5 research outputs found

    Digital filter implementation over FPGA platform with LINUX OS

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    AbstractThe embedded processors on FPGA's are a good tool to specific propose works. In this work we present how the FPGA is used to apply a Sobel filter to a set of images, also the step needed to set-up the entire system is described. An embedded processor, with a Linux distribution implemented is used to run a special compilation of C filter program, the filter is compared with the results obtained with a PC running the same filter, in the embedded system all the process runs in the FPGA and the exit file can be accessed by ftp or http server embedded into the Linux system

    In-Vehicle Alcohol Detection Using Low-Cost Sensors and Genetic Algorithms to Aid in the Drinking and Driving Detection

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    Worldwide, motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of death, with alcohol-related accidents playing a significant role, particularly in child death. Aiming to aid in the prevention of this type of accidents, a novel non-invasive method capable of detecting the presence of alcohol inside a motor vehicle is presented. The proposed methodology uses a series of low-cost alcohol MQ3 sensors located inside the vehicle, whose signals are stored, standardized, time-adjusted, and transformed into 5 s window samples. Statistical features are extracted from each sample and a feature selection strategy is carried out using a genetic algorithm, and a forward selection and backwards elimination methodology. The four features derived from this process were used to construct an SVM classification model that detects presence of alcohol. The experiments yielded 7200 samples, 80% of which were used to train the model. The rest were used to evaluate the performance of the model, which obtained an area under the ROC curve of 0.98 and a sensitivity of 0.979. These results suggest that the proposed methodology can be used to detect the presence of alcohol and enforce prevention actions

    Breast Cancer Detection Using Automated Segmentation and Genetic Algorithms

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, after lung cancer. However, early detection of breast cancer can help to reduce death rates in breast cancer patients and also prevent cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. This work proposes a new method to design a bio-marker integrating Bayesian predictive models, pyRadiomics System and genetic algorithms to classify the benign and malignant lesions. The method allows one to evaluate two types of images: The radiologist-segmented lesion, and a novel automated breast cancer detection by the analysis of the whole breast. The results demonstrate only a difference of 12% of effectiveness for the cases of calcification between the radiologist generated segmentation and the automatic whole breast analysis, and a 25% of difference between the lesion and the breast for the cases of masses. In addition, our approach was compared against other proposed methods in the literature, providing an AUC = 0.86 for the analysis of images with lesions in breast calcification, and AUC = 0.96 for masses

    Comparative study of convolutional neural network architectures for gastrointestinal lesions classification

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    The gastrointestinal (GI) tract can be affected by different diseases or lesions such as esophagitis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, and polyps, among others. Some of them can be precursors of cancer such as polyps. Endoscopy is the standard procedure for the detection of these lesions. The main drawback of this procedure is that the diagnosis depends on the expertise of the doctor. This means that some important findings may be missed. In recent years, this problem has been addressed by deep learning (DL) techniques. Endoscopic studies use digital images. The most widely used DL technique for image processing is the convolutional neural network (CNN) due to its high accuracy for modeling complex phenomena. There are different CNNs that are characterized by their architecture. In this article, four architectures are compared: AlexNet, DenseNet-201, Inception-v3, and ResNet-101. To determine which architecture best classifies GI tract lesions, a set of metrics; accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, F1-score, and area under the curve (AUC) were used. These architectures were trained and tested on the HyperKvasir dataset. From this dataset, a total of 6,792 images corresponding to 10 findings were used. A transfer learning approach and a data augmentation technique were applied. The best performing architecture was DenseNet-201, whose results were: 97.11% of accuracy, 96.3% sensitivity, 99.67% specificity, and 95% AUC