1,696 research outputs found
Trions in a periodic potential
The group-theoretical classification of trion states is presented. It is
based on considerations of products of irreducible representations of the 2D
translation group. For a given BvK period N degeneracy of obtained states is
N^2. Trions consist of two identical particles so the symmetrization of states
with respect to particles transposition is considered. Completely antisymmetric
states can be constructed by introducing antisymmetric spin functions. Two
symmetry adapted bases are considered. The third possibility is postponed for
the further investigations.Comment: revtex, 5 p., sub. to Physica
Magnetic translations for a spatially periodic magnetic field
It is shown that in the case of free electron in a spatially periodic
magnetic field the concept of magnetic translations operators is still valid
and, moreover, these operators can be defined in the same way as for a Bloch
electron in a uniform magnetic field. The results can be a useful tool in
investigation of lately observed phenomena in 2DEG with spatially modulated
density.Comment: 8 pages, epsfig, amsfonts, sub. to Acta Phys. Po
Local gauge and magnetic translation groups
The magnetic translation group was introduced as a set of operators
T(R)=\exp[-iR.(p-eA/c)/\hbar]. However,these operators commute with the
Hamiltonian for an electron in a periodic potential and a uniform magnetic
field if the vector potential A (the gauge) is chosen in a symmetric way. It is
showed that a local gauge field A_R(r) on a crystal lattice leads to operators,
which commute with the Hamiltonian for any (global) gauge field A=A(r). Such
choice of the local gauge determines afactor system \omega(R,R')= T(R)T(R')
T(R+R')^{-1}, which depends on a global gauge only. Moreover, for any potential
A a commutator T(R)T(R')T(R)^{-1}T(R')^{-1} depends only on the magnetic field
and not on the gauge.Comment: Latex 2.09, RevTex,3 pages, amsfont
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