28 research outputs found

    Mobile Application Development to Measure Smartphone Screen Readability

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    This study aimed to develop an application which can be used to measure the response time needed by subjects to find a set of predetermined “words” in order to determine the level of readability of smartphone screen. The development steps began with concept development, interface design and software testing and verification. The results of this study is a software which can be used for typography experiment in which the subject is asked to find a predetermined word. The software could be used for the experiment of 4 typography factors i.e font style (FS), font size (FZ), contrast (CT), and screen rotation (SR). This software could be used for the 5x3x2x2 factorial experiment with 60 combinations. The response time of subject for each treatment combination has been computed and saved in the smartphone. Finally, the response time could be used to determine the best combination of factor and level factor for readability of smartphone screen

    Mobile Application Development to Measure Smartphone Screen Readability

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    This study aimed to develop an application which can be used to measure the response time needed by subjects to find a set of predetermined “words” in order to determine the level of readability of smartphone screen. The development steps began with concept development, interface design and software testing and verification. The results of this study is a software which can be used for typography experiment in which the subject is asked to find a predetermined word. The software could be used for the experiment of 4 typography factors i.e font style (FS), font size (FZ), contrast (CT), and screen rotation (SR). This software could be used for the 5x3x2x2 factorial experiment with 60 combinations. The response time of subject for each treatment combination has been computed and saved in the smartphone. Finally, the response time could be used to determine the best combination of factor and level factor for readability of smartphone screen

    Mobile Application Development to Measure Smartphone Screen Readability

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    This study aimed to develop an application which can be used to measure the response time needed by subjects to find a set of predetermined “words” in order to determine the level of readability of smartphone screen. The development steps began with concept development, interface design and software testing and verification. The results of this study is a software which can be used for typography experiment in which the subject is asked to find a predetermined word. The software could be used for the experiment of 4 typography factors i.e font style (FS), font size (FZ), contrast (CT), and screen rotation (SR). This software could be used for the 5x3x2x2 factorial experiment with 60 combinations. The response time of subject for each treatment combination has been computed and saved in the smartphone. Finally, the response time could be used to determine the best combination of factor and level factor for readability of smartphone screen

    Pengaruh Capital Intensity dan Sales Growth Terhadap Agresivitas Pajak Perusahaan

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    The study aims to analyze the influence of capital intensity and sales growth expertise on tax aggressiveness. The population in this study are agriculture and mining companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange with reseach period in 2016-2020. The sampling selection method used was purposive sampling with total of 219 samples. The analytical tool used in this study was the linear regression analysis. The result of this research showed that capital intensity and sales growth has no effect on tax aggressiveness. Keywords: Capital Intensity, Sales Growth, Tax Aggressiveness

    Aktivitas Strategic Planner pada PT Hita Wistara Mahir (H:THREE)

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    Pelaksanaan praktik kerja magang dilaksanakan pada PT Hita Wistara Mahir (H:THREE) sebagai Strategic Planner Intern dalam divisi Strategic Planning. H:THREE merupakan salah satu bagian dari jaringan agensi Hakuhodo Network Indonesia. Perbedaan H:THREE dengan agensi lainnya adalah Seikatsusha sebagai filosofi perusahaan Hakuhodo menjadi aspek fundamental dalam setiap aktivitas yang dilakukan. Tujuan pelaksanaan praktik kerja magang adalah untuk mengetahui peran, aktivitas, dan tugas seorang Strategic Planner, memperluas jaringan koneksi, serta mengetahui ruang lingkup dan alur kerja dalam sebuah agensi periklanan. Aktivitas sebagai seorang Strategic Planner mencakup pelaksanaan riset, pembuatan laporan, pencarian insight, penganalisisan produk dan target market, pembuatan creative brief, serta tugas-tugas penunjang lainnya. Selama menjalani praktik kerja magang dalam jangka waktu tiga bulan, telah diketahui peran, aktivitas, dan tugas seorang Strategic Planner, didapat kesempatan untuk memperluas jaringan koneksi dengan rekan kerja yang telah profesional di bidangnya, serta diketahui ruang lingkup dan alur kerja dalam sebuah agensi periklanan khususnya H:THREE

    Pengaruh Social CRM terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan sebagai Variabel Intervening: Studi pada Akun Instagram @madformakeup.co

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    Tingginya potensi pasar disertai dengan persaingan yang ketat di industri kosmetik membuat berbagai merek kosmetik melakukan beragam strategi untuk dapat bertahan dan bersaing. Termasuk Mad For Makeup yang mengaplikasikan strategi social CRM dalam mengoperasikan akun media sosialnya, khususnya Instagram. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan utama untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh dari social CRM pada Instagram @madformakeup.co terhadap loyalitas pelanggan melalui kepuasan pelanggan sebagai variabel intervening, dan seberapa besar pengaruh tersebut. Digunakan teori pertukaran sosial sebagai landasan dilakukannya penelitian ini, serta digunakan konsep-konsep social CRM, kepuasan pelanggan, dan loyalitas pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan jenis eksplanatif. Adapun, metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data primer adalah dengan survei. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengikut dari akun Instagram @madformakeup.co yang berjumlah 108.292 akun per 6 Maret 2021. Untuk menentukan sampel digunakan teknik purposive sampling karena hanya pengikut yang pernah membeli produk Mad For Makeup yang dapat menjadi responden dan didapatkan total 250 data responden yang diolah dalam penelitian. Dalam menganalisis data, digunakan uji regresi linear sederhana dan uji analisis jalur. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh social CRM terhadap loyalitas pelanggan sepenuhnya dimediasi oleh kepuasan pelanggan sebesar 0.329

    Perbandingan Tingkat Keparahan Akne Vulgaris Antara Murid Smp Dengan Sma Di Bekasi Tahun 2017

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    Akne vulgaris (AV) merupakan munculnya suatu bintik mulai dari komedo, seperti bentol yang merah, hingga bentol bertumpuk yang berlokasi pada wajah dan punggung karena produksi minyak berlebih atau karena keringat yang berlebih. Umumnya AV terjadi saat usia pubertas. Hal ini terjadi karena peningkatan aktivitas kelenjar sebasea yang dipengaruhi hormon seksual atau hormon androgen yang berdampak pada kulit remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan tingkat keparahan akne antara murid SMP dengan SMA di Bekasi tahun 2017 dan mengetahui beberapa faktor resiko yang berhubungan dengan pembentukan akne berdasarkan tingkat keparahannya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik, potong lintang, responden didapatkan dengan cara accidental sampling dan penilaian tingkat keparahan AV secara klinis menurut Consensus Conference on Acne Clasification didapatkan 279 responden, uji stastistik dengan chi square. Hasil terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara tingkat keparahan AV murid SMP dengan SMA dan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara murid laki-laki dan perempuan. Kata kunci: akne vulgaris, tingkat keparahan akne, pubertas./ Acne Vulgaris (AV) emerge when a spot appear when blackheads, like red bumps until bumps stacked located in the face or there is high chance appear in other parts of body like in the back. This happened because the excessive production of oil or because excessive production of sweat. AV commonly appear at the puberty age. This happened because there are escalation of sebasea gland activity which affect internal hormone which is sexual hormone or androgen hormone. This research aim to understand the comparison of severity level of acne in junior high school student with senior high school student in Bekasi in 2017 and to understand several risk factor which related with the acne formation based on its severity level. This research conducted by analytical research, cross sectional, accidental sampling, compiling data done with questioner, and face clinically inspection utilized Consensus Conference on Acne Classification on 279 respondent, the statistic test is using chi square. The result acquire with the significant comparison on the severity level of AV between Junior High school student and Senior High school student with regards of sex diversity. Keywords: acne vulgaris, severity level, pubert

    Detection of cryIII gene in Local Isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis Using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

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    Bacillus thuringiensis is a biological biopesticide that was used for defense against pests. In B. thuringiensis there is a Cry protein that is only toxic to certain insects. This Cry protein is encoded by cry gene. There are many types of cry genes that have been identified, one of which is cryIII gene that is toxic to insects from the Coleoptera group as pests in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). The aim of this study was to amplify the cryIII gene from local isolate of B. thuringiensis. The method that can be used  for cryIII gene amplification is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The primer pair is one of the important factors that determine the success of PCR. From a number of designed primers, the primer pair selected to be used in this study is Cry3B forward 5’-AAAGTGCGGCTATTCGACCA-3’ and Cry3B reverse 5’-CACTTCATCCTGTGACGCCT-3’. This primer pair successfully amplified cryIII gene and showed a DNA band with molecular size approximately 914 base pairs. Gradient PCR needs to be done for optimizing specific amplification of cryIII gene.   Keywords: PCR, primer, sweet potat

    Aspek Perjanjian Lisensi Merek pada Nota Kesepakatan Kerjasama Xie Xie Boba Indonesia

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    Many bubble tea shops like XIE XIE BOBA are developing their business using brand licensing. In branding licenses, the parties often make agreements only based on the principle of freedom of contract. They do not heed the minimum requirement provisions in the trademark license agreement, which is frequently happening that the trademark license agreement is not recorded and does not meet the minimum clauses. The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of a trademark license agreement and analyze the legal consequences of a trademark license agreement that does not meet the minimum requirements. This research is legal research that solves legal issues by identifying legal problems, conducting legal reasoning, analyzing it, and providing solutions to the problem. The approach used in this research is the statute approach and the conceptual approach. The study found that despite trademark license agreement made based on the principle of freedom of contract, paying attention to the characteristics of the trademark license agreement and the minimum provisions stipulated in Law Number 20 of 2016 about Trademarks and Geographical Indications and Government Regulation Number 36 of 2018 concerning Registration of License Agreements. The legal consequence of the trademark license agreement that does not meet the minimum requirements is that there are no legal consequences for the third party. Although, trademark license agreement is still valid and only applies to the licensor and licensee