8,305 research outputs found
W-Symmetries of Ito stochastic differential equations
We discuss W-symmetries of Ito stochastic differential equations, introduced
in a recent paper by Gaeta and Spadaro [J. Math. Phys. 2017]. In particular, we
discuss the general form of acceptable generators for continuous (Lie-point)
W-symmetry, arguing they are related to the (linear) conformal group, and how
W-symmetries can be used in the integration of Ito stochastic equations along
Kozlov theory for standard (deterministic or random) symmetries. It turns out
this requires, in general, to consider more general classes of stochastic
equations than just Ito ones.Comment: Preprint version; final (improved) version to appear in J. Math. Phy
Asymptotic symmetries in an optical lattice
It was recently remarked by Lutz [{\it Phys. Rev. A} {\bf 67} (2003),
051402(R)] that the equation for the marginal Wigner distribution in an optical
lattice admits a scale-free distribution corresponding to Tsallis statistics.
Here we show that this distribution is invariant under an asymptotic symmetry
of the equation, hence that this scale-free behavior can be understood in terms
of symmetry analysis
Twisted symmetries of differential equations
We review the basic ideas lying at the foundation of the recently developed
theory of twisted symmetries of differential equations, and some of its
Symmetry of stochastic equations
Symmetry methods are by now recognized as one of the main tools to attack
deterministic differential equations (both ODEs and PDEs); the situation is
quite different for what concerns stochastic differential equations: here,
symmetry considerations are of course quite widely used by theoretical
physicists, but a rigorous and general theory comparable to the one developed
for deterministic equation is still lacking.
In the following I will report on some work I have done on symmetries of
stochastic (Ito) equations, and how these compare with the symmetries of the
associated diffusion (Fokker-Planck) equations.Comment: Work prepared for the Kyev SNMP2003 conference proceeding
Simple and collective twisted symmetries
After the introduction of -symmetries by Muriel and Romero, several
other types of so called "twisted symmetries" have been considered in the
literature (their name refers to the fact they are defined through a
deformation of the familiar prolongation operation); they are as useful as
standard symmetries for what concerns symmetry reduction of ODEs or
determination of special (invariant) solutions for PDEs and have thus attracted
attention. The geometrical relation of twisted symmetries to standard ones has
already been noted: for some type of twisted symmetries (in particular,
and -symmetries), this amounts to a certain kind of gauge
In a previous review paper [G. Gaeta, "Twisted symmetries of differential
equations", {\it J. Nonlin. Math. Phys.}, {\bf 16-S} (2009), 107-136] we have
surveyed the first part of the developments of this theory; in the present
paper we review recent developments. In particular, we provide a unifying
geometrical description of the different types of twisted symmetries; this is
based on the classical Frobenius reduction applied to distribution generated by
Lie-point (local) symmetries.Comment: 40 pages; to appear in J. Nonlin. Math. Phys. 21 (2014), 593-62
Lie-Poincare' transformations and a reduction criterion in Landau theory
In the Landau theory of phase transitions one considers an effective
potential whose symmetry group and degree depend on the system
under consideration; generally speaking, is the most general
-invariant polynomial of degree . When such a turns out to be too
complicate for a direct analysis, it is essential to be able to drop
unessential terms, i.e. to apply a simplifying criterion. Criteria based on
singularity theory exist and have a rigorous foundation, but are often very
difficult to apply in practice. Here we consider a simplifying criterion (as
stated by Gufan) and rigorously justify it on the basis of classical
Lie-Poincar\'e theory as far as one deals with fixed values of the control
parameter(s) in the Landau potential; when one considers a range of values, in
particular near a phase transition, the criterion has to be accordingly
partially modified, as we discuss. We consider some specific cases of group
as examples, and study in detail the application to the
Sergienko-Gufan-Urazhdin model for highly piezoelectric perovskites.Comment: 32 pages, no figures. To appear in Annals of Physic
Poincar\'e-like approach to Landau theory. II. Simplifying the Landau-deGennes potential for nematic liquid crystals
In a previous paper we have discussed how the Landau potential (entering in
Landau theory of phase transitions) can be simplified using the Poincar\'e
normalization procedure. Here we apply this approach to the Landau-deGennes
functional for the isotropic-nematic transitions, and transitions between
different nematic phases, in liquid crystals. {We give special attention to
applying our method in the region near the main transition point, showing in
full detail how this can be done via a suitable simple modification of our
Poincar\'e-like method. We also consider the question if biaxial phases can
branch directly off the fully symmetric state; some partial results in this
direction are presented
Lambda and mu-symmetries
Lambda-symmetries of ODEs were introduced by Muriel and Romero, and discussed
by C. Muriel in her talk at SPT2001. Here we provide a geometrical
characterization of lambda-prolongations, and a generalization of these -- and
of lambda-symmetries -- to PDEs and systems thereof
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