54 research outputs found
Enhanced sensitivity to ALDH1A3-dependent ferroptosis in TMZ-resistant glioblastoma cells
Temozolomide (TMZ) is standard treatment for glioblastoma (GBM); nonetheless, resistance and tumor recurrence are still major problems. In addition to its association with recurrent GBM and TMZ resistance, ALDH1A3 has a role in autophagy-dependent ferroptosis activation. In this study, we treated TMZ-resistant LN229 human GBM cells with the ferroptosis inducer RSL3. Remarkably, TMZ-resistant LN229 clones were also resistant to ferroptosis induction, although lipid peroxidation was induced by RSL3. By using Western blotting, we were able to determine that ALDH1A3 was down-regulated in TMZ-resistant LN229 cells. Most intriguingly, the cell viability results showed that only those clones that up-regulated ALDH1A3 after TMZ withdrawal became re-sensitized to ferroptosis induction. The recovery of ALDH1A3 expression appeared to be regulated by EGFR-dependent PI3K pathway activation since Akt was activated only in ALDH1A3 high clones. Blocking the EGFR signaling pathway with the EGFR inhibitor AG1498 decreased the expression of ALDH1A3. These findings shed light on the potential application of RSL3 in the treatment of glioblastoma relapse
Glycosyltransferases as Markers for Early Tumorigenesis
Background. Glycosylation is the most frequent posttranslational modification of proteins and lipids influencing inter-and intracellular communication and cell adhesion. Altered glycosylation patterns are characteristically observed in tumour cells. Normal and altered carbohydrate chains are transferred to their acceptor structures via glycosyltransferases. Here, we present the correlation between the presence of three different glycosyltransferases and tumour characteristics. Methods. 235 breast cancer tissue samples were stained immunohistochemically for the glycosyltransferases N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6 (GALNT6),beta-1, 6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 (GCNT2),and ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2, 3-beta-galactosyl-1, 3)-N-acetylgalactosamine beta-2, 6-sialyltransferase 1 (ST6GALNac1). Staining was evaluated by light microscopy and was correlated to different tumour characteristics by statistical analysis. Results. We found a statistically significant correlation for the presence of glycosyltransferases and tumour size and grading. Specifically smaller tumours with low grading revealed the highest incidences of glycosyltransferases. Additionally, Her4-expression but not pHer4-expression is correlated with the presence of glycosyltransferases. All other investigated parameters could not uncover any statistically significant reciprocity. Conclusion. Here we show, that glycosyltransferases can identify small tumours with well-differentiated cells;hence, glycosylation patterns could be used as a marker for early tumourigenesis. This assumption is supported by the fact that Her4 is also correlated to glycosylation, whereas the activated form of Her4 does not show such a connection with glycosylation
Glycosyltransferases as Markers for Early Tumorigenesis
Background. Glycosylation is the most frequent posttranslational modification of proteins and lipids influencing inter-and intracellular communication and cell adhesion. Altered glycosylation patterns are characteristically observed in tumour cells. Normal and altered carbohydrate chains are transferred to their acceptor structures via glycosyltransferases. Here, we present the correlation between the presence of three different glycosyltransferases and tumour characteristics. Methods. 235 breast cancer tissue samples were stained immunohistochemically for the glycosyltransferases N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6 (GALNT6),beta-1, 6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 (GCNT2),and ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2, 3-beta-galactosyl-1, 3)-N-acetylgalactosamine beta-2, 6-sialyltransferase 1 (ST6GALNac1). Staining was evaluated by light microscopy and was correlated to different tumour characteristics by statistical analysis. Results. We found a statistically significant correlation for the presence of glycosyltransferases and tumour size and grading. Specifically smaller tumours with low grading revealed the highest incidences of glycosyltransferases. Additionally, Her4-expression but not pHer4-expression is correlated with the presence of glycosyltransferases. All other investigated parameters could not uncover any statistically significant reciprocity. Conclusion. Here we show, that glycosyltransferases can identify small tumours with well-differentiated cells;hence, glycosylation patterns could be used as a marker for early tumourigenesis. This assumption is supported by the fact that Her4 is also correlated to glycosylation, whereas the activated form of Her4 does not show such a connection with glycosylation
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy associated with chemotherapy induced lymphocytopenia in solid tumors – case report of an underestimated complication
JC virus reactivation causing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) occurs preferentially in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive individuals or patients suffering from hematologic neoplasms due to impaired viral control. Reactivation in patients suffering from solid malignancies is rarely described in published literature.
Case Presentation
Here we describe a case of PML in a male patient suffering from esophageal cancer who underwent neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy and surgical resection in curative intent resulting in complete tumor remission. The radiochemotherapy regimen contained carboplatin and paclitaxel (CROSS protocol). Since therapy onset, the patient presented with persistent and progredient leukopenia and lymphopenia in absence of otherwise known risk factors for PML. Symptom onset, which comprised aphasia, word finding disorder, and paresis, was apparent 7 months after therapy initiation. There was no relief in symptoms despite standard of care PML directed supportive therapy. The patient died two months after therapy onset.
PML is a very rare event in solid tumors without obvious states of immununosuppression and thus harbors the risk of unawareness. The reported patient suffered from lymphopenia, associated with systemic therapy, but was an otherwise immunocompetent individual. In case of neurologic impairment in patients suffering from leukopenia, PML must be considered – even in the absence of hematologic neoplasia or HIV infection
Multiscale quantification of morphological heterogeneity with creation of a predictor of longer survival in glioblastoma
Design and transition of an emergency e-learning pathology course for medical students — evaluation of a novel course concept
Background: Around the world, the emergency brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic forced medical schools to create numerous e-learning supplements to provide instruction during this crisis. The question now is to determine a way in which to capitalize on this momentum of digitization and harness the medical e-learning content created for the future. We have analyzed the transition of a pathology course to an emergency remote education online course and, in the second step, applied a flipped classroom approach including research skills training. Methods: In the summer semester of 2020, the pathology course at the Technical University of Munich was completely converted to an asynchronous online course. Its content was adapted in winter 2021 and incorporated into a flipped classroom concept in which research skills were taught at the same time. Results: Screencasts and lecture recordings were the most popular asynchronous teaching formats. Students reported developing a higher interest in pathology and research through group work. The amount of content was very challenging for some students. Conclusion: Flipped classroom formats are a viable option when using pre-existing content. We recommend checking such content for technical and didactic quality and optimizing it if necessary. Content on research skills can be combined very well with clinical teaching content
Viral Load and Cell Tropism During Early Latent Equid Herpesvirus 1 Infection Differ Over Time in Lymphoid and Neural Tissue Samples From Experimentally Infected Horses
Upper respiratory tract infections with Equid Herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) typically result in a peripheral blood mononuclear cell-associated viremia, which can lead to vasculopathy in the central nervous system. Primary EHV-1 infection also likely establishes latency in trigeminal ganglia (TG) via retrograde axonal transport and in respiratory tract-associated lymphatic tissue. However, latency establishment and reactivation are poorly understood. To characterize the pathogenesis of EHV-1 latency establishment and maintenance, two separate groups of yearling horses were experimentally infected intranasally with EHV-1, strain Ab4, and euthanized 30 days post infection (dpi), (n = 9) and 70 dpi (n = 6). During necropsy, TG, sympathetic trunk (ST), retropharyngeal and mesenteric lymph nodes (RLn, MesLn) and kidney samples were collected. Viral DNA was detected by quantitative PCR (qPCR) in TG, ST, RLn, and MesLn samples in horses 30 and 70 dpi. The number of positive TG, RLn and MesLn samples was reduced when comparing horses 30 and 70 dpi and the viral copy number in TG and RLn significantly declined from 30 to 70 dpi. EHV-1 late gene glycoprotein B reverse transcriptase PCR and IHC results for viral protein were consistently negative, thus lytic replication was excluded in the present study. Mild inflammation could be detected in all neural tissue samples and inflammatory infiltrates mainly consisted of CD3+ T-lymphocytes (T-cells), frequently localized in close proximity to neuronal cell bodies. To identify latently infected cell types, in situ hybridization (ISH, RNAScope®) detecting viral DNA was used on selected qPCR- positive neural tissue sections. In ganglia 30 dpi, EHV-1 ISH signal was located in the neurons of TG and ST, but also in non-neuronal support or interstitial cells surrounding the neuron. In contrast, distinct EHV-1 signal could only be observed in neurons of TG 70 dpi. Overall, detection of latent EHV-1 in abdominal tissue samples and non-neuronal cell localization suggests, that EHV-1 uses T-cells during viremia as alternative route toward latency locations in addition to retrograde neuronal transport. We therefore hypothesize that EHV-1 follows the same latency pathways as its close relative human pathogen Varicella Zoster Virus
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