121 research outputs found
Towards a constructive simplicial model of Univalent Foundations
We provide a partial solution to the problem of defining a constructive
version of Voevodsky's simplicial model of univalent foundations. For this, we
prove constructive counterparts of the necessary results of simplicial homotopy
theory, building on the constructive version of the Kan-Quillen model structure
established by the second-named author. In particular, we show that dependent
products along fibrations with cofibrant domains preserve fibrations, establish
the weak equivalence extension property for weak equivalences between
fibrations with cofibrant domain and define a univalent classifying fibration
for small fibrations between bifibrant objects. These results allow us to
define a comprehension category supporting identity types, -types,
-types and a univalent universe, leaving only a coherence question to be
addressed.Comment: v3: changed the definition of the type Weq(U) of weak equivalences to
fix a problem with constructivity. Other Minor changes. 31 page
Polynomial functors and polynomial monads
We study polynomial functors over locally cartesian closed categories. After
setting up the basic theory, we show how polynomial functors assemble into a
double category, in fact a framed bicategory. We show that the free monad on a
polynomial endofunctor is polynomial. The relationship with operads and other
related notions is explored.Comment: 41 pages, latex, 2 ps figures generated at runtime by the texdraw
package (does not compile with pdflatex). v2: removed assumptions on sums,
added short discussion of generalisation, and more details on tensorial
On the formal theory of pseudomonads and pseudodistributive laws
We contribute to the formal theory of pseudomonads, i.e. the analogue for
pseudomonads of the formal theory of monads. In particular, we solve a problem
posed by Steve Lack by proving that, for every Gray-category K, there is a
Gray-category Psm(K) of pseudomonads, pseudomonad morphisms, pseudomonad
transformations and pseudomonad modifications in K. We then establish a
triequivalence between Psm(K) and the Gray-category of pseudomonads introduced
by Marmolejo. Finally, these results are applied to give a clear account of the
coherence conditions for pseudodistributive laws. 40 pages. Comments welcome.Comment: This submission replaces arXiv:0907:1359v1, titled "On the coherence
conditions for pseudo-distributive laws". 40 page
Monads in Double Categories
We extend the basic concepts of Street's formal theory of monads from the
setting of 2-categories to that of double categories. In particular, we
introduce the double category Mnd(C) of monads in a double category C and
define what it means for a double category to admit the construction of free
monads. Our main theorem shows that, under some mild conditions, a double
category that is a framed bicategory admits the construction of free monads if
its horizontal 2-category does. We apply this result to obtain double
adjunctions which extend the adjunction between graphs and categories and the
adjunction between polynomial endofunctors and polynomial monads.Comment: 30 pages; v2: accepted for publication in the Journal of Pure and
Applied Algebra; added hypothesis in Theorem 3.7 that source and target
functors preserve equalizers; on page 18, bottom, in the statement concerning
the existence of a left adjoint, "if and only if" was replaced by "a
sufficient condition"; acknowledgements expande
Double Adjunctions and Free Monads
We characterize double adjunctions in terms of presheaves and universal
squares, and then apply these characterizations to free monads and
Eilenberg--Moore objects in double categories. We improve upon our earlier
result in "Monads in Double Categories", JPAA 215:6, pages 1174-1197, 2011, to
conclude: if a double category with cofolding admits the construction of free
monads in its horizontal 2-category, then it also admits the construction of
free monads as a double category. We also prove that a double category admits
Eilenberg--Moore objects if and only if a certain parameterized presheaf is
representable. Along the way, we develop parameterized presheaves on double
categories and prove a double-categorical Yoneda Lemma.Comment: 52 page
Models of Martin-L\"of type theory from algebraic weak factorisation systems
We introduce type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems and show how
they give rise to homotopy-theoretic models of Martin-L\"of type theory. This
is done by showing that the comprehension category associated to a
type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation system satisfies the assumptions
necessary to apply a right adjoint method for splitting comprehension
categories. We then provide methods for constructing several examples of
type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems, encompassing the existing
groupoid model and cubical sets models, as well as some models based on normal
fibrationsComment: Changed title (it used to be "Type-theoretic algebraic weak
factorisation systems"); rewritten introduction; fixed typos; fixed
inaccuracy in Lemma 2.3 spotted by Paige North; added references. 37 page
Inductive types in homotopy type theory
Homotopy type theory is an interpretation of Martin-L\"of's constructive type
theory into abstract homotopy theory. There results a link between constructive
mathematics and algebraic topology, providing topological semantics for
intensional systems of type theory as well as a computational approach to
algebraic topology via type theory-based proof assistants such as Coq.
The present work investigates inductive types in this setting. Modified rules
for inductive types, including types of well-founded trees, or W-types, are
presented, and the basic homotopical semantics of such types are determined.
Proofs of all results have been formally verified by the Coq proof assistant,
and the proof scripts for this verification form an essential component of this
research.Comment: 19 pages; v2: added references and acknowledgements, removed appendix
with Coq README file, updated URL for Coq files. To appear in the proceedings
of LICS 201
The effective model structure and -groupoid objects
For a category with finite limits and well-behaved countable
coproducts, we construct a model structure, called the effective model
structure, on the category of simplicial objects in , generalising
the Kan--Quillen model structure on simplicial sets. We then prove that the
effective model structure is left and right proper and satisfies descent in the
sense of Rezk. As a consequence, we obtain that the associated
-category has finite limits, colimits satisfying descent, and is
locally Cartesian closed when is, but is not a higher topos in
general. We also characterise the -category presented by the effective
model structure, showing that it is the full sub-category of presheaves on
spanned by Kan complexes in , a result that suggests a
close analogy with the theory of exact completions
Homotopy limits for 2-categories
We study homotopy limits for 2-categories using the theory of Quillen model categories. In order to do so, we establish the existence of projective and injective model structures on diagram 2-categories. Using these results, we describe the homotopical behaviour not only of conical limits but also of weighted limits. Finally, pseudo-limits are related to homotopy limits
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