3,921 research outputs found
Maximum entropy principle for stationary states underpinned by stochastic thermodynamics
The selection of an equilibrium state by maximising the entropy of a system,
subject to certain constraints, is often powerfully motivated as an exercise in
logical inference, a procedure where conclusions are reached on the basis of
incomplete information. But such a framework can be more compelling if it is
underpinned by dynamical arguments, and we show how this can be provided by
stochastic thermodynamics, where an explicit link is made between the
production of entropy and the stochastic dynamics of a system coupled to an
environment. The separation of entropy production into three components allows
us to select a stationary state by maximising the change, averaged over all
realisations of the motion, in the principal relaxational or nonadiabatic
component, equivalent to requiring that this contribution to the entropy
production should become time independent for all realisations. We show that
this recovers the usual equilibrium probability density function (pdf) for a
conservative system in an isothermal environment, as well as the stationary
nonequilibrium pdf for a particle confined to a potential under nonisothermal
conditions, and a particle subject to a constant nonconservative force under
isothermal conditions. The two remaining components of entropy production
account for a recently discussed thermodynamic anomaly between over- and
underdamped treatments of the dynamics in the nonisothermal stationary state
Work relations for a system governed by Tsallis statistics
We derive analogues of the Jarzynski equality and Crooks relation to
characterise the nonequilibrium work associated with changes in the spring
constant of an overdamped oscillator in a quadratically varying spatial
temperature profile. The stationary state of such an oscillator is described by
Tsallis statistics, and the work relations for certain processes may be
expressed in terms of q-exponentials. We suggest that these identities might be
a feature of nonequilibrium processes in circumstances where Tsallis
distributions are found
Entropy production in full phase space for continuous stochastic dynamics
The total entropy production and its three constituent components are
described both as fluctuating trajectory-dependent quantities and as averaged
contributions in the context of the continuous Markovian dynamics, described by
stochastic differential equations with multiplicative noise, of systems with
both odd and even coordinates with respect to time reversal, such as dynamics
in full phase space. Two of these constituent quantities obey integral
fluctuation theorems and are thus rigorously positive in the mean by Jensen's
inequality. The third, however, is not and furthermore cannot be uniquely
associated with irreversibility arising from relaxation, nor with the breakage
of detailed balance brought about by non-equilibrium constraints. The
properties of the various contributions to total entropy production are
explored through the consideration of two examples: steady state heat
conduction due to a temperature gradient, and transitions between stationary
states of drift-diffusion on a ring, both in the context of the full phase
space dynamics of a single Brownian particle
Free energy of formation of clusters of sulphuric acid and water molecules determined by guided disassembly
We evaluate the grand potential of a cluster of two molecular species,
equivalent to its free energy of formation from a binary vapour phase, using a
nonequilibrium molecular dynamics technique where guide particles, each
tethered to a molecule by a harmonic force, move apart to disassemble a cluster
into its components. The mechanical work performed in an ensemble of
trajectories is analysed using the Jarzynski equality to obtain a free energy
of disassembly, a contribution to the cluster grand potential. We study
clusters of sulphuric acid and water at 300 K, using a classical interaction
scheme, and contrast two modes of guided disassembly. In one, the cluster is
broken apart through simple pulling by the guide particles, but we find the
trajectories tend to be mechanically irreversible. In the second approach, the
guide motion and strength of tethering are modified in a way that prises the
cluster apart, a procedure that seems more reversible. We construct a surface
representing the cluster grand potential, and identify a critical cluster for
droplet nucleation under given vapour conditions. We compare the equilibrium
populations of clusters with calculations reported by Henschel et al. [J. Phys.
Chem. A 118, 2599 (2014)] based on optimised quantum chemical structures
A classical reactive potential for molecular clusters of sulphuric acid and water
We present a two-state empirical valence bond (EVB) potential describing
interactions between sulphuric acid and water molecules and designed to model
proton transfer between them within a classical dynamical framework. The
potential has been developed in order to study the properties of molecular
clusters of these species, which are thought to be relevant to atmospheric
aerosol nucleation. The particle swarm optimisation method has been used to fit
the parameters of the EVB model to density functional theory (DFT)
calculations. Features of the parametrised model and DFT data are compared and
found to be in satisfactory agreement. In particular, it is found that a single
sulphuric acid molecule will donate a proton when clustered with four water
molecules at 300 K and that this threshold is temperature dependent
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