4 research outputs found
Second Order Perturbation Theory for Improved Gluon and Staggered Quark Actions
We present the results of our perturbative calculations of the static quark
potential, small Wilson loops, the static quark self energy, and the mean link
in Landau gauge. These calculations are done for the one loop Symanzik improved
gluon action, and the improved staggered quark action.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, Lattice2001(improvement
Highly Improved Naive and Staggered Fermions
We present a new action for highly improved staggered fermions. We show that
perturbative calculations for the new action are well-behaved where those of
the conventional staggered action are badly behaved. We discuss the effects of
the new terms in controlling flavor mixing, and discuss the design of operators
for the action.Comment: Contribution to Lattice2001(improvement); 3 page
Perturbative coefficients for improved actions by Monte Carlo at large
Perturbative estimates of operator coefficients for improved lattice actions
are becoming increasingly important for precision simulations of many hadronic
observables. Following previous work by Dimm, Lepage, and Mackenzie, we
consider the feasibility of computing operator coefficients from numerical
simulations deep in the perturbative region of lattice theories. Here we
introduce a background field technique that may allow for the computation of
the coefficients of clover-field operators in a variety of theories. This
method is tested by calculations of the renormalized quark mass in lattice
NRQCD, and of the clover coefficient for Sheikholeslami-Wohlert
fermions. First results for the coefficient of the magnetic moment operator in
NRQCD are also presented.Comment: 3 Pages, LaTeX (espcrc2.sty, uses \psfig), 3 Postscript figures, Talk
presented at LATTICE'97, Edinburg