145 research outputs found
T-duality, Fiber Bundles and Matrices
We extend the T-duality for gauge theory to that on curved space described as
a nontrivial fiber bundle. We also present a new viewpoint concerning the
consistent truncation and the T-duality for gauge theory and discuss the
relation between the vacua on the total space and on the base space. As
examples, we consider S^3(/Z_k), S^5(/Z_k) and the Heisenberg nilmanifold.Comment: 24 pages, typos correcte
Large N reduction for Chern-Simons theory on S^3
We study a matrix model which is obtained by dimensional reduction of
Chern-Simon theory on S^3 to zero dimension. We find that expanded around a
particular background consisting of multiple fuzzy spheres, it reproduces the
original theory on S^3 in the planar limit. This is viewed as a new type of the
large N reduction generalized to curved space.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, references added, typos correcte
Mass Deformations of Super Yang-Mills Theories in D= 2+1, and Super-Membranes: A Note
Mass deformations of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in three spacetime
dimensions are considered. The gluons of the theories are made massive by the
inclusion of a non-local gauge and Poincare invariant mass term due to
Alexanian and Nair, while the matter fields are given standard Gaussian
mass-terms. It is shown that the dimensional reduction of such mass deformed
gauge theories defined on or produces matrix quantum
mechanics with massive spectra. In particular, all known massive matrix quantum
mechanical models obtained by the deformations of dimensional reductions of
minimal super Yang-Mills theories in diverse dimensions are shown also to arise
from the dimensional reductions of appropriate massive Yang-Mills theories in
three spacetime dimensions. Explicit formulae for the gauge theory actions are
provided.Comment: 20 Page
Large-N reduction for N=2 quiver Chern-Simons theories on S^3 and localization in matrix models
We study reduced matrix models obtained by the dimensional reduction of N=2
quiver Chern-Simons theories on S^3 to zero dimension and show that if a
reduced model is expanded around a particular multiple fuzzy sphere background,
it becomes equivalent to the original theory on S^3 in the large-N limit. This
is regarded as a novel large-N reduction on a curved space S^3. We perform the
localization method to the reduced model and compute the free energy and the
vacuum expectation value of a BPS Wilson loop operator. In the large-N limit,
we find an exact agreement between these results and those in the original
theory on S^3.Comment: 46 pages, 11 figures; minor modification
First Results from Lattice Simulation of the PWMM
We present results of lattice simulations of the Plane Wave Matrix Model
(PWMM). The PWMM is a theory of supersymmetric quantum mechanics that has a
well-defined canonical ensemble. We simulate this theory by applying rational
hybrid Monte Carlo techniques to a naive lattice action. We examine the strong
coupling behaviour of the model focussing on the deconfinement transition.Comment: v3 20 pages, 8 figures, comment adde
Little String Theory from Double-Scaling Limits of Field Theories
We show that little string theory on S^5 can be obtained as double-scaling
limits of the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories on RxS^2 and
RxS^3/Z_k. By matching the gauge theory parameters with those in the gravity
duals found by Lin and Maldacena, we determine the limits in the gauge theories
that correspond to decoupling of NS5-brane degrees of freedom. We find that for
the theory on RxS^2, the 't Hooft coupling must be scaled like ln^3(N), and on
RxS^3/Z_k, like ln^2(N). Accordingly, taking these limits in these field
theories gives Lagrangian definitions of little string theory on S^5.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Minor change
Large N reduction on group manifolds
We show that the large N reduction holds on group manifolds. Large N field
theories defined on group manifolds are equivalent to some corresponding matrix
models. For instance, gauge theories on S^3 can be regularized in a gauge
invariant and SO(4) invariant manner.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected, a reference adde
Embedding of theories with SU(2|4) symmetry into the plane wave matrix model
We study theories with SU(2|4) symmetry, which include the plane wave matrix
model, 2+1 SYM on RxS^2 and N=4 SYM on RxS^3/Z_k. All these theories possess
many vacua. From Lin-Maldacena's method which gives the gravity dual of each
vacuum, it is predicted that the theory around each vacuum of 2+1 SYM on RxS^2
and N=4 SYM on RxS^3/Z_k is embedded in the plane wave matrix model. We show
this directly on the gauge theory side. We clearly reveal relationships among
the spherical harmonics on S^3, the monopole harmonics and the harmonics on
fuzzy spheres. We extend the compactification (the T-duality) in matrix models
a la Taylor to that on spheres.Comment: 56 pages, 6 figures, v2:a footnote and references added, section 5.2
improved, typos corrected, v3:typos corrected, v4: some equations are
corrected, eq.(G.2) is added, conclusion is unchange
Large-N reduced models of supersymmetric quiver, Chern-Simons gauge theories and ABJM
Using the Eguchi-Kawai equivalence, we provide regularizations of
supersymmetric quiver and Chern-Simons gauge theories which leave the
supersymmetries unbroken. This allow us to study many interesting theories on a
computer. As examples we construct large- reduced models of supersymmetric
QCD with flavor and the ABJM model of multiple M2 branes.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, references adde
Coarse-Graining the Lin-Maldacena Geometries
The Lin-Maldacena geometries are nonsingular gravity duals to degenerate
vacuum states of a family of field theories with SU(2|4) supersymmetry. In this
note, we show that at large N, where the number of vacuum states is large,
there is a natural `macroscopic' description of typical states, giving rise to
a set of coarse-grained geometries. For a given coarse-grained state, we can
associate an entropy related to the number of underlying microstates. We find a
simple formula for this entropy in terms of the data that specify the geometry.
We see that this entropy function is zero for the original microstate
geometries and maximized for a certain ``typical state'' geometry, which we
argue is the gravity dual to the zero-temperature limit of the thermal state of
the corresponding field theory. Finally, we note that the coarse-grained
geometries are singular if and only if the entropy function is non-zero.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures; v2 references adde
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