28,269 research outputs found
String Effects on Fermi--Dirac Correlation Measurements
We investigate some recent measurements of Fermi--Dirac correlations by the
LEP collaborations indicating surprisingly small source radii for the
production of baryons in -annihilation at the peak. In the
hadronization models there are besides the Fermi--Dirac correlation effect also
a strong dynamical (anti-)correlation. We demonstrate that the extraction of
the pure FD effect is highly dependent on a realistic Monte Carlo event
generator, both for separation of those dynamical correlations which are not
related to Fermi--Dirac statistics, and for corrections of the data and
background subtractions. Although the model can be tuned to well reproduce
single particle distributions, there are large model-uncertainties when it
comes to correlations between identical baryons. We therefore, unfortunately,
have to conclude that it is at present not possible to make any firm conclusion
about the source radii relevant for baryon production at LEP
Cross-shaped and Degenerate Singularities in an Unstable Elliptic Free Boundary Problem
We investigate singular and degenerate behavior of solutions of the unstable
free boundary problem First, we construct a
solution that is not of class and whose free boundary consists of
four arcs meeting in a {\em cross}-shaped singularity. This solution is
completely unstable/repulsive from above and below which would make it hard to
get by the usual methods, and even numerics is non-trivial. We also show
existence of a degenerate solution. This answers two of the open questions in a
recent paper by R. Monneau-G.S. Weiss
A covariant action principle for dissipative fluid dynamics: From formalism to fundamental physics
We present a new variational framework for dissipative general relativistic
fluid dynamics. The model extends the convective variational principle for
multi-fluid systems to account for a range of dissipation channels. The key
ingredients in the construction are i) the use of a lower dimensional matter
space for each fluid component, and ii) an extended functional dependence for
the associated volume forms. In an effort to make the concepts clear, the
formalism is developed in steps with the model example of matter coupled to
heat considered at each level. Thus we discuss a model for heat flow, derive
the relativistic Navier-Stokes equations and discuss why the individual
dissipative stress tensors need not be spacetime symmetric. We argue that the
new formalism, which notably does not involve an expansion away from an assumed
equilibrium state, provides a conceptual breakthrough in this area of research
and provide an ambitious list of directions in which one may want to extend it
in the future. This involves an exciting set of problems, relating to both
applications and foundational issues.Comment: 21 pages RevTex, 3 pdf figures, matches the published version. arXiv
admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1107.1005 by other author
Investigations into the BFKL Mechanism with a Running QCD Coupling
We present approximations of varying degree of sophistication to the integral
equations for the (gluon) structure functions of a hadron (``the partonic flux
factor'') in a model valid in the Leading Log Approximation with a running
coupling constant. The results are all of the BFKL-type, i.e. a power in the
Bjorken variable x_B^{-\lambda} with the parameter \lambda determined from the
size \alpha_0 of the ``effective'' running coupling \bar{\alpha}\equiv
3\alpha_s/\pi= \alpha_0/\log(k_{\perp}^2) and varying depending upon the
treatment of the transverse momentum pole. We also consider the implications
for the transverse momentum (k_{\perp}) fluctuations along the emission chains
and we obtain an exponential falloff in the relevant \kappa\equiv
\log(k_{\perp}^2)-variable, i.e. an inverse power (k_{\perp}^2)^{-(2+\lambda)}
with the same parameter \lambda. This is different from the BFKL-result for a
fixed coupling, where the distributions are Gaussian in the \kappa-variable
with a width as in a Brownian motion determined by ``the length'' of the
emission chains, i.e. \log(1/x_B). The results are verified by a realistic
Monte Carlo simulation and we provide a simple physics motivation for the
change.Comment: 24 pages, 10 supplementary files, submitted to Physical Review
The time evolution of marginally trapped surfaces
In previous work we have shown the existence of a dynamical horizon or
marginally trapped tube (MOTT) containing a given strictly stable marginally
outer trapped surface (MOTS). In this paper we show some results on the global
behavior of MOTTs assuming the null energy condition. In particular we show
that MOTSs persist in the sense that every Cauchy surface in the future of a
given Cauchy surface containing a MOTS also must contain a MOTS. We describe a
situation where the evolving outermost MOTS must jump during the coalescence of
two seperate MOTSs. We furthermore characterize the behavior of MOTSs in the
case that the principal eigenvalue vanishes under a genericity assumption. This
leads to a regularity result for the tube of outermost MOTSs under the
genericity assumption. This tube is then smooth up to finitely many jump times.
Finally we discuss the relation of MOTSs to singularities of a space-time.Comment: 21 pages. This revision corrects some typos and contains more
detailed proofs than the original versio
Elastic deformations of compact stars
We prove existence of solutions for an elastic body interacting with itself
through its Newtonian gravitational field. Our construction works for
configurations near one given by a self-gravitating ball of perfect fluid. We
use an implicit function argument. In so doing we have to revisit some
classical work in the astrophysical literature concerning linear stability of
perfect fluid stars. The results presented here extend previous work by the
authors, which was restricted to the astrophysically insignificant situation of
configurations near one of vanishing stress. In particular, "mountains on
neutron stars", which are made possible by the presence of an elastic crust in
neutron stars, can be treated using the techniques developed here.Comment: 29 page
The nonlinear development of the relativistic two-stream instability
The two-stream instability has been mooted as an explanation for a range of
astrophysical applications from GRBs and pulsar glitches to cosmology. Using
the first nonlinear numerical simulations of relativistic multi-species
hydrodynamics we show that the onset and initial growth of the instability is
very well described by linear perturbation theory. In the later stages the
linear and nonlinear description match only qualitatively, and the instability
does not saturate even in the nonlinear case by purely ideal hydrodynamic
effects.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
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