16,479 research outputs found
Status of the Electroforming Shield Design (ESD) project
The utilization of a digital computer to augment electrodeposition/electroforming processes in which nonconducting shielding controls local cathodic current distribution is reported. The primary underlying philosophy of the physics of electrodeposition was presented. The technical approach taken to analytically simulate electrolytic tank variables was also included. A FORTRAN computer program has been developed and implemented. The program utilized finite element techniques and electrostatic theory to simulate electropotential fields and ionic transport
Literature review on pickling inhibitors and cadmium electroplating processes
Because introduction of hydrogen during bright-cadmium electroplating of high strength steels causes hydrogen-stress cracking, a program was undertaken to evaluate various processes and materials. Report describes effectiveness of inhibitors for reducing hydrogen absorption by steels
Hospital admissions in older people with visual impairment in Britain.
BACKGROUND: We aimed to assess the risk of hospital admission associated with visual impairment in a representative sample of older people living in the community in Britain. METHODS: DESIGN: Prospective study of hospital admission in a population-based sample of community dwelling people aged 75 years and above in Britain. SETTING: 53 general practices. PARTICIPANTS: 14,394 participants in the MRC Trial of Assessment and Management of Older people in the Community. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Hospital admission. RESULTS: Visually impaired older people had 238.7 admissions/1000 person-years compared to 169.7 admissions/1000 person-years in people with good vision: age and sex adjusted rate ratio (RR) 1.32 (95% CI 1.19 to 1.47). Adjusting for a wide range of potential explanatory factors largely eliminated this association: RR 1.06 (95% CI 0.94 to 1.20). However, adjusting for a more limited range of confounding factors, excluding those factors possibly a consequence of reduced vision, left a modest increased risk: RR 1.19 (95% CI 1.06 to 1.34). CONCLUSION: The association between visual impairment and rate of hospital admission can be attributed to higher levels of co-morbidity and reduced functional ability among people with reduced vision. Visual impairment is likely to be an important contributor to reduced functional ability, but other factors may also be involved
An apparent statistical relationship between polar heat budget and zonal circulation
Apparent statistical correlation between Arctic heat budget and zonal circulatio
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Disruptive Innovations and Disruptive Assurance: Assuring Machine Learning and Autonomy
Autonomous and machine learning-based systems are disruptive innovations and thus require a corresponding disruptive assurance strategy. We offer an overview of a framework based on claims, arguments, and evidence aimed at addressing these systems and use it to identify specific gaps, challenges, and potential solutions
A review of the literature on pickling inhibitors and cadmium electroplating processes to minimize hydrogen absorption by ultrahigh-strength steels
Literature review on pickling inhibitors and cadmium electroplating processes to minimize hydrogen absorption by ultrahigh strength steel
Geometry Optimization of Crystals by the Quasi-Independent Curvilinear Coordinate Approximation
The quasi-independent curvilinear coordinate approximation (QUICCA) method
[K. N\'emeth and M. Challacombe, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 121}, 2877, (2004)] is
extended to the optimization of crystal structures. We demonstrate that QUICCA
is valid under periodic boundary conditions, enabling simultaneous relaxation
of the lattice and atomic coordinates, as illustrated by tight optimization of
polyethylene, hexagonal boron-nitride, a (10,0) carbon-nanotube, hexagonal ice,
quartz and sulfur at the -point RPBE/STO-3G level of theory.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Chemical Physics on 7/7/0
Review of literature on hydrogen embrittlement
Hydrogen embrittlement in high strength iron-base and nickel-base alloys and titaniu
A study of hydrogen embrittlement of various alloys Annual summary report, 24 Jun. 1965 - 23 Jun. 1966
Hydrogen embrittlement of alloy cathodically charged and notched tensile metal
Estimating past exposure to arsenic from drinking water from both residential and occupational sources
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