37 research outputs found
The annotated file for Fusarium verticillioidesdes strain 7600
This project saves the annotated file for Fusarium verticillioidesdes strain 7600</p
Media 2: Full-range spectral domain Jones matrix optical coherence tomography using a single spectral camera
Originally published in Optics Express on 24 September 2012 (oe-20-20-22360
Media 3: Full-range spectral domain Jones matrix optical coherence tomography using a single spectral camera
Originally published in Optics Express on 24 September 2012 (oe-20-20-22360
Media 4: Full-range spectral domain Jones matrix optical coherence tomography using a single spectral camera
Originally published in Optics Express on 24 September 2012 (oe-20-20-22360
Establishment of hICD-expressing stable cells.
<p>(A) Transient expression of hTMC construct in HEK293 cells produced, in addition to the expected TMC fragment, a band similar in size to the intracellular domain of FPC. * Ig heavy and light chains. (B) Western blotting showing the levels of hICD in four mIMCD-3 cell lines stably expressing hICD (hICD3, 5, 6, 13), along with four empty vector control cell lines (CTL1, 2, 3, 4). IB, immunoblotting. (C) FPC C-tail was mainly localized in the nuclei of mIMCD-3 cells (hICD3) compared to the control cell line (CTL3). IF, immunofluorescence. Scale bar, 5 µm.</p
Phylogenetic hypothesis for Epicephala, recovered using maximum likelihood implemented in RAxML. Tip labels represent either specimen numbers and/or host species (in the genera Flueggea, Phyllanthus, Breynia, and Glochidion) from which specimens were reared, and are from the present study as well as Kawakita et al. (2004) Evolution, Kawakita et al. (2009) Proc. R. Soc. B, and Hembry et al. (2013) Proc. Roy. Soc. B. Many tip labels follow the Supplementary Appendix in Hembry et al. (2013) Proc. R. Soc. B. For E. lanceolaria OTUs, numbers refer to particular specimens; two-letter codes indicate collection localities (GB: Gaobangshan, LD: South China Botanical Garden, QA: Qiao Island, WT: Wutongshan); C = pupa with cocoon, NC = pupa with no cocoon. This tree corresponds to Supplementary Figure 2 in the present manuscript
Video depicting pollination of and oviposition into flowers of Glochidion lanceolarium by a female Epicephala lanceolaria moth
Phylogenetic hypothesis recovered using Bayesian inference implemented in MrBayes for Glochidion. Tip labels represent either specimen numbers or specific epithets for Glochidion species and are from the present study as well as Kawakita et al. (2004) Evolution and Hembry et al. (2013) Proc. Roy. Soc. B. Phyllanthus roseus is a very close relative to Glochidion, but is not pollinated by Epicephala (Kawakita and Kato 2009 Proc. R. Soc. B). Many tip labels follow the Supplementary Appendix in Hembry et al. (2013) Proc. R. Soc. B. This tree corresponds to Figure 5 and half of Figure 7 in the present manuscript
FPC C-tail expression caused cystogenesis in 3D culture.
<p>hICD cells from all four cell lines (3, 5, 6, 13), in parallel with cells from four control lines, were cultured in collagen I gels. All hICD-expressing lines (3, 6, 13, 100%; 5, <100%) formed cyst-like structures in contrast to tubule-like structures formed by control cells. The representative pictures were presented (A, B). (A) Tubulogenesis of both control (CTL1, CTL2) and hICD (hICD3, hICD6) cells at 1, 3 and 7 days after seeding in collagen I gels. At day 3 and 7, in contrast to control cells, which developed tubule-like structures (100%), hICD-expressing cells formed cyst-like structures (100%). (B) Confocal microscopy reveals the presence of a lumen in the tubule-like structure developed from control cells (CTL1, 2) and a central cavity in cyst-like structures in hICD-expressing cells (CTL3, 6) after 8-day culture. A segment of a tubule was shown with a higher magnification. HGF was not used in this experiment. Red, rhodamine phalloidin; green, acetylated α-tubulin; blue, DAPI.</p
Decreased cell proliferation rate and increased apoptosis in hICD-expressing cells.
<p>(A) The number of hICD-expressing cells was significantly lower than that of control cells when cultured in 1% but not in 10% serum-containing medium (N = 3 hICD3, 6, 13). One representative of three experiments was presented. (B) With flow cytometry analysis, more hICD-expressing cells passed the restriction point in G1/0-phase but were arrested in S-phase after serum removal for 48 h. Addition of 10% serum for 24 h completely compromised the effect of hICD expression on the cell cycle profile (N = 3 hICD3, 6, 13). One representative of three experiments was presented. (C) More apoptotic hICD-expressing cells were found in the absence of serum by flow cytometry analysis (N = 3 hICD3, 6, 13). One representative of at least three experiments was presented. (D) Three control and three hICD cell lines were used for this experiment. Pictures from two control and hICD cell lines were presented. TUNEL staining assay confirmed an increase of apoptotic hICD-expressing cells. Bar graph represented statistical significance (N = 200 cells from three controls and hICD cell lines). Open bars, control cells; filled bars, hICD-expressing cells. Values were expressed as mean ± SD. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001. Scale bar, 10 µm.</p