1,981 research outputs found
Biocompatible Peptide-Coated Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for In Vivo Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The biocompatibility and performance of reagents for in vivo contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imag-ing are essential for their translation to the clinic. The quality of the surface coating of nanoparticle-based MRI contrast agents, such as ultra-small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs), is criti-cal to ensure high colloidal stability in biological environments, improved magnetic performance and dis-persion in circulatory fluids and tissues. Herein, we report the design of a library of 21 peptides and lig-ands and identify highly stable self-assembled monolayers on the USPIONs surface. A total of 86 differ-ent peptide coated USPIONs are prepared and selected using several stringent criteria, e.g., stability against electrolyte-induced aggregation in physiological conditions, prevention of non-specific binding to cells, absence of cellular toxicity and contrast-enhanced in vivo MRI. The bis-phosphorylated peptide 2PG-S∗VVVT-PEG4-ol provides highest biocompatibility and performance for USPIONs, with no de-tectable toxicity or adhesion to live cells. The 2PG-S∗VVVT-PEG4-ol coated USPIONs show enhanced magnetic resonance properties, r1 (2.4 mM-1.s-1) and r2 (217.8 mM-1.s-1) relaxivities, and greater r2/r1 relaxivity ratios (>90), when compared to commercially available MRI contrast agents. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of 2PG-S∗VVVT-PEG4-ol coated USPIONs as a T2 contrast agent for in vivo MRI applica-tions. High contrast enhancement of the liver is achieved as well as detection of liver tumors, with signifi-cant improvement of the contrast-to-noise ratio of tumor-to-liver contrast. It is envisaged that the reported peptide coated USPIONs have the potential to allow for the specific targeting of tumors, and hence early detection of cancer by MRI
Measurement of Exclusive B Decays to Final States Containing a Charmed Baryon
Using data collected by the CLEO detector in the Upsilon(4S) region, we
report new measurements of the exclusive decays of B mesons into final states
of the type Lambda_c^+ p-bar n(pi), where n=0,1,2,3. We find signals in modes
with one, two and three pions and an upper limit for the two body decay
Lambda_c^+ pbar. We also make the first measurements of exclusive decays of B
mesons to Sigma_c p-bar n(pi), where n=0,1,2. We find signals in modes with one
and two pions and an upper limit for the two body decay Sigma_c p-bar.
Measurements of these modes shed light on the mechanisms involved in B decays
to baryons.Comment: 11 pages postscript, also available through
http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PR
Measurement of the Masses and Widths of the Sigma_c^++ and Sigma_c^0 Charmed Baryons
Using data recorded by the CLEO II and CLEO II.V detector configurations at
CESR, we report new measurements of the masses of the Sigma_c^{++} and
Sigma_c^0 charmed baryons, and the first measurements of their intrinsic
widths. We find M(Sigma_c^{++}) - M(Lambda_c^+) = 167.4 +- 0.1 +- 0.2 MeV,
Gamma(Sigma_c^{++}) = 2.3 +- 0.2 +- 0.3 MeV, and M(Sigma_c^0) - M(Lambda_c^+) =
167.2 +- 0.1 +- 0.2 MeV, Gamma(Sigma_c^0) = 2.5 +- 0.2 +- 0.3 MeV, where the
uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively.Comment: 9 pages postscript, also available through
http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PRD, Rapid
Communications. Reference [13] correcte
Evidence for the Decay
We present a search for the ``wrong-sign'' decay D0 -> K+ pi- pi+ pi- using 9
fb-1 of e+e- collisions on and just below the Upsilon(4S) resonance. This decay
can occur either through a doubly Cabibbo-suppressed process or through mixing
to a D0bar followed by a Cabibbo-favored process. Our result for the
time-integrated wrong-sign rate relative to the decay D0 -> K- pi+ pi- pi+ is
(0.0041 +0.0012-0.0011(stat.) +-0.0004(syst.))x(1.07 +-0.10)(phase space),
which has a statistical significance of 3.9 standard deviations.Comment: 9 pages postscript, also available through
http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PR
Hadronic Mass Moments in Inclusive Semileptonic B Meson Decays
We have measured the first and second moments of the hadronic mass-squared
distribution in B -> X_c l nu, for P(lepton) > 1.5 GeV/c. We find <M_X^2 -
M_D[Bar]^2> = 0.251 +- 0.066 GeV^2, )^2 > = 0.576 +- 0.170
GeV^4, where M_D[Bar] is the spin-averaged D meson mass.
From that first moment and the first moment of the photon energy spectrum in
b -> s gamma, we find the HQET parameter lambda_1 (MS[Bar], to order 1/M^3 and
beta_0 alpha_s^2) to be -0.24 +- 0.11 GeV^2. Using these first moments and the
B semileptonic width, and assuming parton-hadron duality, we obtain |V_cb| =
0.0404 +- 0.0013.Comment: 11 pages postscript, also available through
http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PR
Observation of Exclusive barB --> D(*) K*- Decays
We report the first observation of the exclusive decays \bar B\to
D^{(*)}K^{*-}, using 9.66 x 10^{6} B\bar{B} pairs collected at the \Upsilon(4S)
with the CLEO detector. We measure the following branching fractions: {\cal
B}(B^- -> D^0 K^{*-})=(6.1 +- 1.6 +-1.7)x10^{-4}, {\cal B}(\bar{B^0} ->
D^+K^{*-})=(3.7 +- 1.5 +- 1.0) x 10^{-4}, {\cal B}(\bar{B^0} ->
D^{*+}K^{*-})=(3.8 +- 1.3 +- 0.8) x 10^{-4} and {\cal B}(B^- --> D^{*0}
K^{*-})=(7.7 +- 2.2 +- 2.6) x 10^{-4}. The \bar B ->D^*K^{*-} branching ratios
are the averages of those corresponding to the 00 and 11 helicity states. The
errors shown are statistical and systematic, respectively.Comment: 9 pages postscript, also available through
http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, Published in
Observation of the Charmed Baryon at CLEO
The CLEO experiment at the CESR collider has used 13.7 fb of data to
search for the production of the (css-ground state) in
collisions at {\rm GeV}. The modes used to
study the are ,
, , , and
. We observe a signal of 40.49.0(stat) events
at a mass of 2694.62.6(stat)1.9(syst) {\rm MeV/}, for all modes
combined.Comment: 10 pages postscript, also available through
Observation of and
We have studied two-body charmless hadronic decays of mesons into the
final states phi K and phi K^*. Using 9.7 million pairs collected
with the CLEO II detector, we observe the decays B- -> phi K- and B0 -> phi K*0
with the following branching fractions: BR(B- -> phi K-)=(5.5 +2.1-1.8 +- 0.6)
x 10^{-6} and BR(B0 -> phi K*0)=(11.5 +4.5-3.7 +1.8-1.7) x 10^{-6}. We also see
evidence for the decays B0 -> phi K0 and B- -> phi K*-. However, since the
statistical significance is not overwhelming for these modes we determine upper
limits of <12.3 x 10^{-6} and <22.5 x 10^{-6} (90% C.L.) respectively.Comment: 9 pages postscript, also available through
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