48 research outputs found

    One-Dimensional Scanning Approach to Shock Sensing

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    Measurement tools for high speed air flow are sought both in industry and academia. Particular interest is shown in air flows that exhibit aerodynamic shocks. Shocks are accompanied by sudden changes in density, pressure, and temperature. Optical detection and characterization of such shocks can be difficult because the medium is normally transparent air. A variety of techniques to analyze these flows are available, but they often require large windows and optical components as in the case of Schlieren measurements and/or large operating powers which precludes their use for in-flight monitoring and applications. The one-dimensional scanning approach in this work is a compact low power technique that can be used to non-intrusively detect shocks. The shock is detected by analyzing the optical pattern generated by a small diameter laser beam as it passes through the shock. The optical properties of a shock result in diffraction and spreading of the beam as well as interference fringes. To investigate the feasibility of this technique a shock is simulated by a 426 m diameter optical fiber. Analysis of results revealed a direct correlation between the optical fiber or shock location and the beam s diffraction pattern. A plot of the width of the diffraction pattern vs. optical fiber location reveals that the width of the diffraction pattern was maximized when the laser beam is directed at the center of the optical fiber. This work indicates that the one-dimensional scanning approach may be able to determine the location of an actual shock. Near and far field effects associated with a small diameter laser beam striking an optical fiber used as a simulated shock are investigated allowing a proper one-dimensional scanning beam technique

    Toward Adaptation of fNIRS Instrumentation to Airborne Environments

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    The paper reviews potential applications of functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), a well-known medical diagnostic technique, to monitoring the cognitive state of pilots with a focus on identifying ways to adopt this technique to airborne environments. We also discuss various fNIRS techniques and the direction of technology maturation of associated hardware in view of their potential for miniaturization, maximization of data collection capabilities, and user friendliness

    Measurements of few-mode fiber photonic lanterns in emulated atmospheric conditions for a low earth orbit space to ground optical communication receiver application

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    Photonic lanterns are being evaluated as a component of a scalable photon counting real-time optical ground receiver for space-to-ground photon-starved communication applications. The function of the lantern as a component of a receiver is to efficiently couple and deliver light from the atmospherically distorted focal spot formed behind a telescope to multiple small-core fiber-coupled single-element super-conducting nanowire detectors. This architecture solution is being compared to a multimode fiber coupled to a multi-element detector array. This paper presents a set of measurements that begins this comparison. This first set of measurements are a comparison of the throughput coupling loss at emulated atmospheric conditions for the case of a 60 cm diameter telescope receiving light from a low earth orbit satellite. The atmospheric conditions are numerically simulated at a range of turbulence levels using a beam propagation method and are physically emulated with a spatial light modulator. The results show that for the same number of output legs as the single-mode fiber lantern, the few-mode fiber lantern increases the power throughput up to 3.92 dB at the worst emulated atmospheric conditions tested of D/r(sub 0)=8.6. Furthermore, the coupling loss of the few-mode fiber lantern approaches the capability of a 30 micron graded index multimode fiber chosen for coupling to a 16 element detector array

    Exploration of Double Clad Fibers for Increased Stability of Bidirectional Free Space Optical Links

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    Bidirectional, high data rate, low size, weight, and power (SWaP), and low cost free space optical links are needed for space communication applications to send and receive large volumes of data. We are exploring design strategies for optical transceivers to reduce SWaP and cost through increased misalignment tolerance (pointing requirement reduction) and sharing the optical transmit and receive paths (imposing optical symmetry). In applications where the detector is fiber coupled, the fiber numerical aperture is the main driver of the pointing accuracy requirement. Unfortunately, reducing the pointing requirement by increasing the fiber numerical aperture symmetrically causes instability in received power over small environmental changes. This paper explores double clad fibers as a solution to both reduce the power instability and increase the pointing accuracy tolerance. Double clad fibers can transmit a Gaussian beam from a single mode fiber and receive in a multi-mode aperture. Results show that double clad fiber have an improved misalignment tolerance and a higher stability for small changes in temperature when compared to single mode fibers and multimode fibers. Also, double clad fibers are shown to match the performance of an asymmetrical link design with a single mode transmit fiber and a multimode receive fiber

    High-Temperature Optical Sensor

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    A high-temperature optical sensor (see Figure 1) has been developed that can operate at temperatures up to 1,000 C. The sensor development process consists of two parts: packaging of a fiber Bragg grating into a housing that allows a more sturdy thermally stable device, and a technological process to which the device is subjected to in order to meet environmental requirements of several hundred C. This technology uses a newly discovered phenomenon of the formation of thermally stable secondary Bragg gratings in communication-grade fibers at high temperatures to construct robust, optical, high-temperature sensors. Testing and performance evaluation (see Figure 2) of packaged sensors demonstrated operability of the devices at 1,000 C for several hundred hours, and during numerous thermal cycling from 400 to 800 C with different heating rates. The technology significantly extends applicability of optical sensors to high-temperature environments including ground testing of engines, flight propulsion control, thermal protection monitoring of launch vehicles, etc. It may also find applications in such non-aerospace arenas as monitoring of nuclear reactors, furnaces, chemical processes, and other hightemperature environments where other measurement techniques are either unreliable, dangerous, undesirable, or unavailable

    Wind Tunnel Testing of a One-Dimensional Laser Beam Scanning and Laser Sheet Approach to Shock Sensing

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    A 15- by 15-cm supersonic wind tunnel application of a one-dimensional laser beam scanning approach to shock sensing is presented. The measurement system design allowed easy switching between a focused beam and a laser sheet mode for comparison purposes. The scanning results were compared to images from the tunnel Schlieren imaging system. The tests revealed detectable changes in the laser beam in the presence of shocks. The results lend support to the use of the one-dimensional scanning beam approach for detecting and locating shocks in a flow, but some issues must be addressed in regards to noise and other limitations of the system

    Exploration of Double Clad Fibers for Increased Stability of Bidirectional Free Space Optical Links

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    Bidirectional, high data rate, low size, weight, and power (SWaP), and low cost free space optical links are needed for space communication applications to send and receive large volumes of data. We are exploring design strategies for optical transceivers to reduce SWaP and cost through increased misalignment tolerance (pointing requirement reduction) and sharing the optical transmit and receive paths (imposing optical symmetry). In applications where the detector is fiber coupled, the fiber numerical aperture is the main driver of the pointing accuracy requirement. Unfortunately, reducing the pointing requirement by increasing the fiber numerical aperture symmetrically causes instability in received power over small environmental changes. This paper explores double clad fibers as a solution to both reduce the power instability and increase the pointing accuracy tolerance. Double clad fibers can transmit a Gaussian beam from a single mode fiber and receive in a multi-mode aperture. Results show that double clad fiber have an improved misalignment tolerance and a higher stability for small changes in temperature when compared to single mode fibers and multimode fibers. Also, double clad fibers are shown to match the performance of an asymmetrical link design with a single mode transmit fiber and a multimode receive fiber

    Development and Performance Verification of Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors in High Temperature Engine Environments

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    A High Temperature Fiber Optic Sensor (HTFOS) has been developed at NASA Glenn Research Center for aircraft engine applications. After fabrication and preliminary in-house performance evaluation, the HTFOS was tested in an engine environment at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center. The engine tests enabled the performance of the HTFOS in real engine environments to be evaluated along with the ability of the sensor to respond to changes in the engine's operating condition. Data were collected prior, during, and after each test in order to observe the change in temperature from ambient to each of the various test point levels. An adequate amount of data was collected and analyzed to satisfy the research team that HTFOS operates properly while the engine was running. Temperature measurements made by HTFOS while the engine was running agreed with those anticipated

    High-excitation molecular gas in local luminous AGN hosts

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    We used the mm/sub-mm receivers on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) to observe the CO J=3--2, 2--1 lines in five local, optically powerful AGN and the J=4--3 line in 3C 293 (a powerful radio galaxy). Luminous CO J=3--2 emission and high CO (3--2)/(1--0) intensity ratios are found in all objects, indicating highly excited molecular gas. In 3C 293 an exceptionally bright CO J=4--3 line is found which cannot be easily explained given its quiescent star-forming environment and low AGN X-ray luminosity. In this object shocks emanating from a well-known interaction of a powerful jet with a dense ISM may be responsible for the high excitation of its molecular gas on galaxy-wide scales. Star formation can readily account for the gas excitation in the rest of the objects, although high X-ray AGN luminosities can also contribute significantly in two cases. Measuring and eventually imaging CO line ratios in local luminous QSO hosts can be done by a partially completed ALMA during its early phases of commissioning, promising a sensitive probe of starburst versus AGN activity in obscured environments at high linear resolutions.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Bell Inequality Experiment for a High Brightness Time-Energy Entangled Source

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    A periodically poled MgO - doped LiNbO3 (MgO:LN) non-degenerate photon pair source is utilized for spontaneous parametric down-conversion of 532-nanometer photons into time-energy entangled pairs of 800- and 1600-nanometer photons. The entangled photons are separated using previously detailed sorting optics, such that each wavelength is independently directed through one of two modified Mach-Zehnder interferometers - also known as a Franson interferometer - after which they are fiber-optically guided to high-efficiency photon detectors. Output from the detectors is sent to a high resolution time tagger, where coincidences between the entangled photons are recorded. By varying the length of the long path in one Mach-Zehnder interferometer, it is possible to observe high visibility sinusoidal fringes in the measured coincidence rates (while no variation is seen in single photon detection rates). These fringes - due to interference between the photon probability amplitudes - are indicative of a violation of the Bell inequality, and confirm inconsistencies with local hidden variable theory for the correlations of the time-energy entangled photon pairs