

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    Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) and Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma (UPS) are distinct sarcoma subtypes. Here we investigate the relevance of the satellite cell (SC) niche in sarcoma development by using Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) to perturb the niche microenvironment. In a Pax7 wild type background, HGF stimulation mainly causes ERMS that originate from satellite cells following a process of multistep progression. Conversely, in a Pax7 null genotype ERMS incidence drops, while UPS becomes the most frequent subtype. Murine EfRMS display genetic heterogeneity similar to their human counterpart. Altogether, our data demonstrate that selective perturbation of the SC niche results in distinct sarcoma subtypes in a Pax7 lineage-dependent manner, and define a critical role for the Met axis in sarcoma initiation. Finally, our results provide a rationale for the use of combination therapy, tailored on specific amplifications and activated signaling pathways, to minimize resistance emerging from sarcomas heterogeneity. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.12116.00

    Measurement of inclusive π0\pi^{0} production in hadronic Z0Z^{0} decays

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    An analysis is presented of inclusive \pi^0 production in Z^0 decays measured with the DELPHI detector. At low energies, \pi^0 decays are reconstructed by \linebreak using pairs of converted photons and combinations of converted photons and photons reconstructed in the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter (HPC). At high energies (up to x_p = 2 \cdot p_{\pi}/\sqrt{s} = 0.75) the excellent granularity of the HPC is exploited to search for two-photon substructures in single showers. The inclusive differential cross section is measured as a function of energy for {q\overline q} and {b \bar b} events. The number of \pi^0's per hadronic Z^0 event is N(\pi^0)/ Z_{had}^0 = 9.2 \pm 0.2 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 1.0 \mbox{(syst)} and for {b \bar b}~events the number of \pi^0's is {\mathrm N(\pi^0)/ b \overline b} = 10.1 \pm 0.4 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 1.1 \mbox{(syst)} . The ratio of the number of \pi^0's in b \overline b events to hadronic Z^0 events is less affected by the systematic errors and is found to be 1.09 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.01. The measured \pi^0 cross sections are compared with the predictions of different parton shower models. For hadronic events, the peak position in the \mathrm \xi_p = \ln(1/x_p) distribution is \xi_p^{\star} = 3.90^{+0.24}_{-0.14}. The average number of \pi^0's from the decay of primary \mathrm B hadrons is found to be {\mathrm N} (B \rightarrow \pi^0 \, X)/\mbox{B hadron} = 2.78 \pm 0.15 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 0.60 \mbox{(syst)}

    Measurements of the leptonic branching fractions of the τ\tau

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    Data collected with the DELPHI detector from 1993 to 1995 combined with previous DELPHI results for data from 1991 and 1992 yield the branching fractions B({\tau \rightarrow \mbox{\rm e} \nu \bar{\nu}}) = (17.877 \pm 0.109_{stat} \pm 0.110_{sys} )\% and B(τμννˉ)=(17.325±0.095stat±0.077sys)%B({\tau \rightarrow \mu \nu \bar{\nu}}) = (17.325 \pm 0.095_{stat} \pm 0.077_{sys} )\%

    Search for new phenomena using single photon events in the DELPHI detector at LEP

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    Data are presented on the reaction \epem~\into~\gamma + no other detected particle at center-of-mass energies, \sqs = 89.48 GeV, 91.26 GeV and 93.08 GeV. The cross section for this reaction is related directly to the number of light neutrino generations which couple to the \zz boson, and to several other phenomena such as excited neutrinos, the production of an invisible `X' particle, a possible magnetic moment of the tau neutrino, and neutral monojets. Based on the observed number of single photon events, the number of light neutrinos which couple to the \zz is measured to be N_\nu = 3.15 \pm 0.34. No evidence is found for anomalous production of energetic single photons, and upper limits at the 95\% confidence level are determined for excited neutrino production (BR < 4-9 \times 10^{-6}), production of an invisible `X' particle (\sigma < 0.1 pb), and the magnetic moment of the tau neutrino (< 5.2 \times 10^{-6} \mu_B). No event with the topology of a neutral monojet is found, and this corresponds to the limit \sigma < 0.044/\epsilon pb at the 95\% confidence level, where \epsilon is the unknown overall monojet detection efficiency

    Measurement of the Bd0^{0}_{d} oscillation frequency using kaons, leptons and jet charge

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    A measurement of the mass difference, \Delta m_d, between the two physical \mbox{B}^0_d states has been obtained from the analysis of the impact parameter distribution of a lepton emitted at large transverse momentum (p_t) relative to the jet axis and from the analysis of the flight distance distribution of secondary vertices tagged by either a high p_t lepton or an identified kaon. In the opposite hemisphere of the event, the charge of the initial quark has been evaluated using a high p_t lepton, a charged kaon or the mean jet charge. With 1.7 million hadronic Z^0 decays recorded by DELPHI between 1991 and 1993, \Delta m_d is found to be: \Delta m_d = 0.531^{+0.050}_{-0.046} ~(stat.) \pm 0.078 ~(syst.) ~ {\mathrm{ps}}^{-1} \,

    Search for Neutral Heavy Leptons Produced in Z Decays

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    Weak isosinglet Neutral Heavy Leptons (νm\nu_m) have been searched for using data collected by the DELPHI detector corresponding to 3.3×1063.3\times 10^{6} hadronic~Z0^{0} decays at LEP1. Four separate searches have been performed, for short-lived νm\nu_m production giving monojet or acollinear jet topologies, and for long-lived νm\nu_m giving detectable secondary vertices or calorimeter clusters. No indication of the existence of these particles has been found, leading to an upper limit for the branching ratio BR(BR(Z0νmν)^0\rightarrow \nu_m \overline{\nu}) of about 1.3×1061.3\times10^{-6} at 95\% confidence level for νm\nu_m masses between 3.5 and 50 GeV/c2c^2. Outside this range the limit weakens rapidly with the νm\nu_m mass. %Special emphasis has been given to the search for monojet--like topologies. One event %has passed the selection, in agreement with the expectation from the reaction: %e+eˉννˉe^+e^- \rightarrow\ell \bar\ell \nu\bar\nu. The results are also interpreted in terms of limits for the single production of excited neutrinos