56 research outputs found

    Anodische oxidatie van AlSi(Cu) gietlegeringen

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    Applied Science

    Self-healing layer on non-ferrous metals using polyoxometalates

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    The invention relates to a method for applying a multifunctional layer on a substrate. Accordingly said layer is applied by means of a process by using an aqueous solution that comprises a POM and/or a crack-healing agent, which POM and/or a crack healing agent is/are incorporated in said layer during said process to obtain a self-healing layer.Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineerin

    High-Precision 3D Printing of Microporous Cochlear Implants for Personalized Local Drug Delivery

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    Hearing loss is a highly prevalent multifactorial disorder affecting 20% of the global population. Current treatments using the systemic administration of drugs are therapeutically ineffective due to the anatomy of the cochlea and the existing blood–labyrinth barrier. Local drug delivery systems can ensure therapeutic drug concentrations locally while preventing adverse effects caused by high dosages of systemically administered drugs. Here, we aimed to design, fabricate, and characterize a local drug delivery system for the human cochlea. The design was relevant to the size of the human ear, included two different shapes, and incorporated two different microporous structures acting as reservoirs for drug loading and release. The four cochlear implant designs were printed using the two-photon polymerization (2PP) technique and the IP-Q photoresist. The optimized 2PP process enabled the fabrication of the cochlear implants with great reproducibility and shape fidelity. Rectangular and cylindrical implants featuring cylindrical and tapered tips, respectively, were successfully printed. Their outer dimensions were 0.6 × 0.6 × 2.4 mm3 (L × W × H). They incorporated internal porous networks that were printed with high accuracy, yielding pore sizes of 17.88 ± 0.95 μm and 58.15 ± 1.62 μm for the designed values of 20 μm and 60 μm, respectively. The average surface roughness was 1.67 ± 0.24 μm, and the water contact angle was 72.3 ± 3.0°. A high degree of polymerization (~90%) of the IP-Q was identified after printing, and the printed material was cytocompatible with murine macrophages. The cochlear implants designed and 3D printed in this study, featuring relevant sizes for the human ear and tunable internal microporosity, represent a novel approach for personalized treatment of hearing loss through local drug delivery.Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    Antibacterial Titanium Implants Biofunctionalized by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation with Silver, Zinc, and Copper: A Systematic Review

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    Patients receiving orthopedic implants are at risk of implant-associated infections (IAI). A growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria threaten to hamper the treatment of IAI. The focus has, therefore, shifted towards the development of implants with intrinsic antibacterial activity to prevent the occurrence of infection. The use of Ag, Cu, and Zn has gained momentum as these elements display strong antibacterial behavior and target a wide spectrum of bacteria. In order to incorporate these elements into the surface of titanium-based bone implants, plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) has been widely investigated as a single-step process that can biofunctionalize these (highly porous) implant surfaces. Here, we present a systematic review of the studies published between 2009 until 2020 on the biomaterial properties, antibacterial behavior, and biocompatibility of titanium implants biofunctionalized by PEO using Ag, Cu, and Zn. We observed that 100% of surfaces bearing Ag (Ag-surfaces), 93% of surfaces bearing Cu (Cu-surfaces), 73% of surfaces bearing Zn (Zn-surfaces), and 100% of surfaces combining Ag, Cu, and Zn resulted in a significant (i.e., >50%) reduction of bacterial load, while 13% of Ag-surfaces, 10% of Cu-surfaces, and none of Zn or combined Ag, Cu, and Zn surfaces reported cytotoxicity against osteoblasts, stem cells, and immune cells. A majority of the studies investigated the antibacterial activity against S. aureus. Important areas for future research include the biofunctionalization of additively manufactured porous implants and surfaces combining Ag, Cu, and Zn. Furthermore, the antibacterial activity of such implants should be determined in assays focused on prevention, rather than the treatment of IAIs. These implants should be tested using appropriate in vivo bone infection models capable of assessing whether titanium implants biofunctionalized by PEO with Ag, Cu, and Zn can contribute to protect patients against IAI.Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    The effects of plasma electrolytically oxidized layers containing Sr and Ca on the osteogenic behavior of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V porous implants

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    Surface biofunctionalization is frequently applied to enhance the functionality and longevity of orthopedic implants. Here, we investigated the osteogenic effects of additively manufactured porous Ti6Al4V implants whose surfaces were biofunctionalized using plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) in Ca/P-based electrolytes with or without strontium. Various levels of Sr and Ca were incorporated in the oxide layers by using different current densities and oxidation times. Increasing the current density and oxidation time resulted in thicker titanium oxide layers and enhanced the release of Ca2+ and Sr2+. Biofunctionalization with strontium resulted in enhanced pore density, a thinner TiO2 layer, four-fold reduced release of Ca2+, and mainly anatase phases as compared to implants biofunctionalized in electrolytes containing solely Ca/P species under otherwise similar conditions. Different current densities and oxidation times significantly increased the osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells on implants biofunctionalized with strontium, when the PEO treatment was performed with a current density of 20 A/dm2 for 5 and 10 min as well as for a current density of 40 A/dm2 for 5 min. Therefore, addition of Sr in the PEO electrolyte and control of the PEO processing parameters represent a promising way to optimize the surface morphology and osteogenic activity of future porous AM implants.Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    Bone tissue engineering via growth factor delivery: from scaffolds to complex matrices

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    In recent years, bone tissue engineering has emerged as a promising solution to the limitations of current gold standard treatment options for bone related-disorders such as bone grafts. Bone tissue engineering provides a scaffold design that mimics the extracellular matrix, providing an architecture that guides the natural bone regeneration process. During this period, a new generation of bone tissue engineering scaffolds has been designed and characterized that explores the incorporation of signaling molecules in order to enhance cell recruitment and ingress into the scaffold, as well as osteogenic differentiation and angiogenesis, each of which is crucial to successful bone regeneration. Here, we outline and critically analyze key characteristics of successful bone tissue engineering scaffolds. We also explore candidate materials used to fabricate these scaffolds. Different growth factors involved in the highly coordinated process of bone repair are discussed, and the key requirements of a growth factor delivery system are described. Finally, we concentrate on an analysis of scaffold-based growth factor delivery strategies found in the recent literature. In particular, the incorporation of two-phase systems consisting of growth factor-loaded nanoparticles embedded into scaffolds shows great promise, both by providing sustained release over a therapeutically relevant timeframe and the potential to sequentially deliver multiple growth factors.Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    On-Demand Magnetically-Activated Drug Delivery from Additively Manufactured Porous Bone Implants to Tackle Antibiotic-Resistant Infections

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    This study proposes a new concept for an on-demand drug releasing device intended for integration into additively manufactured (i.e., 3D printed) orthopedic implants. The system comprises a surface with conduits connected to a subsurface reservoir used for storage and on-demand release of antimicrobial agents, covered with a cap that prevents the antibacterial agents from being released until alternating magnetic field (AMF) raises the temperature of the cap, thus, releasing the stored drug. To demonstrate this concept, Ti6Al4V specimens are directly 3D printed using selective laser melting and their surface, reservoirs, and drug releasing properties are characterized. A new synthetic antimicrobial peptide, SAAP-148, is thereafter tested for its cytotoxic, osteogenic, and immunomodulatory effects at concentrations relevant for its minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) and is compared with its natural analogue, LL-37. The results showed that AMF successfully activated the release from the 3D printed loaded samples. Both peptides demonstrated to be non-cytotoxic within the MBC levels for macrophages and preosteoblasts and did not influence their osteoimmunomodulatory behavior. The findings of this study indicate that the proposed concept is technically feasible and has the potential to be used for the development of bone implants with on-demand delivery systems to fight IAI without systemic or continuous local release of antibiotics.Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    Substrate curvature as a cue to guide spatiotemporal cell and tissue organization

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    Recent evidence clearly shows that cells respond to various physical cues in their environments, guiding many cellular processes and tissue morphogenesis, pathology, and repair. One aspect that is gaining significant traction is the role of local geometry as an extracellular cue. Elucidating how geometry affects cell and tissue behavior is, indeed, crucial to design artificial scaffolds and understand tissue growth and remodeling. Perhaps the most fundamental descriptor of local geometry is surface curvature, and a growing body of evidence confirms that surface curvature affects the spatiotemporal organization of cells and tissues. While well-defined in differential geometry, curvature remains somewhat ambiguously treated in biological studies. Here, we provide a more formal curvature framework, based on the notions of mean and Gaussian curvature, and summarize the available evidence on curvature guidance at the cell and tissue levels. We discuss the involved mechanisms, highlighting the interplay between tensile forces and substrate curvature that forms the foundation of curvature guidance. Moreover, we show that relatively simple computational models, based on some application of curvature flow, are able to capture experimental tissue growth remarkably well. Since curvature guidance principles could be leveraged for tissue regeneration, the implications for geometrical scaffold design are also discussed. Finally, perspectives on future research opportunities are provided.Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    Direct submicron patterning of titanium for bone implants

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    Recent research evidences the strong modulatory role of controlled submicron and nanoscale topographies on stem cells fate. To harness these physical surface cues for clinical applications, fabrication of nano- and submicron patterns on clinically relevant biomaterials is greatly needed. In this study, an electron beam lithography method for direct patterning (i.e., no use of masters/imprinting steps) of titanium in the submicron range was developed. The process required the use of an etch mask consisting of a double layer of SiO2 and Al, and the positive AR P-6200.04 electron beam resist. An optimum electron beam dose of 288 μC/cm2 was established for writing the desired patterns. The transfer of the patterns into the titanium substrates was achieved by three different steps: inductively coupled plasma etching of the mask in BCl3/Cl2 followed by reactive ion etching of titanium in SF6/CHF3/O2 and a final wet etch of mask residue. Highly ordered arrays of titanium pits with submicron diameters were produced with high reproducibility. This method provides great versatility in pattern design, direct transfer into titanium and increased control of titanium pattern features at submicron to nanoscale enabling clinically relevant and systematic studies on pattern-induced cellular responses.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.ImPhys/Charged Particle OpticsBiomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    Bioengineered skin intended for skin disease modeling

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    Clinical use of bioengineered skin in reconstructive surgery has been established for more than 30 years. The limitations and ethical considerations regarding the use of animal models have expanded the application of bioengineered skin in the areas of disease modeling and drug screening. These skin models should represent the anatomical and physiological traits of native skin for the efficient replication of normal and pathological skin conditions. In addition, reliability of such models is essential for the conduction of faithful, rapid, and large-scale studies. Therefore, research efforts are focused on automated fabrication methods to replace the traditional manual approaches. This report presents an overview of the skin models applicable to skin disease modeling along with their fabrication methods, and discusses the potential of the currently available options to conform and satisfy the demands for disease modeling and drug screening.Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic
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