359 research outputs found

    Multiple Elements in Single Words

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    What\u27s the shortest word from which the names of 2 chemical elements can be spelled out

    Criticise A Name (Otherwise: Transposing American Cities)

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    A large listing of transposals for the names of all US cities with populations over 100.000


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    Word-lovers, logologists and others interested in words know that PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS is generaly regarded as the longest word in the dictionary , at 45 letters

    Reverse Trigrams and Tetragrams

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    A list of words that contain sets of trigrams and tetragrams but the letters are in reverse alphabetical order. For example, instead of ABC, the order is CBA

    The Periodic Table\u27s 150th Anniversary

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    Word play using the names of the elements


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    A discussion on the word Lamprotine

    Awk Awk

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    A listing of words that only use the letter A, W, and K


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    A list of various transdeletions using the word Baltimore

    Straight Lines and Curves

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    Depending on the font used, some letters are composed of only straight lines while others have both curvy and straight. Using Calibri font, the author has searched for the longest words composed entirely of only straight or only curvy letters

    Words with Element Symbols

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    Finding words that contain the symbols of the chemical elements
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