3,275 research outputs found
Transient complete heart block following catheter ablation of a left lateral accessory pathway.
A 16-year-old female with symptomatic Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome underwent catheter ablation of a left-sided lateral accessory pathway. The accessory pathway was eliminated with the first ablation lesion; however, the patient immediately developed complete heart block (CHB). At first, complete heart block was thought to be due to ablation of left atrial extension of the AV node, and pacemaker therapy was considered. However, careful ECG analysis revealed that the development of CHB was in fact due to bump injury to the AV node during transseptal catheterization. Conservative management allowed resolution of AV nodal conduction without need for a permanent pacemaker
Two-electron atoms, ions and molecules
The quantum mechanics of two-electron systems is reviewed, starting with the
ground state of the helium atom and helium-like ions, with central charge . For Z=1, demonstrating the stability of the negative hydrogen ion, H,
cannot be achieved using a mere product of individual electron wave functions,
and requires instead an explicit account for the anticorrelation among the two
electrons. The wave function proposed by Chandrasekhar is revisited, where the
permutation symmetry is first broken and then restored by a counter-term. More
delicate problems can be studied using the same strategy: the stability of
hydrogen-like ions for any value of the proton-to-electron mass
ratio ; the energy of the lowest spin-triplet state of helium and
helium-like ions; the stability of the doubly-excited hydrogen ion with
unnatural parity. The positronium molecule , which has been
predicted years ago and discovered recently, can also be shown to be stable
against spontaneous dissociation, though the calculation is a little more
involved. Emphasis is put on symmetry breaking which can either spoil or
improve the stability of systems.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure
The QUEST-La Silla AGN Variability Survey
We present the characterization and initial results from the QUEST-La Silla
AGN variability survey. This is an effort to obtain well sampled optical light
curves in extragalactic fields with unique multi-wavelength observations. We
present photometry obtained from 2010 to 2012 in the XMM-COSMOS field, which
was observed over 150 nights using the QUEST camera on the ESO-Schmidt
telescope. The survey uses a broadband filter, the -band, similar to the
union of the and the filters, achieving an intrinsic photometric
dispersion of mag, and a systematic error of mag in the
zero-point. Since some detectors of the camera show significant non-linearity,
we use a linear correlation to fit the zero-points as a function of the
instrumental magnitudes, thus obtaining a good correction to the non-linear
behavior of these detectors. We obtain good photometry to an equivalent
limiting magnitude of . Studying the optical variability of X-ray
detected sources in the XMM-COSMOS field, we find that the survey is
% complete to magnitudes , and % complete to a
magnitude . The determination and parameterization of the structure
function () of the variable sources shows
that most BL AGN are characterized by and . It is
further shown that variable NL AGN and GAL sources occupying the same parameter
space in and are very likely to correspond to obscured or low
luminosity AGN. Our samples are, however, small, and we expect to revisit these
results using larger samples with longer light curves obtained as part of our
ongoing survey.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
Dust in the reionization era: ALMA observations of a =8.38 Galaxy
We report on the detailed analysis of a gravitationally-lensed Y-band
dropout, A2744_YD4, selected from deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging in the
Frontier Field cluster Abell 2744. Band 7 observations with the Atacama Large
Millimeter Array (ALMA) indicate the proximate detection of a significant 1mm
continuum flux suggesting the presence of dust for a star-forming galaxy with a
photometric redshift of . Deep X-SHOOTER spectra confirms the high
redshift identity of A2744_YD4 via the detection of Lyman emission at
a redshift =8.38. The association with the ALMA detection is confirmed by
the presence of [OIII] 88m emission at the same redshift. Although both
emission features are only significant at the 4 level, we argue their
joint detection and the positional coincidence with a high redshift dropout in
the HST images confirms the physical association. Analysis of the available
photometric data and the modest gravitational magnification ()
indicates A2744_YD4 has a stellar mass of 210 M, a
star formation rate of M/yr and a dust mass of
610 M. We discuss the implications of the
formation of such a dust mass only 200 Myr after the onset of cosmic
reionisation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ
Glassy behaviour in an exactly solved spin system with a ferromagnetic transition
We show that applying simple dynamical rules to Baxter's eight-vertex model
leads to a system which resembles a glass-forming liquid. There are analogies
with liquid, supercooled liquid, glassy and crystalline states. The disordered
phases exhibit strong dynamical heterogeneity at low temperatures, which may be
described in terms of an emergent mobility field. Their dynamics are
well-described by a simple model with trivial thermodynamics, but an emergent
kinetic constraint. We show that the (second order) thermodynamic transition to
the ordered phase may be interpreted in terms of confinement of the excitations
in the mobility field. We also describe the aging of disordered states towards
the ordered phase, in terms of simple rate equations.Comment: 11 page
Separation of Test-Free Propositional Dynamic Logics over Context-Free Languages
For a class L of languages let PDL[L] be an extension of Propositional
Dynamic Logic which allows programs to be in a language of L rather than just
to be regular. If L contains a non-regular language, PDL[L] can express
non-regular properties, in contrast to pure PDL.
For regular, visibly pushdown and deterministic context-free languages, the
separation of the respective PDLs can be proven by automata-theoretic
techniques. However, these techniques introduce non-determinism on the automata
side. As non-determinism is also the difference between DCFL and CFL, these
techniques seem to be inappropriate to separate PDL[DCFL] from PDL[CFL].
Nevertheless, this separation is shown but for programs without test operators.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081
Eigen model as a quantum spin chain: exact dynamics
We map Eigen model of biological evolution [Naturwissenschaften {\bf 58}, 465
(1971)] into a one-dimensional quantum spin model with non-Hermitean
Hamiltonian. Based on such a connection, we derive exact relaxation periods for
the Eigen model to approach static energy landscape from various initial
conditions. We also study a simple case of dynamic fitness function.Comment: 10 pages. Physical Revew E vol. 69, in press (2004
Observation of Long-Lived Muonic Hydrogen in the 2S State
The kinetic energy distribution of ground state muonic hydrogen atoms
mu-p(1S) is determined from time-of-flight spectra measured at 4, 16, and 64
hPa H2 room-temperature gas. A 0.9 keV-component is discovered and attributed
to radiationless deexcitation of long-lived mu-p(2S) atoms in collisions with
H2 molecules. The analysis reveals a relative population of about 1%, and a
pressure-dependent lifetime (e.g. (30.4 +21.4 -9.7) ns at 64 hPa) of the
long-lived mu-p(2S) population, equivalent to a 2S-quench rate in mu-p(2S) + H2
collisions of (4.4 +2.1 -1.8) 10^11 s^-1 at liquid hydrogen density.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review
Spatiotemporal predictions of soil properties and states in variably saturated landscapes
Understanding greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes from landscapes with variably saturated soil conditions is challenging given the highly dynamic nature of GHG fluxes in both space and time, dubbed hot spots, and hot moments. On one hand, our ability to directly monitor these processes is limited by sparse in situ and surface chamber observational networks. On the other hand, remote sensing approaches provide spatial data sets but are limited by infrequent imaging over time. We use a robust statistical framework to merge sparse sensor network observations with reconnaissance style hydrogeophysical mapping at a wellâcharacterized site in Ohio. We find that combining timeâlapse electromagnetic induction surveys with empirical orthogonal functions provides additional environmental covariates related to soil properties and states at high spatial resolutions (~5 m). A crossâvalidation experiment using eight different spatial interpolation methods versus 120 in situ soil cores indicated an ~30% reduction in rootâmeanâsquare error for soil properties (clay weight percent and total soil carbon weight percent) using hydrogeophysical derived environmental covariates with regression kriging. In addition, the hydrogeophysical derived environmental covariates were found to be good predictors of soil states (soil temperature, soil water content, and soil oxygen). The presented framework allows for temporal gap filling of individual sensor data sets as well as provides flexible geometric interpolation to complex areas/volumes. We anticipate that the framework, with its flexible temporal and spatial monitoring options, will be useful in designing future monitoring networks as well as support the next generation of hyperâresolution hydrologic and biogeochemical models
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