22,703 research outputs found

    Vus and neutron beta decay

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    We discuss the effect of the recent change of VusV_{\rm us} by three standard deviations on the standard model predictions for neutron beta decay observables. We also discuss the effect the experimental error bars of VusV_{\rm us} have on such predictions. Refined precision tests of the standard model will be made by a combined effort to improve measurements in neutron beta decay and in strangeness-changing decays. By itself the former will yield very precise measurements of VudV_{\rm ud} and make also very precise predictions for VusV_{\rm us}

    Finite width induced modification to the electromagnetic form factors of spin-1 particles

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    The inclusion of the unstable features of a spin-1 particle, without breaking the electromagnetic gauge invariance, can be properly accomplished by including higher order contributions as done in the so-called fermion loop scheme (for the W gauge boson), and the boson loop scheme (for vector mesons). This induces a non trivial modification to the electromagnetic vertex of the particle, which must be considered in addition to any other contribution computed as stable particles. Considering the modified electromagnetic vertex, we obtain general expressions for the corresponding corrections to the multipoles as a function of the mass of the particles in the loop. For the W gauge boson no substantial deviations from the stable case is observed. For the rho and K* mesons the mass of the particles in the loop makes a significant effect, and can be comparable with corrections of different nature .Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Extended discussion, main equations rewritten to exhibit limiting behavior. Results for K* meson added. Accepted for publication in PR

    Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering as a precision test for the Standard Model and beyond: the COHERENT proposal case

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    Several experimental proposals expect to confirm the recent measurement of the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS). Motivated in particular by the next generation experiments of the COHERENT collaboration, we study their sensitivity to different tests of the Standard Model and beyond. We analyze the resolution that can be achieved by each future proposed detector in the measurement of the weak mixing angle; we also perform similar analysis in the context of Non-Standard Interaction (NSI) and in the case of an oscillation into a sterile neutrino state. We show that the future perspectives are interesting for these types of new physics searches.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Advances in High Energy Physic
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