131,858 research outputs found

    Gravitational Lensing and Anisotropies of CBR on the Small Angular Scales

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    We investigate the effect of gravitational lensing, produced by linear density perturbations, for anisotropies of the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) on scales of arcminutes. In calculations, a flat universe (Ω=1\Omega=1) and the Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum (n=1n=1) are assumed. The numerical results show that on scales of a few arcminutes, gravitational lensing produces only negligible anisotropies in the temperature of the CBR. Our conclusion disagrees with that of Cay\'{o}n {\it et al.} who argue that the amplification of ΔT/T\Delta T/T on scales ≤3′\le 3' may even be larger than 100\%.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 16 pages, 2 figures, tarred, compressed and uuencoded Postscript file

    Design Studies for a High Current Bunching System for CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) Drive Beam

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    A bunching system is proposed for the initial stage of CTF3 which consists of one (two) 3 GHz prebunchers and one 3 GHz travelling wave (TW) buncher with variable phase velocities. The electron beam is emitted from a 140 KV DC gun. Since the macropulse beam current (3.5 A) at the exit of the TW buncher is rather high, inside the TW buncher one has to take the beam loading effect into consideration. By using PARMELA, it is shown numerically that the bunching system can provide the bunches whose properties satisfy the design requirement of CTF3. The 0.8 m long TW buncher working at 2pi/3 mode has two phase velocities, 0.75 and 1. The dimensions of the caities in the two phase velocity regions are proposed considering the beam loading effect. The transient beam loading effect and the multibunch transverse instabilities are studied numerically, and it is concluded that higher order mode couplers should be installed in the TW buncher with the loaded quality factor of the dipole mode lower than 80.Comment: 5 figures, presented at the Linear Accelerator Conference 2000, August 2000, US

    An Analysis of Phase Transition in NK Landscapes

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    In this paper, we analyze the decision version of the NK landscape model from the perspective of threshold phenomena and phase transitions under two random distributions, the uniform probability model and the fixed ratio model. For the uniform probability model, we prove that the phase transition is easy in the sense that there is a polynomial algorithm that can solve a random instance of the problem with the probability asymptotic to 1 as the problem size tends to infinity. For the fixed ratio model, we establish several upper bounds for the solubility threshold, and prove that random instances with parameters above these upper bounds can be solved polynomially. This, together with our empirical study for random instances generated below and in the phase transition region, suggests that the phase transition of the fixed ratio model is also easy

    Rotor-to-stator rub vibration in centrifugal compressor

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    One example of excessive vibration encountered during loading of a centrifugal compressor train (H type compressor with HP casing) is discussed. An investigation was made of the effects of the dynamic load on the bearing stiffness and the rotor-bearing system critical speed. The high vibration occurred at a "threshold load," but the machine didn't run smoothly due to rubs even when it had passed through the threshold load. The acquisition and discussion of the data taken in the field as well as a description of the case history which utilizes background information to identify the malfunction conditions is presented. The analysis shows that the failures, including full reverse precession rub and exact one half subharmonic vibration, were caused by the oversize bearings and displacement of the rotor center due to foundation deformation and misalignment between gear shafts, etc. The corrective actions taken to alleviate excessive vibration and the problems which remain to be solved are also presented

    Analytical Estimation of the Beam-Beam Interaction Limited Dynamic Apertures and Lifetimes in e^+e^- Circular Colliders

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    Physically speaking, the delta function like beam-beam nonlinear forces at interaction points (IPs) act as a sum of delta function nonlinear multipoles. By applying the general theory established in ref. 1, in this paper we investigate analytically the beam-beam interaction limited dynamic apertures and the corresponding beam lifetimes for both the round and the flat beams. Relations between the beam-beam limited beam lifetimes and the beam-beam tune shifts are established, which show clearly why experimentally one has always a maximum beam-beam tune shift, \xi_{y, max}, around 0.045 for e-^+e$^- circular colliders, and why one can use round beams to double this value approximately. Comparisons with some machine parameters are given. Finally, we discuss the mechanism of the luminosity reduction due to a definite collision crossing angle.Comment: 25 page

    Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for graviton and photon associated production in the Large Extra Dimensions model at the LHC

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    We present the calculations of the complete next-to-leading order(NLO) QCD corrections to the inclusive total cross sections for the Kaluza-Klein(KK) graviton and photon associated production process pp→γGKK+Xpp \to \gamma G_{KK} + X in the large extra dimensions(LED) model at the LHC. We show that the NLO QCD corrections in general enhance the total cross sections and reduce the dependence of the total cross sections on the factorization and renormalization scales. When jet veto is considered, the NLO corrections reduce the total cross sections. We also calculate some important differential cross sections for this process at NLO: the missing transverse momentum distribution, the transverse momentum distribution and the pseudorapidity distribution of photon.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures; minor changes, version published in Phys.Rev.

    Semiclassical quantization with bifurcating orbits

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    Bifurcations of classical orbits introduce divergences into semiclassical spectra which have to be smoothed with the help of uniform approximations. We develop a technique to extract individual energy levels from semiclassical spectra involving uniform approximations. As a prototype example, the method is shown to yield excellent results for photo-absorption spectra for the hydrogen atom in an electric field in a spectral range where the abundance of bifurcations would render the standard closed-orbit formula without uniform approximations useless. Our method immediately applies to semiclassical trace formulae as well as closed-orbit theory and offers a general technique for the semiclassical quantization of arbitrary systems
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