21 research outputs found

    Max t-values and p = 0.05 threshold t-values, for each MNI peak co-ordinate taken from the contrasts of the 4 Hz components of the ASSRs to each of the four AM conditions; mixed-width; fixed-width 16 ms; fixed-width 24 ms; fixed-width 32 ms, and the 4 Hz component of the response to a 500 Hz pure tone, plotted in Figure 4.

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    <p>Max t-values and p = 0.05 threshold t-values, for each MNI peak co-ordinate taken from the contrasts of the 4 Hz components of the ASSRs to each of the four AM conditions; mixed-width; fixed-width 16 ms; fixed-width 24 ms; fixed-width 32 ms, and the 4 Hz component of the response to a 500 Hz pure tone, plotted in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0034668#pone-0034668-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4</a>.</p

    Maximum and minimum MNI coordinates, with associate z-values, for a given sign of z-value.

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    <p>These values are derived from the respective individual level z-maps in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0034668#pone-0034668-g005" target="_blank">Figure 5</a>. These figures show the first-level statistics of the contrast between the 4 Hz component of the mixed-width ASSRs, and the pooled fixed-width ASSR.</p

    Group level t-tests between the mixed width responses and the pooled fixed width responses.

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    <p>Group level unpaired t-test between the 4 Hz components of the ASSRs to the mixed-width AM stimulus, and the pooled fixed-width AM stimuli. The hot colour scheme plots significant activity between the two conditions, within the ROI; p = 0.05 threshold is <i>t = 3.19</i>, max <i>t = 3.32</i>. Peak activity is observed at the MNI coordinate 46, −26, −2. Anatomical axis are labelled as follows; R, right; L, left; A, anterior; P, posterior; S, superior; I, inferior.</p

    Beamforming ROI.

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    <p>The green ROI in the upper images includes the posterior divisions of both the middle and superior temporal gyri. This is the ROI that was used for the beamforming contrasts, and was generated by selecting the right hemisphere section of areas 10 and 12 in the Harvard Oxford atlas. In the lower image is the peak voxel from the Prendergast 2010 study; MNI 70, −26, −2, with the right hemisphere sections of areas 10 (red) and 12 (blue).</p

    Virtual electrode analysis of the ROI.

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    <p>Normalised response amplitudes for the four AM conditions. For the lines in the left plot, and the points in the right plot, the following colours are used; mixed-width (black); fixed-width 16 ms (red); fixed-width 24 ms (green); fixed-width 32 ms (blue). The amplitude of the FFT spectra are normalised by the amplitude of the 4 Hz component in the ASSR to the mixed-width stimuli, the 4 Hz energy in the stimulus waveforms are normalised by the 4 Hz energy in the mixed-width waveform. The normalised energy at 4 Hz in the four stimulus waveforms are; fixed-width 16 ms, 0.68; fixed-width 24 ms, 1.01; fixed-width 32 ms, 1.32; mixed-width, 1. The normalised amplitude at 4 Hz in the FFT spectra of the four responses are; fixed-width 16 ms, 0.88; fixed-width 24 ms, 1.02; fixed-width 32 ms, 0.99; mixed-width, 1. When the response amplitude is plotted against the energy in the waveform, right plot, the solid black line shows what would be predicted if there was a linear relationship between the 4 Hz component in the ASSR and the stimulus waveform. The dashed black line is the observed relationship for the three fixed-width AM conditions.</p

    Virtual electrode analysis at the peak of the difference in the group level contrast between the mixed width and pooled fixed width responses.

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    <p>Normalised response amplitudes for the four AM conditions. For the lines in the left plot, and the points in the right plot, the following colours are used; mixed-width (black); fixed-width 16 ms (red); fixed-width 24 ms (green); fixed-width 32 ms (blue). The amplitude of the FFT spectra are normalised by the amplitude of the 4 Hz component in the ASSR to the mixed-width stimuli, the 4 Hz energy in the stimulus waveforms are normalised by the 4 Hz energy in the mixed-width waveform. The normalised energy at 4 Hz in the four stimulus waveforms are; fixed-width 16 ms, 0.68; fixed-width 24 ms, 1.01; fixed-width 32 ms, 1.32; mixed-width, 1. The normalised amplitude at 4 Hz in the FFT spectra of the four responses are; fixed-width 16 ms, 0.81; fixed-width 24 ms, 0.92; fixed-width 32 ms, 0.94; mixed-width, 1. When the response amplitude is plotted against the energy in the waveform, right plot, the solid black line shows what would be predicted if there was a linear relationship between the 4 Hz component in the ASSR and the stimulus waveform. The dashed black line is the observed relationship for the three fixed-width AM conditions.</p

    Group level t-tests between the 4 Hz AM responses and the pure tone response.

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    <p>Group level unpaired t-tests between the 4 Hz component of the ASSRs to each of the four AM conditions; mixed-width; fixed-width 16 ms; fixed-width 24 ms; fixed-width 32 ms, and the 4 Hz component of the response to a 500 Hz pure tone. A hot colour scheme is used in each figure, showing activity between the respective p = 0.05 cut-off threshold (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0034668#pone-0034668-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>), and a max t-value of <i>t = 18.0</i>. For peak locations, refer to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0034668#pone-0034668-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>. Anatomical axis are labelled as follows; R, right; L, left; A, anterior; P, posterior; S, superior; I, inferior.</p

    Depictions of the unimodal and bimodal stimulus types.

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    <p>Stimulus representations of (a–b) unimodal visual emotion, and (c–d) unimodal auditory emotion conditions are shown. The unimodal visual emotion condition was comprised of (a) unimodal visual fear, and (b) unimodal visual disgust stimuli. The unimodal auditory emotion condition was comprised of (c) unimodal auditory fear, and (d) unimodal auditory disgust stimuli. Stimulus representations of (e–f) audio-visual congruent emotion, (e) congruent fear, (f) congruent disgust, and (g–h) incongruent emotion conditions are shown. The audio-visual congruent emotion condition was comprised of (e) congruent fear and (f) congruent disgust stimuli. Audio-visual (g–h) incongruent emotion stimuli were created by swapping the visual tracks across fear and disgust stimuli, while keeping the word spoken across auditory and visual tracks consistent.</p