22 research outputs found
The purpose of this research are to describe and distinguishing student’s learning skills achievement of high and low achievement. The research used quantitative approach using comparative descriptive type. The research conducted on students SMA Padang city that accredited A, B, and C in education 2011/2012 with population are 658 students. Number of research samples as much 120 students and in sampling using purposive sampling technique. The findings of this research revealed that (1) are generally high-achieving students 'skills in both categories, (2) skills of underachieving students in both categories, (3) analysis of t test results revealed there were differences in high-achieving students' learning skills and learning skills of students underachieving high schools in the city of Padang. Counselor are expected to help improve learning skills by providing guidance and counseling services to suit the needs of students, for consideration BK programming services in maintaining, developing and improving students' learning skills
Gambaran konsep diri siswa di sekolah menengah kejuruan sumbangsih Jakarta Selatan
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran terkait konsep diri siswa SMK Sumbangsih Jakarta selatan ditinjau dari empat aspek (kondisi fisik, hubungan sosial, keadaan emosional, dan kemampuan intelektual). Sekolah bertanggung jawab meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan mengembangkan konsep diri siswa ke arah yang positif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 45 orang siswa menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa konsep diri siswa SMK Sumbangsih Jakarta Selatan berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Simpulan penelitian yaitu siswa SMK Sumbangsih memiliki konsep diri yang sangat tinggi dan tinggi baik dilihat dari aspek kondisi fisik, hubungan sosial, keadaan emosional dan kemampuan intelektual. Implikasi hasil penelitian bagi guru BK adalah sebagai dasar penyusunan program pelayanan BK guna menumbuhkembangkan konsep diri siswa ke arah yang positif
Kontribusi Kunjungan Rumah terhadap Kesulitan Belajar Siswa
Home visits are carried out to recognise family conditions related to problems faced by children, such as learning difficulties during the Covid-19 pandemic, students lack of concentration, do not understand the course material, and indifference in learning. The purpose of this study is to describe home visits, learning difficulties and to determine the contribution of home visits to students' learning difficulties. The research design in this study is quantitative with a simple regression analysis method. The population is 684 students using purposive sampling technique and recruiting as many as 65 students in class X. The instrument is the scale of home visits and learning difficulties. The results showed that home visits contributed to learning difficulties experienced by students by 12%. Based on the ANOVA test, it can be seen that the significance value of .005 which is smaller than .05. It can be concluded that home visits have a significant effect on student learning difficulties and the implications in guidance and counselling in the form of follow-up to guidance and counselling teachers in the implementation of group guidance services, content mastery and group counselling
Program bimbingan dan konseling untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa SD Negeri 05 Ciganjur Jakarta Selatan
The study was conducted at SDN 05 Ciganjur to produce a guidance and counseling program in overcoming student learning difficulties. The method used is descriptive quantitative approach. The PTSDL AUM calculation was used in this study. The overall score of achievements of the respondents are in the sufficient category. Being in good quality, namely the sub-variable learning skills by 77.24%, the personal sub-variable by 79.31%, and the socio-emotional environment sub-variable by 85.71%. The implications of the results of this study can be input for classroom teachers, the government in an effort to help students with learning difficulties for the BK program at schoo
Improving learning skills of college student through mastery content service in technique counseling courses
Counseling skills is one component of the expertise that must be possessed by prospective counselors who study in university. It requires adequate student learning skills to succeed in mastering counseling skills. This study aimed to improve students' learning skills through content services over the course of counseling techniques. The study involved 61 students used the one group pretest-posttest design. The result from the research showed that there is influenced of delivering masterycontent service to student's learning skill in a course of counseling technique
Mengembangkan kreativitas orangtua dalam membuat permainan ramah lingkungan
Kreativitas orang tua sangat berperan dalam menumbuhkembangkan ide kreatif anak dimasa yang akan. Salah satu kreativitas yang bisa dilakukan orang tua untuk menumbuhkembangkan ide kreatif anak yaitu dengan membuat permainan yang ramah lingkungan melalui alat-alat yang terdapat di rumah. Kegiatan ini memberi pengetahuan, wawasan, pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam membuat permainan ramah lingkungan yang nantinya dapat dikembangkan orang tua kepada anaknya. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan yang telah dilakukan terungkap bahwa kegiatan kreativitas ini berhasil dan bermanfaat bagi orangtua dalam mengembangkan ide kreatif yang dimiliki anak dalam membuat permainan ramah lingkungan. Terlihat dari antusias, keikutsertaan serta perhatian orang tua dalam kegiatan pelatihan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini sudah dilakukan di beberapa sekolah PAUD dan TK lainnya dengan permainan yang bervariasi, dan dalam perencanaan akan dilakukan di semua sekolah PAUD dan TK yang ada di Jakarta, sehingga penguasaan dalam menumbuhkembangkan kreativitas dan keterampilan orangtua dalam membuat permainan ramah lingkungan bisa dikembangkan dan ditingkatkan
Gambaran konsep diri siswa di sekolah menengah kejuruan sumbangsih Jakarta Selatan
This research aims to gives an overview of the self-concept of students SMK Sumbangsih Jakarta Selatan based from four aspects (physical,condision, social relations, emotional state and intellectual ability). Schools are responsible for improving the quality of education and developing self-concept of students in a positive direction. This research uses survey method and data analysis by simple statistical analysis. The sample in this research is 45 students by using saturated sempling techniques. The result of this research shows that the self-concept of students SMK Sumbangsih Jakarta Selatan are in very high category. In conclusion, students of SMK Sumbangsih have very high and high self-concept based on physical,condision, social relations, emotional state and intellectual ability. The implications of research results for BK teachers are the basis for the preparation of BK service programs in order to develop and improve student self-concept in a positive direction
Fifty Years of British Journal of Guidance and Counselling: A Bibliometric Analysis
This article presents a bibliometric analysis of fifty years of the "British Journal of Guidance Counselling," the leading journal in the field. It provides insights into various aspects of guidance and counselling, including education, supervision, crisis intervention, career counselling, and multicultural approaches. The study examined different types of publications and their role in advancing scientific knowledge. Scientific articles were the most frequently cited and essential to disseminating knowledge. On the other hand, documents such as errata and letters were considered supplementary information rather than primary reference sources. The analysis also includes descriptive and network analysis, which consists of the number of publications per year, most prolific authors, and institutions
Perencanaan Karir Siswa Ditinjau Dari Jenis Kelamin
Objective study to determine career planning of male and female students, as well as to determine whether there are differences in career planning between male and female students of class XI SMK Islam Wijaya Kusuma. Research method is quantitative approach with a comparative method. Data and data sources were students of class XI SMK Islam Wijaya Kusuma, totaling 120 students out of 156 students. This study uses career planning instrument. The data analysis technique used is t test. The results showed career planning for male students of class XI SMK Islam Wijaya Kusuma in medium category and career planning for female students  in the high category. The results also showed there significant differences in the career planning of male and female students of class XI SMK Islam Wijaya Kusuma. This is evidenced by the t count of 13.751> t table of 1.65787 at α = 0.05