36,412 research outputs found
AdS/CFT Correspondence and Quotient Space Geometry
We consider a version of the correspondence, in which the
bulk space is taken to be the quotient manifold with a
fairly generic discrete group acting isometrically on . We
address some geometrical issues concerning the holographic principle and the
UV/IR relations. It is shown that certain singular structures on the quotient
boundary can affect the underlying physical spectrum. In
particular, the conformal dimension of the most relevant operators in the
boundary CFT can increase as becomes ``large''. This phenomenon also
has a natural explanation in terms of the bulk supergravity theory. The scalar
two-point function is computed using this quotient version of the AdS/CFT
correspondence, which agrees with the expected result derived from conformal
invariance of the boundary theory.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, no figures. Minor changes, version to appear in JHE
Regenesis and quantum traversable wormholes
Recent gravity discussions of a traversable wormhole indicate that in
holographic systems signals generated by a source could reappear long after
they have dissipated, with the need of only performing some simple operations.
In this paper we argue the phenomenon, to which we refer as "regenesis", is
universal in general quantum chaotic many-body systems, and elucidate its
underlying physics. The essential elements behind the phenomenon are: (i)
scrambling which in a chaotic system makes out-of-time-ordered correlation
functions (OTOCs) vanish at large times; (ii) the entanglement structure of the
state of the system. The latter aspect also implies that the regenesis
phenomenon requires fine tuning of the initial state. Compared to other
manifestations of quantum chaos such as the initial growth of OTOCs which deals
with early times, and a random matrix-type energy spectrum which reflects very
large time behavior, regenesis concerns with intermediate times, of order the
scrambling time of a system. We also study the phenomenon in detail in general
two-dimensional conformal field theories in the large central charge limit, and
highlight some interesting features including a resonant enhancement of
regenesis signals near the scrambling time and their oscillations in coupling.
Finally, we discuss gravity implications of the phenomenon for systems with a
gravity dual, arguing that there exist regimes for which traversability of a
wormhole is quantum in nature, i.e. cannot be associated with a semi-classical
spacetime causal structure
Double occupancies in confined attractive fermions on optical lattices
We perform a numerical study of a one-dimensional Fermion-Hubbard model in
harmonic traps within the Thomas-Fermi approximation based on the exact
Bethe-ansatz solution. The phase diagram is shown for the systems of
attractive interactions ( is the characteristic density and the
interaction strength scaled in units of the hopping parameter.). We study the
double occupancy, the local central density and their derivatives. Their roles
are discussed in details in detecting the composite phases induced by the
trapping potential.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitte
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