1,042 research outputs found

    An abstract view on syntax with sharing

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    The notion of term graph encodes a refinement of inductively generated syntax in which regard is paid to the the sharing and discard of subterms. Inductively generated syntax has an abstract expression in terms of initial algebras for certain endofunctors on the category of sets, which permits one to go beyond the set-based case, and speak of inductively generated syntax in other settings. In this paper we give a similar abstract expression to the notion of term graph. Aspects of the concrete theory are redeveloped in this setting, and applications beyond the realm of sets discussed.Comment: 26 pages; v2: final journal versio

    Combinatorial structure of type dependency

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    We give an account of the basic combinatorial structure underlying the notion of type dependency. We do so by considering the category of all dependent sequent calculi, and exhibiting it as the category of algebras for a monad on a presheaf category. The objects of the presheaf category encode the basic judgements of a dependent sequent calculus, while the action of the monad encodes the deduction rules; so by giving an explicit description of the monad, we obtain an explicit account of the combinatorics of type dependency. We find that this combinatorics is controlled by a particular kind of decorated ordered tree, familiar from computer science and from innocent game semantics. Furthermore, we find that the monad at issue is of a particularly well-behaved kind: it is local right adjoint in the sense of Street--Weber. In future work, we will use this fact to describe nerves for dependent type theories, and to study the coherence problem for dependent type theory using the tools of two-dimensional monad theory.Comment: 35 page

    The Isbell monad

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    In 1966, John Isbell introduced a construction on categories which he termed the "couple category" but which has since come to be known as the Isbell envelope. The Isbell envelope, which combines the ideas of contravariant and covariant presheaves, has found applications in category theory, logic, and differential geometry. We clarify its meaning by exhibiting the assignation sending a locally small category to its Isbell envelope as the action on objects of a pseudomonad on the 2-category of locally small categories; this is the Isbell monad of the title. We characterise the pseudoalgebras of the Isbell monad as categories equipped with a cylinder factorisation system; this notion, which appears to be new, is an extension of Freyd and Kelly's notion of factorisation system from orthogonal classes of arrows to orthogonal classes of cocones and cones.Comment: 21 page


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    The notion of Grothendieck topos may be considered as a generalisation of that of topological space, one in which the points of the space may have non-trivial automorphisms. However, the analogy is not precise, since in a topological space, it is the points which have conceptual priority over the open sets, whereas in a topos it is the other way around. Hence a topos is more correctly regarded as a generalised locale, than as a generalised space. In this article we introduce the notion of ionad, which stands in the same relationship to a topological space as a (Grothendieck) topos does to a locale. We develop basic aspects of their theory and discuss their relationship with toposes.Comment: 24 pages; v2: diverse revisions; v3: chopped about in face of trenchant and insightful referee feedbac

    Two-dimensional models of type theory

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    We describe a non-extensional variant of Martin-L\"of type theory which we call two-dimensional type theory, and equip it with a sound and complete semantics valued in 2-categories.Comment: 46 pages; v2: final journal versio
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