404 research outputs found
The effect of temperature jumps during polymer crystallization
Temperature changes during the growth of lamellar polymer crystals give rise
to steps on the surface of the crystals. It has recently been suggested that
these steps could provide important insights into the mechanism of polymer
crystallization. In particular, a characterization of the profiles of these
steps might reveal the fixed-point attractor that underlies a recently proposed
crystallization mechanism. Here we examine this hypothesis by performing
simulations of such temperature jumps using the Sadler-Gilmer model. We find
that for this model the step profiles do reveal the fixed-point attractor.
However, for temperature decreases they also reflect the rounding of the
crystal edge that occurs in this model and for temperature increases they also
reflect the fluctuations in the thickness present in the crystal. We discuss
the implications of these results for the interpretation of experimental step
profiles.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, revte
Large effect of polydispersity on defect concentrations in colloidal crystals
We compute the equilibrium concentration of stacking faults and point defects
in polydisperse hard-sphere crystals. We find that, while the concentration of
stacking faults remains similar to that of monodisperse hard sphere crystals,
the concentration of vacancies decreases by about a factor two. Most
strikingly, the concentration of interstitials in the maximally polydisperse
crystal may be some six orders of magnitude larger than in a monodisperse
crystal. We show that this dramatic increase in interstitial concentration is
due to the increased probability of finding small particles and that the
small-particle tail of the particle size distribution is crucial for the
interstitial concentration in a colloidal crystal.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Large difference in the elastic properties of fcc and hcp hard-sphere crystals
We report a numerical calculation of the elastic constants of the fcc and hcp
crystal phases of monodisperse hard-sphere colloids. Surprisingly, some of
these elastic constants are very different (up to 20%), even though the free
energy, pressure and bulk compressibility of the two crystal structures are
very nearly equal. As a consequence, a moderate deformation of a hard-sphere
crystal may make the hcp phase more stable than the fcc phase. This finding has
implications for the design of patterned templates to grow colloidal hcp
crystals. We also find that, below close packing, there is a small, but
significant, difference between the distances between hexagonal layers (c/a
ratios) of fcc and hcp crystals.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review
A Lattice-Boltzmann method for the simulation of transport phenomena in charged colloids
We present a new simulation scheme based on the Lattice-Boltzmann method to
simulate the dynamics of charged colloids in an electrolyte. In our model we
describe the electrostatics on the level of a Poisson-Boltzmann equation and
the hydrodynamics of the fluid by the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. We
verify our simulation scheme by means of a Chapman-Enskog expansion. Our method
is applied to the calculation of the reduced sedimentation velocity U/U_0 for a
cubic array of charged spheres in an electrolyte. We show that we recover the
analytical solution first derived by Booth (F. Booth, J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1956
(1954)) for a weakly charged, isolated sphere in an unbounded electrolyte. The
present method makes it possible to go beyond the Booth theory, and we discuss
the dependence of the sedimentation velocity on the charge of the spheres.
Finally we compare our results to experimental data.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Point Defects in Hard Sphere Crystals
We report numerical calculations of the concentration of interstitials in
hard-sphere crystals. We find that, in a three-dimensional fcc hard-sphere
crystal at the melting point, the concentration of interstitials is 2 * 10^-8.
This is some three orders of magnitude lower than the concentration of
vacancies. A simple, analytical estimate yields a value that is in fair
agreement with the numerical results.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; Submitted to J. Phys. Chem.
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