35 research outputs found

    Arah Politik Hukum Nasional Terhadap Kesejahteraan Sosial Dalam Kerangka Konstitusi Ekonomi Di Indonesia

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    Economic constitution has become a new idea within the constitutional framework as the basic foundation for the development of the national and global economy. National economic policies in the context of realizing social welfare must be able to guard and control the national economic system. Apart from the legal politics policy and the government's power in determining the direction of national policy, the conception of the economic constitution as the basic foundation must be realized. This study intends to describe the politics of national law and the concept of economic constitution in realizing social welfare. This research method uses normative juridical research using an exploratory descriptive analytical approach. The characteristics of national legal politics in practice still influence the realization of national economic policies, even though it has implied the concept of an economic constitution in the 1945 constitution. Social welfare, which is the goal of the state, becomes a political tool for national law through a national economic system that cannot be separated from political power

    Peraturan Daerah Bermuatan Syariat Islam Ditinjau Dari Prinsip Demokrasi Konstitusional

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    Abstract: In managing a local government or municipality, regulation is a must. Forms of regulatory framework in this context is bylaw. In today’s democratic Indonesia, local government has authority to form and implement bylaw according to local needs and values. Including bylaw on sharia. Among the purpose of bylaw is maintaining order. From the perspective of constitutional democracy, sharia bylaws is the right of each local government and community as long as not contradictory to the Constitution. Liberty to enact certain bylaw shows a working democracy. Therefore, sharia bylaw is an indication of ideal democracy, not threat to democracy. Key Words: bylaws, sharia, constitutional democracyAbstrak: Dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah, perlu aturan hukum sebagai landasan dalam melaksanakan segala urusan pemerintahan daerah. Bentuk pengaturan dalam pemerintahan daerah ialah peraturan daerah. Konsepsi demokrasi memberikan kewenangan pada setiap daerah untuk membentuk dan memberlakukan peraturan daerah sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal. Di antara nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dalam muatan peraturan daerah adalah syariat Islam. Tujuan dibentuknya peraturan daerah di antaranya adalah untuk memelihara ketertiban hukum (rechtsorde) sesuai dengan cita atau kekhasan masyarakat daerah. Ditinjau dari prinsip demokrasi konstitusional, peraturan daerah bermuatan syariat Islam merupakan hak bagi setiap daerah dan masyarakat daerah sesuai dengan kesepakatan masyarakat (resultante) selama tidak bertentangan dengan konstitusi. Muatan syariat Islam dalam peraturan daerah dibatasi oleh konstitusi dalam prinsip demokrasi konstitusional. Kebebasan dalam memberikan muatan dalam suatu peraturan daerah, menunjukkan konsep demokrasi yang dianut bangsa Indonesia terlaksana sesuai dengan ketetapan pada konstitusi, sehingga pemberlakuan peraturan daerah bermuatan syariat Islam merupakan cita demokrasi dan bukan merupakan ancaman bagi demokrasi. Kata Kunci: Peraturan Daerah, syariat Islam, demokrasi konstitusiona


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    In the government as an organization, it can not be separated from the Position, Position stakeholders and officials. To be able a good government system, each position as well as position holders in order to carry out its duties and functions in accordance with his position. So that all the planning, implementation and results in accordance with the objectives of the government. The empty position may create an unstable condition in the administration of government, therefore, the position must be filled by other officials, such as the replacement of public officials temporary. In Indonesian law the public officials temporary replacement is also called, executing the task (Plt. Pelaksana Tugas) or daily executor (Plh. Pelaksana Harian). Filling public positions temporary judged to be unable to government be effectively and efficiently. Because in some cases there is a weaknes (such as the power and authority) and resulted in double positions for officials. So the replacement officials temporary, such as executing tasks (Plt. Pelaksana Tugas) is not approriate method to create a system of good governance

    Pengisian Jabatan Presiden dan Presidential Threshold dalam Demokrasi Konstitusional di Indonesia

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    Pengisian jabatan Presiden dan wakil Presiden merupakan salah satu unsur penting penyelenggaraan negara. Dalam konstitusi dijelaskan bahwa pemegang kekuasaan pemerintahan adalah Presiden dan dibantu oleh seorang wakil Presiden. Berdasarkan konstitusi negara Indonesia telah diatur mengenai mekanisme pengisian jabatan Presiden dan wakil Presiden. Prinsip konstitusi negara Indonesia atau undang-undang dasar negara Republik Indonesia mengandung prinsip demokrasi. Prinsip demokrasi memungkinkan setiap orang memiliki hak dan kesempatan yang sama dalam membangun masyarakat, bangsa dan negara yang menjadi hak konstitusional. Pasca amandemen UUD, mekanisme pengisian jabatan Presiden dan wakil Presiden diatur dalam Pasal 6A UUD 1945 yang mengharuskan calon Presiden dan wakil Presiden diusulkan oleh partai politik. Pengaturan lebih lanjut mengenai pengisian jabatan Presiden diatur melalui Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 2017 dimana ketentuan pencalonan Presiden dan wakil Presiden oleh partai politik diharuskan memenuhi presidential threshold. Adanya ketentuan tersebut bertentangan dengan prinsip demokrasi konstitusional. Dalam Pasal 6A UUD 1945 bertentangan dengan hak konstitusional setiap orang untuk menggunakan hak mencalonkan diri (the right to be candidate) sebagai Presiden dan/atau wakil Presiden. Melalui Pasal 222 UU. No.7 Tahun 2017 mengkebiri hak konstitusional partai politik dalam hak mengajukan calon (the right to propose candidate)

    Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Aktualisasi Pancasila melalui Media Sosial Ditinjau dari Perspektif Sosiologi Komunikasi

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    Pancasila is the philosophy of the Indonesian State as an idiil foundation of Indonesia people. As a State of law, Indonesia has actualized Pancasila in the State's legal system which is the basis for actuallity and achieving the ideals of the nation. The actualization of Pancasila is not sufficiently implemented in the legal order of the State, but must be actualized to each individual as a citizen of the soul value of Pancasila. Social media as a forum to actualize Pancasila for every Indonesian citizen. Through the sociology of communication approach, the actualization of Pancasila through social media can move and foster harmonization in social relations in accordance with the values ​​of Pancasila


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    Journalism is an activity of gathering news and reporting events. Delivery of news or information in general often also called the press. To protect journalistic activities and freedom of the press, the press council established by law. Press Council as an independent agency to establish guidelines which must be done by any reporter or journalist in writing or delivered the news. Journalistic ethics is a guideline to behave in journalistic activity compiled by journalists, press organizations to be ethical or moral grounding in journalistic activities. The purpose of this study, to find a model settlement of violations of journalistic ethics in the press council. This research method using descriptive analytical research model with normative juridical approach. Collecting data using literature study by collecting data and legal regulations. Besides the interviews to the parties concerned to complete the data. Press Council in resolving violations of journalistic ethics, to maintain the freedom of the press with a mechanism that provides power to the press council to decide a case arising from journalistic activities completed by the press council. Settlement due to journalistic activities outside the press council will shut down and eliminate the freedom of the press as mandated by law. The right model is the removal of press offenses perspective that may affect national press by giving power and authority to the press council to resolve matters arising from journalistic activities

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Kesempatan Kerja Bagi Masyarakat Lokal Di Kota Cilegon

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    Legal protection of employement opportunities and welfare is the responsibility of the state. In the concept of regional autonomy it becomes the joint responsibility between the central and local governments to create opportunities and employment opportunities to provide welfare for the community, especially regional or local people. The form of legal protection afforded to the public may be a persuasive and repressive legal protection. Based on the state constitution until legislation has been regulated and on employment opportunities to the local people. This means that the legal protection of employment opportunities has been persuasive done by central and local governments. However, repressive legal protection for local people is not yet fully implemented, resulting in high numbers of job seekers for regional or local people

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Kesempatan Kerja Bagi Masyarakat Lokal Di Kota Cilegon

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    Legal protection of employement opportunities and welfare is the responsibility of the state. In the concept of regional autonomy it becomes the joint responsibility between the central and local governments to create opportunities and employment opportunities to provide welfare for the community, especially regional or local people. The form of legal protection afforded to the public may be a persuasive and repressive legal protection. Based on the state constitution until legislation has been regulated and on employment opportunities to the local people. This means that the legal protection of employment opportunities has been persuasive done by central and local governments. However, repressive legal protection for local people is not yet fully implemented, resulting in high numbers of job seekers for regional or local people

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pembeli Dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli Batu Bata Merah di Putra Lio Taktakan Kota Serang

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    Economic and business activities carried out by the parties, especially between sellers and buyers, have not been given maximum legal protection. Phenomena or dynamics in society when carrying out legal relations in the form of buying and selling based on agreements, agreements made by the parties as laws, and the birth of an agreement between the parties, for that they are obliged to make an agreement. The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of the red brick sale and purchase agreement and to find out the legal settlement methods for the parties in the event of default on the buyer at Putra Lio Takakan, Serang city. This study uses a qualitative method with a sociological juridical approach, the data used are primary, secondary and tertiary data. The results of this study are as follows: In the implementation of the red brick sale and purchase agreement, it is in accordance with the agreement, but in practice there are defaults and efforts to resolve them by means of deliberation, but if there is no consensus between the seller and the buyer, both parties agree to settle through litigation