16 research outputs found


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    Basically, from year to year, business always develops. This is what makes a transformational leader needed to be able to face the demands of the ever-changing market. This study itself discusses transportation service companies in Indonesia that have undergone massive changes and adjusted to market needs. One of the things that affects this is the learning orientation of the Institute as well as creative self-efficacy and work creativity. The purpose of this study proves that employee creativity encourages the organization to develop. This study uses the SmartPLS analysis method as analysis. The test results prove that Transformational Leadership has an impact on employee creativity in this company. In addition, why learning orientation has less impact on employee creativity is also explained in this study


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    Basically, from year to year, business always develops. This is what makes a transformational leader needed to be able to face the demands of the ever-changing market. This study itself discusses transportation service companies in Indonesia that have undergone massive changes and adjusted to market needs. One of the things that affects this is the learning orientation of the Institute as well as creative self-efficacy and work creativity. The purpose of this study proves that employee creativity encourages the organization to develop. This study uses the SmartPLS analysis method as analysis. The test results prove that Transformational Leadership has an impact on employee creativity in this company. In addition, why learning orientation has less impact on employee creativity is also explained in this study

    Rebranding untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Tambah Produk di Kelompok Usaha Mikro Olahan Susu pada Ikatan Pengusaha ‘Aisyiyah (IPAS)

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    Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra pertama, Ikatan Pengusaha ‘Aisyiyah (IPAS) adalah pengembangan pada jumlah produksi yang harus ditingkatkan. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil observasi, juga diketahui bahwa produsen susu IPAS sudah memiliki beberapa jenis produk susu yang dapat dikembangkan. Selain itu permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra juga terkait dengan produk olahan yang memiliki kemasan yang kurang menarik yang membuat tim pengabdi merasa itu menjadi salah satu permasalah yang dialami oleh mitra padahal produk mereka sudah banyak dikenal dipasar namun kapasitas produksi mereka juga masih kecil. Tujuan dari kegiatan pendampingan dan pelatihan bagi pengusaha susu yang berada di IPAS adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan mengembangkan rebranding produk sehingga memiliki nilai jual yang lebih di masyarakat. Metode implementasi yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah: (1) Pemberian pelatihan terkait dengan peningkatan produktivitas menggunakan teknologi baru, (2) Pelatihan dan pengembangan terkait dengan rebranding produk. Tim pengabdi juga memberikan beberapa pandangan terkait desain kemasan produk yang dianggap menarik dan bernilai jual dipasar. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan para mitra, memberikan poin penjualan tambahan untuk produk IPAS, publikasi terkait dengan diferensiasi produk IPAS, meningkatkan volume produksi untuk pengusaha susu IPAS, dan memberikan pandangan terkait inovasi yang dapat mereka perbaiki untuk terus mengembangkan pasar mereka di masa yang akan datang

    Assistance and Management of E-Commerce and Digital Marketing in Pujon Kidul Tourism Village

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    In this service program, the devotees try to respond to issues related to the development carried out by the Pujon Kidul tourist village, especially in increasing merchandise sales and introducing several new tourist destinations in Pujon Kidul. Because of the information obtained, the trend is also increasingly erratic during a pandemic like today. This has encouraged the service team to provide some touch of technology, especially in marketing. Through the digital marketing and e-commerce development program, our community service team hopes that with this program, the community will experience an increase both in terms of income and visits to tourist attractions that are running now. This program hopes that it will also introduce potential outside of Café Sawah, owned by Pujon Kidul. This program is also appropriate because, during a pandemic like this, a decrease in the number of visitors has also been experienced in Pujon Kidul. With the introduction of other potential villages, it is hoped that the attractiveness and capacity accommodated will be in the Rice Field Café and different potentials. The method used in this service process is to use digital marketing and e-commerce as a solution to increase visits and sales of products owned by BUMdes Pujon Kidul. Social media is one of the media used to increase interest and visits to the tourist village of Pujon Kidul. Measuring success can be calculated from direct visits to tourist attractions and visits to Pujon Kidul's social media. Based on the results of visits from both social media and tourist attractions, there has been an increase for followers at 11,800, and for holidays, there has been an increase to 6500 tourists visiting. The results of e-commerce and digital marketing training are expected to provide other income regularly for citizens who depend on their life from Pujon Kidul tourism


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    For a company the best way to maintain optimal company conditions is to implement Total Quality Management (TQM). This study aims to determine the effect of implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) which is then realized in 4 basic pillars, namely customer focus, employee empowerment, continuous quality improvement, and fact-based management on operational performance at UD. Restu Jaya. The research sample used was 44 employees. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression, classical assumptions, and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data analysis, the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) is proven to have a simultaneous effect on operational performance variables. However, there are several variables that have no partial effect on the operational performance variable, while those variables are employee empowerment and continuous quality improvement. While the variables focused on customers and management based on facts have a significant partial effect on operational performance variable


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    For a company the best way to maintain optimal company conditions is to implement Total Quality Management (TQM). This study aims to determine the effect of implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) which is then realized in 4 basic pillars, namely customer focus, employee empowerment, continuous quality improvement, and fact-based management on operational performance at UD. Restu Jaya. The research sample used was 44 employees. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression, classical assumptions, and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data analysis, the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) is proven to have a simultaneous effect on operational performance variables. However, there are several variables that have no partial effect on the operational performance variable, while those variables are employee empowerment and continuous quality improvement. While the variables focused on customers and management based on facts have a significant partial effect on operational performance variable

    Peran entrepreneur leadership terhadap innovation performance yang dimediasi oleh innovation process

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    This research is to identify the role of entrepreneurial leadership on innovation performance mediated by the study of the innovation process in start-up companies. The research design is a survey research using a questionnaire as a research instrument. This research was conducted to examine the effect of entrepreneurial leadership on innovation performance mediated by the innovation process, especially in start-up companies located in the East Java region with a total of approximately 119 companies with approximately 20 employees in each company. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection methods using questionnaires which will be distributed online and processed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the study show that Entrepreneur Leadership has a significant effect on Innovation Performance, and there is also a significant influence on the innovation process. This study also shows that the Innovation Process is a mediating variable between Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation Performance. The conclusion from this study is that Entrepreneur Leadership, Innovation process, and innovation performance have a relationship between the variables based on this study

    Pendampingan Metode Pembalajaran Kewirausahaan Dengan Sistem Bisnis Model Canvas Pada SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang

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    The community service program proposed by the devotees will be carried out at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. The process of situation analysis and identification of problems with service partners was carried out on March 3, 2021. Based on the situation analysis process, the service found that entrepreneurship subject activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang still need to be readjusted related to business details that must be built when setting up a business. Because of this need, we as a servant answer this by providing assistance with entrepreneurship learning methods with the canvas business model method. The purpose of the implementation of this service program is to provide knowledge and improve the skills of teachers in creating new businesses which will later be applied in entrepreneurship subjects at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. In this service, the servant will provide assistance to teachers in using the Business Model Canvas method. Through this service program, it is hoped that entrepreneurship subject teachers can apply it during the teaching and learning process. &nbsp