11 research outputs found


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    This study (National Strategy) is built on the premise that accelerateddevelopment in the medium and long run in its three essential components (economic, socialand environmental) is not just one of the possible options, but an essential precondition forgradually closing the gap which still separates Romania, in terms of quality of life, from theEU average level within the shortest possible time and for ensuring real cohesion bothnationally and in the broader EU framework. The economic developments in Romania over the past 7 years (2001-2007), with anannual growth rate of the gross domestic product of more than 6% compared to the EUaverage of under 2%, demonstrate that it is possible to attain this objective.sustainable,development, economic


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    The paper presents transformations that have occurred in the process of financial globalization on various countries and the role that credit plays in monetary policy.financial globalization, credit, monetary


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    Tourism is indeed one of the economic activities with most significant potential to generate future growth and employment in the EU. In its narrow definition, tourism currently contributes some 4% to EU GDP, varying from about 2% in several new Member States and 12% in Malta. Its indirect contribution to GDP creation is much higher - tourism indirectly generates more than 10% of EU GDP and provides about 12% of all jobs

    Future of Computing. Nanotechnology

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    Nanotechnology is a field of applied science and technology covering a broad range of topics. The impetus for nanotechnology has stemmed from a renewed interest in colloidal science, coupled with a new generation of analytical tools such as the atomic force microscope (AFM) and the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Combined with refined processes such as electron beam lithography, these instruments allow the deliberate manipulation of nanostructures, and in turn led to the observation of novel phenomena


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    The management of an insurance company is based on a whole series of actions, whose finality can be found in obtaining and keeping a balance among the functions of the management, so as to ensure the success of the company on the market: the forecast function (substantiated in forecasts, plans and budgets), the organization function (completed with the achievement of the company objectives), the coordination functions (carried out between a manager and a subordinate or between a manager and several subordinates), the training function and the control function (which imply measuring the results, comparing the achievements, determining the causes that led to deviations, making corrections, etc.). This paper describes a few peculiarities, related to the decision-making process of an insurance company

    Use of Technology in the European Union

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    Technology today plays a central role in European workplaces. It not only enables the direct production of goods and services, but it also facilitates communication and innovation. Given that innovation is one of the main pillars of the knowledge-based economy, and that Europe has committed itself to becoming the most competitive knowledgebased economy in the world as set out in the Lisbon Strategy, the use of technology and uptake of new technologies is becoming increasingly importan

    Rural Development, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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    The objectives set in this Strategy emerged from national and regional debates; they focus on the maintenance, consolidation, enhancement and continued adaptation of the structural configuration and functional capacity of natural capital as a foundation for the preservation and augmentation its support capacity and its ability to operate under the pressure of social development, economic growth and the foreseeable impacts of climate change.rural, development, sustainable, agriculture


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    Tourism is indeed one of the economic activities with most significant potential to generate future growth and employment in the EU. In its narrow definition, tourism currently contributes some 4% to EU GDP, varying from about 2% in several new Member States and 12% in Malta. Its indirect contribution to GDP creation is much higher - tourism indirectly generates more than 10% of EU GDP and provides about 12% of all jobs.competitive, potential, sustainable, tourism


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    The paper presents transformations that have occurred in the process of financial globalization on various countries and the role that credit plays in monetary policy