56 research outputs found

    Radiative magneto-hydrodynamics in massive star formation and accretion disks

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    We briefly overview our newly developed radiation transport module for MHD simulations and two actual applications. The method combines the advantage of the speed of the Flux-Limited Diffusion approximation and the high accuracy obtained in ray-tracing methods.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 259, Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxie

    Can dead zones create structures like a transition disk?

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    [Abridged] Regions of low ionisation where the activity of the magneto-rotational instability is suppressed, the so-called dead zones, have been suggested to explain gaps and asymmetries of transition disks. We investigate the gas and dust evolution simultaneously assuming simplified prescriptions for a dead zone and a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wind acting on the disk. We explore whether the resulting gas and dust distribution can create signatures similar to those observed in transition disks. For the dust evolution, we included the transport, growth, and fragmentation of dust particles. To compare with observations, we produced synthetic images in scattered optical light and in thermal emission at mm wavelengths. In all models with a dead zone, a bump in the gas surface density is produced that is able to efficiently trap large particles (≳1\gtrsim 1 mm) at the outer edge of the dead zone. The gas bump reaches an amplitude of a factor of ∌5\sim5, which can be enhanced by the presence of an MHD wind that removes mass from the inner disk. While our 1D simulations suggest that such a structure can be present only for ∌\sim1 Myr, the structure may be maintained for a longer time when more realistic 2D/3D simulations are performed. In the synthetic images, gap-like low-emission regions are seen at scattered light and in thermal emission at mm wavelengths, as previously predicted in the case of planet-disk interaction. As a conclusion, main signatures of transition disks can be reproduced by assuming a dead zone in the disk, such as gap-like structure in scattered light and millimetre continuum emission, and a lower gas surface density within the dead zone. Previous studies showed that the Rossby wave instability can also develop at the edge of such dead zones, forming vortices and also creating asymmetries.Comment: Minor changes after language edition. Accepted for publication in A&

    MHD turbulence in proto-planetary disks

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    Die magnetisch getriebene Turbulenz in protoplanetaren Scheiben ist das Untersuchungsobjekt der vorliegenden Arbeit. Diese Arbeit geht in dreierlei Hinsicht ĂŒber vorherige Untersuchungen hinaus. Erstens benutzt diese Arbeit einen Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) Algorithmus welcher die Charakteristiken des magnetischen Riemannproblems explizit verwendet. Zweitens wurden nie zuvor globale Scheibenmodelle mit solcher hoher Auflösung, realistischen Randwertbedingungen ĂŒber die vollen 360° und mehr als hundert lokalen dynamischen Zeitskalen gerechnet. Drittens gelang es hier erstmals ein dynamisches Ionisationsmodell in die nicht-idealen MHD Simulationen von globalen Akkretionsscheiben einzufĂŒgen. Alle idealen MHD Modelle zeigen subsonische turbulente Gasgeschwindigkeiten mit Mach Zahlen um 0.1 wie erwartet. Sinkt jedoch die dynamisch bestimmte Ionisationsrate und somit die Kopplung der Magnetfelder an die Materie, verringern sich die Gasgeschwindigkeiten mit der magnetischen Reynolds-Zahl Rm bis zu Mach Zahlen um 0.01 in der so genannten”Dead-zone”. Ein Ă€hnliches Bild erhalten wir fĂŒr den Akkretionsparameter α, welcher mit α = 5 · 10−3 in gut ionisierten Regionen Rm > 7000 bis runter zu α = 5 · 10−5 fĂŒr Rm < 3000 sinkt. Eine weiterere Entdeckung dieser Arbeit sind AkkretionsausbrĂŒche

    An analytical model of radial dust trapping in protoplanetary disks

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    We study dust concentration in axisymmetric gas rings in protoplanetary disks. Given the gas surface density, we derived an analytical total dust surface density by taking into account the differential concentration of all the grain sizes. This model allows us to predict the local dust-to-gas mass ratio and the slope of the particle size distribution, as a function of radius. We test this analytical model comparing it with a 3D magneto-hydrodynamical simulation of dust evolution in an accretion disk. The model is also applied to the disk around HD 169142. By fitting the disk continuum observations simultaneously at λ=0.87\lambda = 0.87, 1.3, 3.0 mm, we obtain a global dust-to-gas mass ratio Ï”global=1.05×10−2\epsilon_{\rm global} = 1.05 \times 10^{-2} and a viscosity coefficient α=1.35×10−2\alpha = 1.35 \times 10^{-2}. This model can be easily implemented in numerical simulations of accretion disks

    Hydrodynamical simulations of protoplanetary disks including irradiation of stellar photons. I. Resolution study for Vertical Shear Instability (VSI)

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    In recent years hydrodynamical (HD) models have become important to describe the gas kinematics in protoplanetary disks, especially in combination with models of photoevaporation and/or magnetic-driven winds. We focus on diagnosing the the vertical extent of the VSI at 203 cells per scale height and allude at what resolution per scale height we obtain convergence. Finally, we determine the regions where EUV, FUV and X-Rays are dominant in the disk. We perform global HD simulations using the PLUTO code. We adopt a global isothermal accretion disk setup, 2.5D (2 dimensions, 3 components) which covers a radial domain from 0.5 to 5.0 and an approximately full meridional extension. We determine the 50 cells per scale height to be the lower limit to resolve the VSI. For higher resolutions, greater than 50 cells per scale height, we observe the convergence for the saturation level of the kinetic energy. We are also able to identify the growth of the `body' modes, with higher growth rate for higher resolution. Full energy saturation and a turbulent steady state is reached after 70 local orbits. We determine the location of the EUV-heated region defined by the radial column density to be 1019^{19} cm−2^{-2} located at HR∌9.7H_\mathrm{R}\sim9.7, and the FUV/X-Rays-heated boundary layer defined by 1022^{22} cm−2^{-2} located at HR∌6.2H_\mathrm{R}\sim6.2, making it necessary to introduce the need of a hot atmosphere. For the first time, we report the presence of small scale vortices in the r-Z plane, between the characteristic layers of large scale vertical velocity motions. Such vortices could lead to dust concentration, promoting grain growth. Our results highlight the importance to combine photoevaporation processes in the future high-resolution studies of the turbulence and accretion processes in disks

    Kinematic signatures of planet-disk interactions in VSI-turbulent protoplanetary disks

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    Context. Planets are thought to form inside weakly ionized regions of protoplanetary disks, where turbulence creates ideal conditions for solid growth. However, the nature of this turbulence is still uncertain. In this zone, vertical shear instability (VSI) can operate, inducing a low level of gas turbulence and large-scale motions. Resolving kinematic signatures of VSI may reveal the origin of turbulence in planet-forming disks. However, an exploration of kinematic signatures of the interplay between VSI and forming planets is needed for a correct interpretation of radio interferometric observations. Robust detection of VSI would lead to a deeper understanding of the impact of gas turbulence on planet formation. Aims. The goal of this study is to explore the effect of VSI on the disk substructures triggered by an embedded massive planet. We focus on the impact of this interplay on CO kinematic observations with ALMA. Methods. We conduct global 3D hydrodynamical simulations of VSI-unstable disks with and without embedded massive planets, exploring Saturn- and Jupiter-mass cases. We study the effect of planets on the VSI gas dynamics, comparing with viscous disks. Post-processing the simulations with a radiative transfer code, we examine the kinematic signatures expected in CO molecular line emission, varying disk inclination. Further, we simulate ALMA high-resolution observations to test the observability of VSI and planetary signatures. Results. The embedded planet dampens the VSI along a radial region, most effective at the disk midplane. For the Saturn case, the VSI modes are distorted by the planet's spirals producing mixed kinematic signatures. For the Jupiter case, the planet's influence dominates the disk gas kinematics. Conclusions. The presence of massive embedded planets can weaken the VSI large-scale gas flows, limiting its observability in CO kinematic observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 27 pages, 17 figures and 2 table
