40 research outputs found

    On duality symmetries of supergravity invariants

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    The role of duality symmetries in the construction of counterterms for maximal supergravity theories is discussed in a field-theoretic context from different points of view. These are: dimensional reduction, the question of whether appropriate superspace measures exist and information about non-linear invariants that can be gleaned from linearised ones. The former allows us to prove that F-term counterterms cannot be E7(7)-invariant in D=4, N=8 supergravity or E6(6)-invariant in D=5 maximal supergravity. This is confirmed by the two other methods which can also be applied to D=4 theories with fewer supersymmetries and allow us to prove that N=6 supergravity is finite at three and four loops and that N=5 supergravity is three-loop finite.Comment: Clarification of arguments and their consistency with higher dimensional divergences added, e.g. we prove the 5D 4L non-renormalisation theorem. The 4L N=6 divergence is also ruled out. References adde

    Bi-harmonic superspace for N=4 d=4 super Yang-Mills

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    We develop N=4 d=4 bi-harmonic superspace and use it to derive a novel form for the low-energy effective action in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We solve the N=4 supergauge constraints in this superspace in terms of analytic superfields. Using these superfields, we construct a simple functional that respects N=4 supersymmetry and scale invariance. In components, it reproduces all on-shell terms in the four-derivative part of the N=4 SYM effective action; in particular, the F^4/X^4 and Wess-Zumino terms. The latter comes out in a novel SO(3) x SO(3)-invariant form.Comment: 1+19 pages; minor corrections, references adde

    Altered expression of the suppressors PML and p53 in glioblastoma cells with the antisense-EGF-receptor

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    Gene amplification and enhanced expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) represent the major molecular genetic alteration in glioblastomas and it may play an essential role in cell growth and in the carcinogenic process. On the other hand, the nuclear suppressor proteins PML and p53 are also known to play critical roles in cancer development and in suppressing cell growth. Here we report that, in glioblastoma cells with defective EGFR function, the expressions of both promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) and p53 were altered. Cells that were transfected with the antisense-cDNA of EGFR were found to have more cells in G1 and fewer cells in S phase. In addition, the transfected cells were found to be non-responsive to EGF-induced cell growth. Interestingly, the expression of the suppressors p53 and PML were found to be significantly increased by immunohistochemical assay in the antisense-EGFR cells. Moreover, the PML expression in many of the cells was converted from the nuclear dot pattern into fine-granulated staining pattern. In contrast, the expressions of other cell cycle regulated genes and proto-oncogene, including the cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (cdk4), retinoblastoma, p16INK4a and p21H-ras, were not altered. These data indicate that there are specific inductions of PML and p53 proteins which may account for the increase in G1 and growth arrest in antisense-EGFR treated cells. It also indicates that the EGF, p53 and PML transduction pathways were linked and they may constitute an integral part of an altered growth regulatory programme. The interactions and cross-talks of these critical molecules may be very important in regulating cell growth, differentiation and cellular response to treatment in glioblastomas. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Promoter Nucleosome Organization Shapes the Evolution of Gene Expression

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    Understanding why genes evolve at different rates is fundamental to evolutionary thinking. In species of the budding yeast, the rate at which genes diverge in expression correlates with the organization of their promoter nucleosomes: genes lacking a nucleosome-free region (denoted OPN for “Occupied Proximal Nucleosomes”) vary widely between the species, while the expression of those containing NFR (denoted DPN for “Depleted Proximal Nucleosomes”) remains largely conserved. To examine if early evolutionary dynamics contributes to this difference in divergence, we artificially selected for high expression of GFP–fused proteins. Surprisingly, selection was equally successful for OPN and DPN genes, with ∼80% of genes in each group stably increasing in expression by a similar amount. Notably, the two groups adapted by distinct mechanisms: DPN–selected strains duplicated large genomic regions, while OPN–selected strains favored trans mutations not involving duplications. When selection was removed, DPN (but not OPN) genes reverted rapidly to wild-type expression levels, consistent with their lower diversity between species. Our results suggest that promoter organization constrains the early evolutionary dynamics and in this way biases the path of long-term evolution

    Analysis of genetic systems using experimental evolution and whole-genome sequencing

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    The application of whole-genome sequencing to the study of microbial evolution promises to reveal the complex functional networks of mutations that underlie adaptation. A recent study of parallel evolution in populations of Escherichia coli shows how adaptation involves both functional changes to specific proteins as well as global changes in regulation

    Pichia pastoris regulates its gene-specific response to different carbon sources at the transcriptional, rather than the translational, level

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    Background: The methylotrophic, Crabtree-negative yeast Pichia pastoris is widely used as a heterologous protein production host. Strong inducible promoters derived from methanol utilization genes or constitutive glycolytic promoters are typically used to drive gene expression. Notably, genes involved in methanol utilization are not only repressed by the presence of glucose, but also by glycerol. This unusual regulatory behavior prompted us to study the regulation of carbon substrate utilization in different bioprocess conditions on a genome wide scale. Results: We performed microarray analysis on the total mRNA population as well as mRNA that had been fractionated according to ribosome occupancy. Translationally quiescent mRNAs were defined as being associated with single ribosomes (monosomes) and highly-translated mRNAs with multiple ribosomes (polysomes). We found that despite their lower growth rates, global translation was most active in methanol-grown P. pastoris cells, followed by excess glycerol- or glucose-grown cells. Transcript-specific translational responses were found to be minimal, while extensive transcriptional regulation was observed for cells grown on different carbon sources. Due to their respiratory metabolism, cells grown in excess glucose or glycerol had very similar expression profiles. Genes subject to glucose repression were mainly involved in the metabolism of alternative carbon sources including the control of glycerol uptake and metabolism. Peroxisomal and methanol utilization genes were confirmed to be subject to carbon substrate repression in excess glucose or glycerol, but were found to be strongly de-repressed in limiting glucose-conditions (as are often applied in fed batch cultivations) in addition to induction by methanol. Conclusions: P. pastoris cells grown in excess glycerol or glucose have similar transcript profiles in contrast to S. cerevisiae cells, in which the transcriptional response to these carbon sources is very different. The main response to different growth conditions in P. pastoris is transcriptional; translational regulation was not transcript-specific. The high proportion of mRNAs associated with polysomes in methanol-grown cells is a major finding of this study; it reveals that high productivity during methanol induction is directly linked to the growth condition and not only to promoter strength

    Increasing vegetable intakes: rationale and systematic review of published interventions

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    Purpose While the health benefits of a high fruit and vegetable consumption are well known and considerable work has attempted to improve intakes, increasing evidence also recognises a distinction between fruit and vegetables, both in their impacts on health and in consumption patterns. Increasing work suggests health benefits from a high consumption specifically of vegetables, yet intakes remain low, and barriers to increasing intakes are prevalent making intervention difficult. A systematic review was undertaken to identify from the published literature all studies reporting an intervention to increase intakes of vegetables as a distinct food group. Methods Databases—PubMed, PsychInfo and Medline—were searched over all years of records until April 2015 using pre-specified terms. Results Our searches identified 77 studies, detailing 140 interventions, of which 133 (81 %) interventions were conducted in children. Interventions aimed to use or change hedonic factors, such as taste, liking and familiarity (n = 72), use or change environmental factors (n = 39), use or change cognitive factors (n = 19), or a combination of strategies (n = 10). Increased vegetable acceptance, selection and/or consumption were reported to some degree in 116 (83 %) interventions, but the majority of effects seem small and inconsistent. Conclusions Greater percent success is currently found from environmental, educational and multi-component interventions, but publication bias is likely, and long-term effects and cost-effectiveness are rarely considered. A focus on long-term benefits and sustained behaviour change is required. Certain population groups are also noticeably absent from the current list of tried interventions