4,986 research outputs found
Collisions of rigidly rotating disks of dust in General Relativity
We discuss inelastic collisions of two rotating disks by using the
conservation laws for baryonic mass and angular momentum. In particular, we
formulate conditions for the formation of a new disk after the collision and
calculate the total energy loss to obtain upper limits for the emitted
gravitational energy.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure
Non-existence of stationary two-black-hole configurations: The degenerate case
In a preceding paper we examined the question whether the spin-spin repulsion
and the gravitational attraction of two aligned sub-extremal black holes can
balance each other. Based on the solution of a boundary value problem for two
separate (Killing-) horizons and a novel black hole criterion we were able to
prove the non-existence of the equilibrium configuration in question. In this
paper we extend the non-existence proof to extremal black holes.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure
Non-existence of stationary two-black-hole configurations
We resume former discussions of the question, whether the spin-spin repulsion
and the gravitational attraction of two aligned black holes can balance each
other. To answer the question we formulate a boundary value problem for two
separate (Killing-) horizons and apply the inverse (scattering) method to solve
it. Making use of results of Manko, Ruiz and Sanabria-G\'omez and a novel black
hole criterion, we prove the non-existence of the equilibrium situation in
question.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; Contribution to Juergen Ehlers Memorial Issue
(GeRG journal
The interior of axisymmetric and stationary black holes: Numerical and analytical studies
We investigate the interior hyperbolic region of axisymmetric and stationary
black holes surrounded by a matter distribution. First, we treat the
corresponding initial value problem of the hyperbolic Einstein equations
numerically in terms of a single-domain fully pseudo-spectral scheme.
Thereafter, a rigorous mathematical approach is given, in which soliton methods
are utilized to derive an explicit relation between the event horizon and an
inner Cauchy horizon. This horizon arises as the boundary of the future domain
of dependence of the event horizon. Our numerical studies provide strong
evidence for the validity of the universal relation \Ap\Am = (8\pi J)^2 where
\Ap and \Am are the areas of event and inner Cauchy horizon respectively,
and denotes the angular momentum. With our analytical considerations we are
able to prove this relation rigorously.Comment: Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE 2010, 10 pages, 5
Differentially rotating disks of dust
We present a three-parameter family of solutions to the stationary
axisymmetric Einstein equations that describe differentially rotating disks of
dust. They have been constructed by generalizing the Neugebauer-Meinel solution
of the problem of a rigidly rotating disk of dust. The solutions correspond to
disks with angular velocities depending monotonically on the radial coordinate;
both decreasing and increasing behaviour is exhibited. In general, the
solutions are related mathematically to Jacobi's inversion problem and can be
expressed in terms of Riemann theta functions. A particularly interesting
two-parameter subfamily represents Baecklund transformations to appropriate
seed solutions of the Weyl class.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. To appear in "General Relativity and
Gravitation". Second version with minor correction
Analytical approximation of the exterior gravitational field of rotating neutron stars
It is known that B\"acklund transformations can be used to generate
stationary axisymmetric solutions of Einstein's vacuum field equations with any
number of constants. We will use this class of exact solutions to describe the
exterior vacuum region of numerically calculated neutron stars. Therefore we
study how an Ernst potential given on the rotation axis and containing an
arbitrary number of constants can be used to determine the metric everywhere.
Then we review two methods to determine those constants from a numerically
calculated solution. Finally, we compare the metric and physical properties of
our analytic solution with the numerical data and find excellent agreement even
for a small number of parameters.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 3 table
General relativistic gravitational field of a rigidly rotating disk of dust: Solution in terms of ultraelliptic functions
In a recent paper we presented analytic expressions for the axis potential,
the disk metric, and the surface mass density of the global solution to
Einstein's field equations describing a rigidly rotating disk of dust. Here we
add the complete solution in terms of ultraelliptic functions and quadratures.Comment: 5 pages, published in 1995 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 3046
The Post-Newtonian Approximation of the Rigidly Rotating Disc of Dust to Arbitrary Order
Using the analytic, global solution for the rigidly rotating disc of dust as
a starting point, an iteration scheme is presented for the calculation of an
arbitrary coefficient in the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation of this
solution. The coefficients were explicitly calculated up to the 12th PN level
and are listed in this paper up to the 4th PN level. The convergence of the
series is discussed and the approximation is found to be reliable even in
highly relativistic cases. Finally, the ergospheres are calculated at
increasing orders of the approximation and for increasingly relativistic
situations.Comment: 19 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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