31 research outputs found
Vortices in self-gravitating disks
Vortices are believed to greatly help the formation of km sized planetesimals
by collecting dust particles in their centers. However, vortex dynamics is
commonly studied in non-self-gravitating disks. The main goal here is to
examine the effects of disk self-gravity on the vortex dynamics via numerical
simulations. In the self-gravitating case, when quasi-steady gravitoturbulent
state is reached, vortices appear as transient structures undergoing recurring
phases of formation, growth to sizes comparable to a local Jeans scale, and
eventual shearing and destruction due to gravitational instability. Each phase
lasts over 2-3 orbital periods. Vortices and density waves appear to be coupled
implying that, in general, one should consider both vortex and density wave
modes for a proper understanding of self-gravitating disk dynamics. Our results
imply that given such an irregular and rapidly changing, transient character of
vortex evolution in self-gravitating disks it may be difficult for such
vortices to effectively trap dust particles in their centers that is a
necessary process towards planet formation.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The
Sun, 15th Cambridge Workshop, St. Andrews, Scotland, July 21-25, 200
Nonlinear transverse cascade and two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic subcritical turbulence in plane shear flows
We find and investigate via numerical simulations self-sustained
two-dimensional turbulence in a magnetohydrodynamic flow with a maximally
simple configuration: plane, noninflectional (with a constant shear of
velocity) and threaded by a parallel uniform background magnetic field. This
flow is spectrally stable, so the turbulence is subcritical by nature and hence
it can be energetically supported just by transient growth mechanism due to
shear flow nonnormality. This mechanism appears to be essentially anisotropic
in spectral (wavenumber) plane and operates mainly for spatial Fourier
harmonics with streamwise wavenumbers less than a ratio of flow shear to the
Alfv\'{e}n speed, (i.e., the Alfv\'{e}n frequency is lower than
the shear rate). We focused on the analysis of the character of nonlinear
processes and underlying self-sustaining scheme of the turbulence, i.e., on the
interplay between linear transient growth and nonlinear processes, in spectral
plane. Our study, being concerned with a new type of the energy-injecting
process for turbulence -- the transient growth, represents an alternative to
the main trends of MHD turbulence research. We find similarity of the nonlinear
dynamics to the related dynamics in hydrodynamic flows -- to the \emph{bypass}
concept of subcritical turbulence. The essence of the analyzed nonlinear MHD
processes appears to be a transverse redistribution of kinetic and magnetic
spectral energies in wavenumber plane [as occurs in the related hydrodynamic
flow, see Horton et al., Phys. Rev. E {\bf 81}, 066304 (2010)] and differs
fundamentally from the existing concepts of (anisotropic direct and inverse)
cascade processes in MHD shear flows.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, published in Phys. Rev. E 89, 043101 (2014
Planetesimal Formation In Self-Gravitating Discs
We study particle dynamics in local two-dimensional simulations of
self-gravitating accretion discs with a simple cooling law. It is well known
that the structure which arises in the gaseous component of the disc due to a
gravitational instability can have a significant effect on the evolution of
dust particles. Previous results using global simulations indicate that spiral
density waves are highly efficient at collecting dust particles, creating
significant local over-densities which may be able to undergo gravitational
collapse. We expand on these findings, using a range of cooling times to mimic
the conditions at a large range of radii within the disc. Here we use the
Pencil Code to solve the 2D local shearing sheet equations for gas on a fixed
grid together with the equations of motion for solids coupled to the gas solely
through aerodynamic drag force. We find that spiral density waves can create
significant enhancements in the surface density of solids, equivalent to 1-10cm
sized particles in a disc following the profiles of Clarke (2009) around a
solar mass star, causing it to reach concentrations several orders of magnitude
larger than the particles mean surface density. We also study the velocity
dispersion of the particles, finding that the spiral structure can result in
the particle velocities becoming highly ordered, having a narrow velocity
dispersion. This implies low relative velocities between particles, which in
turn suggests that collisions are typically low energy, lessening the
likelihood of grain destruction. Both these findings suggest that the density
waves that arise due to gravitational instabilities in the early stages of star
formation provide excellent sites for the formation of large,
planetesimal-sized objects.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Stability of self-gravitating discs under irradiation
Self-gravity becomes competitive as an angular momentum transport process in
accretion discs at large radii, where the temperature is low enough that
external irradiation likely contributes to the thermal balance. Irradiation is
known to weaken the strength of disc self-gravity, and can suppress it entirely
if the disc is maintained above the threshold for linear instability. However,
its impact on the susceptibility of the disc to fragmentation is less clear. We
use two-dimensional numerical simulations to investigate the evolution of
self-gravitating discs as a function of the local cooling time and strength of
irradiation. In the regime where the disc does not fragment, we show that local
thermal equilibrium continues to determine the stress - which can be
represented as an effective viscous alpha - out to very long cooling times (at
least 240 dynamical times). In this regime, the power spectrum of the
perturbations is uniquely set by the effective viscous alpha and not by the
cooling rate. Fragmentation occurs for cooling times tau < beta_crit / Omega,
where beta_crit is a weak function of the level of irradiation. We find that
beta_crit declines by approximately a factor of two, as irradiation is
increased from zero up to the level where instability is almost quenched. The
numerical results imply that irradiation cannot generally avert fragmentation
of self-gravitating discs at large radii; if other angular momentum transport
sources are weak mass will build up until self-gravity sets in, and
fragmentation will ensue.Comment: MNRAS, in pres
Transient growth and coupling of vortex and wave modes in self-gravitating gaseous discs
Flow nonnormality induced linear transient phenomena in thin self-gravitating
astrophysical discs are studied in the shearing sheet approximation. The
considered system includes two modes of perturbations: vortex and (spiral
density) wave. It is shown that self-gravity considerably alters the vortex
mode dynamics -- its transient (swing) growth may be several orders of
magnitude stronger than in the non-self-gravitating case and 2-3 times larger
than the transient growth of the wave mode. Based on this finding, we comment
on the role of vortex mode perturbations in a gravitoturbulent state. Also
described is the linear coupling of the perturbation modes, caused by the
differential character of disc rotation. The coupling is asymmetric -- vortex
mode perturbations are able to excite wave mode ones, but not vice versa. This
asymmetric coupling lends additional significance to the vortex mode as a
participant in spiral density waves and shocks manifestations in astrophysical
discs.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
Excitation of spiral density waves by convection in accretion discs
Motivated by the recent results of \citet{Lesur_Ogilvie10} on the transport
properties of incompressible convection in protoplanetary discs, in this paper
we study the role of compressibility and hence of another basic mode -- spiral
density waves -- in convective instability in discs. We analyse the linear
dynamics of non-axisymmetric convection and spiral density waves in a Keplerian
disc with superadiabatic vertical stratification using the local shearing box
approach. It is demonstrated that the shear associated with Keplerian
differential rotation introduces a novel phenomenon, it causes these two
perturbation modes to become coupled: during evolution the convective mode
generates (trailing) spiral density waves and can therefore be regarded as a
new source of spiral density waves in discs. The wave generation process
studied here owes its existence solely to shear of the disc's differential
rotation, and is a special manifestation of a more general linear mode coupling
phenomena universally taking place in flows with an inhomogeneous velocity
profile. We quantify the efficiency of spiral density wave generation by
convection as a function of azimuthal and vertical wavenumbers of these modes
and find that it is maximal and most powerful when both these length-scales are
comparable to the disc scale height. We also show that unlike the convective
mode, which tends to transport angular momentum inwards in the linear regime,
the spiral density waves transport angular momentum outwards. Based on these
findings, we suggest that in the non-linear regime spiral density waves
generated by convection may play a role in enhancing the transport of angular
momentum due the convective mode alone, which is actually being changed to
outward by non-linearity, as indicated by above-mentioned recent developments.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA