533 research outputs found

    Main rotor-tail rotor intraction and its implications for helicopter directional control

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    Aerodynamic interference between the main and tail rotor can have a strong negative influence on the flight mechanics of a conventional helicopter. Significant unsteadiness in the tail rotor loading is encountered under certain flight conditions, but the character of the unsteadiness can depend on the direction of rotation of the tail rotor. Numerical simulations, using Brown's vorticity transport model, of the aerodynamic interaction between the main and tail rotors of a helicopter are presented for a range of forward and lateral flight trajectories. Distinct differences are predicted in the behavior of the system in left and right sideward flight that are consistent with flight experience that the greatest fluctuations in loading or control input are required in left sideways flight (for a counterclockwise rotating main rotor). These fluctuations are generally more extreme for a system with tail rotor rotating top-forward than top-aft. Differences are also exposed in the character of the lateral excitation of the system as forward flight speed is varied. The observed behavior appears to originate in the disruption of the tail rotor wake that is induced by its entrainment into the wake of the main rotor. The extent of the disruption is dependent on flight condition, and the unsteadiness of the process depends on the direction of rotation of the tail rotor. In intermediate-speed forward flight and right sideward flight, the free stream delays the entrainment of the tail rotor wake far enough downstream for the perturbations to the rotor loading to be slight. Conversely, in left sideward and quartering flight, the free stream confines the entrainment process close to the rotors, where it causes significant unsteadiness in the loads produced by the system

    Simulating wind turbine interactions using the vorticity transport equations

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    The aerodynamic interactions that can occur within a wind farm result in the constituent turbines generating a lower power output than would be possible if each of the turbines were operated in isolation. Tightening of the constraints on the siting of wind farms is likely to increase the scale of the problem in the future. The aerodynamic performance ofturbine rotors and the mechanisms that couple the fluid dynamics of multiple rotors can be understood best by simplifying the problem and considering the interaction between only two rotors. The aerodynamic interaction between two rotors in both axial and yawed wind conditions has been simulated using the Vorticity Transport Model. The aerodynamic interaction is a function of the tip speed ratio, the separation between the rotors, and the angle of yaw to the incident wind. The simulations show that the momentum deficit at a turbine operating within the wake developed by the rotor of a second turbine can limitsubstantially the mean power coefficient that can be developed by the turbine rotor. In addition, the significant unsteadiness in the aerodynamic loading on the rotor blades that results from the inherent asymmetry of the interaction, particularly in certain configurations and wind conditions, has considerable implications for the fatigue life of the blade structure and rotor hub. The Vorticity Transport Model enables the simulation the wakedynamics within wind farms and the subsequent aerodynamic interaction to be evaluated over a broad range of wind farm configurations and operating conditions

    The influence of blade curvature and helical blade twist on the performance of a vertical-axis wind turbine

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    Accurate aerodynamic modeling of vertical-axis wind turbines poses a significant challenge, but is essential if the performance of such turbines is to be predicted reliably. The rotation of the turbine induces large variations in the angle of attack of its blades that canmanifest as dynamic stall. In addition, interactions between the blades of the turbine and the wake that they produce can exacerbate dynamic stall and result in impulsive changes to the aerodynamic loading on the blades. The Vorticity Transport Model has been used to simulate the aerodynamic performance and wake dynamics of vertical-axis wind turbines with straight-bladed, curved-bladed and helically twisted configuration. It is known that vertical-axis wind turbines with either straight or curved blades deliver torque to their shaft that fluctuates at the blade passage frequency of the rotor. In contrast, a rotor with helically twisted blades delivers a relatively steady torque to the shaft. In the present paper, the interactions between helically twisted blades and the vortices within their wake are shown to result in localized perturbations to the aerodynamic loading on the rotor that can disrupt the otherwise relatively smooth power output that is predicted by simplistic aerodynamic tools that do not model the wake to sufficient fidelity. Furthermore, vertical-axis wind turbines with curved blades are shown to be somewhat more susceptible to local dynamic stall than turbines with straight blades

    Simulating the aerodynamic performance and wake dynamics of a vertical-axis wind turbine

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    The accurate prediction of the aerodynamics and performance of vertical-axis wind turbines is essential if their design is to be improved but poses a signifi cant challenge to numerical simulation tools. The cyclic motion of the blades induces large variations in the angle of attack of the blades that can manifest as dynamic stall. In addition, predicting the interaction between the blades and the wake developed by the rotor requires a high-fi delity representation of the vortical structures within the fl ow fi eld in which the turbine operates. The aerodynamic performance and wake dynamics of a Darrieus-type vertical-axis wind turbine consisting of two straight blades is simulated using Brown’s Vorticity Transport Model. The predicted variation with azimuth of the normal and tangential force on the turbine blades compares well with experimental measurements. The interaction between the blades and the vortices that are shed and trailed in previous revolutions of the turbine is shown to have a signifi cant effect on the distribution of aerodynamic loading on the blades. Furthermore, it is suggested that the disagreement between experimental and numerical data that has been presented in previous studies arises because the blade–vortex interactions on the rotor were not modelled with sufficient fidelity

    Predicting wind turbine blade loads using vorticity transport and RANS methodologies

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    Two computational methods, one based on the solution of the vorticity transport equation, and a second based on the solution of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, have been used to simulate the aerodynamic performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine. Comparisons have been made against data obtained during Phase VI of the NREL Unsteady Aerodynamics Experimental and against existing numerical data for a range of wind conditions. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes method demonstrates the potential to predict accurately the flow around the blades and the distribution of aerodynamic loads developed on them. The Vorticity Transport Model possesses a considerable advantage in those situtations where the accurate, but computationally efficient, modelling of the structure of the wake and the associated induced velocity is critical, but where the prediction of blade loads can be achieved with sufficient accuracy using a lifting-line model augmented by incorporating a semi-empirical stall delay model. The largest benefits can be extracted when the two methods are used to complement each other in order to understand better the physical mechanisms governing the aerodynamic performance of wind turbines

    On the Spatial Distribution of Hard X-Rays from Solar Flare Loops

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the spatial structure of the impulsive phase hard X-ray emission from solar flares. This work is motivated by the YOHKOH and the forthcoming HESSI observations. Summarizing past results, it is shown that the transport effects can account for the observations by inhomogeneous loops where there is a strong field convergence and/or density enhancement at the top of the flaring loop. Scattering by plasma turbulence at the acceleration site or pancake type pitch angle distribution of the accelerated electrons can also give rise to enhanced emission at the loop tops. These could be a natural consequence of acceleration by plasma waves. This paper considers a general case of stochastic scattering and acceleration that leads to an isotropic pitch angle distribution and an enhanced emission from the loop tops or the acceleration site. Following the formalism developed in earlier papers the strength and the spectrum of the radiation expected from the acceleration site and the foot points are evaluated and their dependence on the parameters describing the acceleration process and the flare plasma are determined. The theoretical ratio of these two intensities and relative values of their spectral indices are compared with the YOHKOH observations, demonstrating that the above mentioned parameters can be constrained with such observations. It is shown that future high spatial and spectral resolution observations, for example those expected from HESSI, can begin to distinguish between different models and constrain their parameters.Comment: 37 pages with 20 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ http://www.astronomy.stanford.ed

    Applying rotorcraft modelling technology to renewable energy research

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    The perceived need to reduce mankind's impact on the global climate motivates towards a future society in which a significant proportion of its energy needs will be extracted from the winds and the tides of the planet. This paper shows several examples of the application of Brown's Vorticity Transport Model, originally developed to perform simulations of helicopter aeromechanics and wake dynamics, to the analysis of the performance of renewable energy devices and their possible impact on the environment. Prediction of the loading on wind turbines introduces significant additional challenges to such a model, including the need to account fully for the effects of radial flow on blade stall. The wake-mediated aerodynamic interactions that occur within a wind farm can reduce its power output significantly, but this problem is very similar to that where the aerodynamic unsteadiness of the coupled wake of the main and tail rotors of a helicopter can result in significantly increased pilot workload. The helicopter-related problem of brownout, encountered during operations in desert conditions, has its analogue in the entrainment of sediment into the wakes of tidal turbines. In both cases it may be possible to ameliorate the influence of the rotor on its environment by careful and well-informed design. Finally, calculations of the distortion and dispersal of the exhaust plumes of a helicopter by the wake of its rotor allow insight into how wind turbines might interfere with the dispersal of pollutants from nearby industrial sites. These examples show how cross-disciplinary information transfer between the rotorcraft field and the renewable energy community is helping to develop the technologies that will be required by our future society, as well as helping to understand the environmental issues that might need to be faced as these technologies become more prevalent

    Helicopter tail rotor thrust and main rotor wake coupling in crosswind flight

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    The tail rotor of a helicopter with a single main rotor configuration can experience a significant reduction in thrust when the aircraft operates in crosswind flight. Brown’s vorticity transport model has been used to simulate a main rotor and tail rotor system translating at a sideslip angle that causes the tail rotor to interact with the main rotor tip vortices as they propagate downstream at the lateral extremities of the wake. The tail rotor is shown to exhibit a distinct directionally dependent mode during which tail rotors that are configured so that the blades travel forward at the top of the disk develop less thrust than tail rotors with the reverse sense of rotation. The range of flight speeds over which this mode exists is shown to vary considerably with the vertical location of the tail rotor. At low flight speeds, the directionally dependent mode occurs because the tail rotor is immersed within not only the downwash from the main rotor but also the rotational flow associated with clusters of largely disorganized vorticity within the main rotor wake. At higher flight speeds, however, the tail rotor is immersed within a coherent supervortex that strongly influences the velocity field surrounding the tail rotor

    Prediction of unsteady blade loads of a wind turbine using RANS and vorticity transport methodologies

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    Numerical simulations of the NREL phase VI wind turbine operating in yawed conditions have been performed using two computational methods; one based on the solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) using unstructured overset meshes and one known as the Vorticity Transport Model (VTM) that is based on the solution of the vorticity transport equation. The effect of the hub that was present during the NREL experiments was investigated by modeling the hub in the RANS simulations. It was found that the hub influenced the loading significantly at the inboard part of the blade when the blade passed through the wake that was developed by the hub. Both the RANS and VTM codes are able to predict well the unsteady and time-averaged aerodynamic loadings on the wind turbine blades at low wind speeds. At high wind speeds, leading-edge flow separation and strong radial flow are observed on the suction surface of the blades, when the blades are at the retreating side of the rotor. Both the RANS and VTM codes provide less accurate predictions of the blade loads. However, at the advancing side of the rotor, the flow is mostly attached to the surface of the blade, and both the RANS and VTM predictions of the blade loads are in good agreement with the measured data