412 research outputs found


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    International audienceThe majority of studies on supply chain management (SCM) emphasize the importance of cooperative relationships for improving the integration of business processes into a supply chain. It seems accepted that SCM will be a source of competitive advantage if, and only if, firms that participate in it formalize a strategic partnership between each other beforehand. This article questions whether this really is the case, given that the corporate cultures currently in place are largely founded on a tradition of adversarial relationships, the creation of large groups and the development of vertical concentrations. SCM could, in contrast, in such a case be the catalyst for powerful future strategic partnerships that could gently break arm’s-length competition

    L’enseignement numerique dans l’espace europeen de formation: etude du management du "CAmpus Numerique en Economie-GEstion"

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    L'usage des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) participe de plus en plus à la restructuration de l’espace européen de formation. Dans ce contexte et sous un angle résolument organisationnel, cette communication analyse l'essor du e-Learning dans l’enseignement supérieur français à travers le management du projet CANEGE - CAmpus Numérique en Economie-Gestion - créé en 2001. A l’aide d’une grille d’observation dénommée HPAC (Hétérogénéité, Partenariat, Autonomie et Cohésion), il est mis en évidence en quoi ce campus numérique constitue une véritable structure en réseau. Fort de ce résultat, un diagnostic de son fonctionnement est alors proposé et des recommandations pour améliorer son management sont formulées.CAmpus Numérique en Economie GEstion (CANEGE), Diagnostic, e-Learning, Enseignement supérieur, Projet, Structure en réseau

    Nonclassical 2-photon interference with separate intrinsically narrowband fibre sources

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a source of photon pairs based on four-wave-mixing in photonic crystal fibres. Careful engineering of the phase matching conditions in the fibres enables us to create photon pairs at 597 nm and 860 nm in an intrinsically factorable state showing no spectral correlations. This allows for heralding one photon in a pure state and hence renders narrow band filtering obsolete. The source is narrow band, bright and achieves an overall detection efficiency of up to 21% per photon. For the first time, a Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with unfiltered photons from separate fibre sources is presented.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    DĂ©partement des Alpes-Maritimes

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 8336 Date de l'opération : 2007 (PI) Inventeur(s) : Fulconis Stéphane (BEN) Andon Voie la Siagne - le Loup Cette année, le terminus amont de la voie a été reconnu jusqu’à sa jonction avec la via Ventiana. La voie descend vers la rivière depuis le sommet en rive droite du Loup. Ce trajet, aménagé en corniche, long d’environ 1 km, est quasiment rectiligne. Le tracé a été réutilisé à l’époque moderne sur 600 m jusqu’à un point où la voie est recoupée pa..

    Photonic crystal fibre source of photon pairs for quantum information processing

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    We demonstrate two key components for optical quantum information processing: a bright source of heralded single photons; and a bright source of entangled photon pairs. A pair of pump photons produces a correlated pair of photons at widely spaced wavelengths (583 nm and 900 nm), via a χ(3)\chi^{(3)} four-wave mixing process. We demonstrate a non-classical interference between heralded photons from independent sources with a visibility of 95%, and an entangled photon pair source, with a fidelity of 89% with a Bell state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Agro-ecology in action: The environmental oasis projects

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    International audienceAgro-ecology is now considered as an alternative model to the industrial agricultural model. Faced with the limitations of conventional production models, agro-ecology is emerging today as a possible response to the challenges of the 21st century: food security, circularity, respect for the environment, and development of employment. More generally, the adoption of circular principles aims to decouple environmental pressure from agricultural productivism. Agro-ecology is a relevant research topic because it aims to ensure sustainable and resilient agricultural production, to empower local farmers, to protect the environment and to fight again climate change. This article focuses on the French Oasis projects, as part of the “Hummingbird movement” initiated by Pierre Rabhi, and which represent a successful agro-ecological experience, in economic, social and environmental terms. Different data were collected by compiling information available on the website of 76 Oasis projects across France: people living in the community; lodging possibilities; presence of a school; and direct relationship with local farmers. Then, a social factorial correspondence analysis and an environmental factorial correspondence analysis was realized to evaluate the impacts of environmental Oasis projects. The results show that profitable organizations seem to conduct more social and environmental actions in an agro-ecology context, and they put in place more actions than those who have no profitable aims

    Photon pair generation using four-wave mixing in a microstructured fibre: theory versus experiment

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    We develop a theoretical analysis of four-wave mixing used to generate photon pairs useful for quantum information processing. The analysis applies to a single mode microstructured fibre pumped by an ultra-short coherent pulse in the normal dispersion region. Given the values of the optical propagation constant inside the fibre, we can estimate the created number of photon pairs per pulse, their central wavelength and their respective bandwidth. We use the experimental results from a picosecond source of correlated photon pairs using a micro-structured fibre to validate the model. The fibre is pumped in the normal dispersion regime at 708nm and phase matching is satisfied for widely spaced parametric wavelengths of 586nm and 894nm. We measure the number of photons per pulse using a loss-independent coincidence scheme and compare the results with the theoretical expectation. We show a good agreement between the theoretical expectations and the experimental results for various fibre lengths and pump powers.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    An All Optical Fibre Quantum Controlled-NOT Gate

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    We report the first experimental demonstration of an optical controlled-NOT gate constructed entirely in fibre. We operate the gate using two heralded optical fibre single photon sources and find an average logical fidelity of 90% and an average process fidelity of 0.83<F<0.91. On the basis of a simple model we are able to conclude that imperfections are primarily due to the photon sources, meaning that the gate itself works with very high fidelity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom

    Enterprise risk management and disclosure

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    Our paper deals with aspects regarding risk and uncertainty. Many risk management methods are today implemented in organizations. This perspective reveals that managers are linked in different forms to the activities they are managing, depending on the conditions and levels of uncertainty they are in. Actually, these multiple levels of uncertainty lead to the conclusion that any situation in an organizational system can be classified in two different models of organizational phenomena: the organizational phenomena that are putting managers and stakeholders in conditions of risk and the organizational phenomena that are putting them in condition of uncertainty. Using content analyze in this paper we survey the disclosure level of risk management information in the annual report of top Romanian listed companies

    Les festivals musicaux : des organisations temporaires pulsatoires ? Le cas du festival du Bout du Monde

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    National audienceLes festivals de musiques jouent un rôle important dans l'animation des territoires et leur apportent des retombées économiques non négligeables. Dès lors, la pérennisation de ces événements constitue un enjeu tant pour les organisateurs que pour les sites qui les accueillent. Dans cette optique, il est important de mieux comprendre ces organisations très particulières. Les festivals musicaux sont des structures paradoxales. Ils sont à la fois temporaires et durables. Inclus dans un projet de recherche qui porte sur la pérennisation des activités de production de services événementiels, cette communication propose de qualifier les festivals musicaux d'Organisations Temporaires Pulsatoires (OTP). Le fonctionnement de ces "organisations-événements" est étudié au travers d'une revue de littérature focalisée sur les structures en réseau et sur les organisations temporaires. Après avoir présenté une typologie d'organisations temporaires, un raisonnement par analogie permet d'établir un parallèle entre les structures déployées entre autres dans le cadre des jeux olympiques et celles des festivals musicaux. Un cycle organisationnel en quatre étapes est mis en lumière et s'articule autour de l'oscillation entre deux états de la structure permettant d'identifier deux phases transitoires. L'étude du cas du festival du Bout du Monde de Crozon (29) met en évidence une convergence entre les éléments théoriques et ceux issus du terrain. Elle permet d'apporter des éléments de réponses sur le caractère pulsatoire de l'organisation ainsi que sur les mécanismes qui régissent ces pulsations. Les données empiriques soulignent aussi le rôle central qu'occupe la logistique dans la phase transitoire entre un état dormant et un état activé de l'OTP qui apparait comme l'un des principaux facteurs de réussite d'un festival. Si la recherche permet de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des festivals musicaux et met en lumières les mécanismes qui semblent améliorer leur efficacité et garantir leur pérennité, les résultats obtenus mériteront d'être approfondis par d'autres études de cas complémentaires
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