176 research outputs found

    The effect of chemical treatment, fibre length, fibre content and injection moulding parameters to uv irradiation resistance of oil palm fibre reinforced composites

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    There are many types of polymer used in engineering materials expose to UV irradiation, such as automotive parts (car body, bumper, dashboard etc.) which can cause material degradation. Some polymers are used in pure polymer and some of them in composite material. This study has investigated the composite material degradation. In this study, polypropylene was used as a matrix of the composite material samples, while oil palm fibre as reinforcement. The effect of the fibre length, fibre content, fibre treatment, coupling agent and injection moulding parameter to ultraviolet (UV) light resistance of this composite and also the optimum setting of them were investigated. The UV resistance was examined via the change of mechanical properties after UV exposured in the UV accelerated weathering tester. The Linear regression models were generated for tensile strength, strain at maximum stress, break stress, break strain and Charpy Impact strength based on six different UV exposure time i.e.: 0, 96, 336, 504, 1008, and 1512 hours. The significance of the regression models were tested by Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) and verified by two expose time i.e: 168 and 672 hours. This study found that all of the mechanical properties decrease after UV irradiated. The largest property decrease was break strain of the samples, which was decrease in the range 44.54% to 79.21% after 1512 hours UV irradiated. The lowest decrease was break stress in the range 27.38 % to 63.82%. It was also found in this study that fibre content, and UV irradiation time, significantly affect all properties. Coupling agent and alkali treatment significantly affect all properties except strain at maximum stress. Whereas fibre length and injection moulding parameter only significantly affect the Impact strength of the specimens. All of the regression models are significant which are signed by the p value of each of regression models were lower than 0.05. The equation for predicting the lifetime of UV exposed of oil palm fibre reinforced composite have been generated. The lifetime UV irradiated specimen can be predicted using this equation


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    The abundance of natural resources of bamboo and coconut with their utilization that is still not optimal, As well as the discovery of several properties of the basic material for clutch pads (asbestos) which contain hazards. Based on the consideration of the above, the research objective is for knowing characteristics to test power absorption and friction coefficient test on composite clutch pads made from bamboo powder, coconut fiber, glass powder, and copper powder. Based on the research that has been carried out by the specimen which have score absorption oil highest is specimen combination 3 (BB20KL20CU0KC20) with an absorption value of 17.98% and specimen with score absorption Lowest is a combination of specimens 2 (BB20KL20CU5KC15) with an absorption value of 4.88%, and specimens that have a percentage the highest volume change was specimen combination 1 (BB20KL20CU1 0KC10) with percentage of 3.30%, and specimens that have a volume change percentage the lowest was the combination of specimen 2 (BB20KL20CU5KC15) with a percentage of 1.01%. From the results of the combination of friction coefficient test specimen 3 (BB20KL20CU0KC20) has the highest friction coefficient of 0.54526 and specimen 2 (BB20KL20CU5KC15) has the Lowest friction coefficient of 0.16923


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    A crane is a lifting equipment widely used to move cargo, construction sites, storage, and unload. The type of crane that is commonly used in industrial environments is the overhead crane. The overhead crane functions as a lifting device. Besides that, it also works as a load transfer tool even though the load being moved is limited to an environment that is not too large (indoor) at PT. A overhead crane is designed to overcome the problem of moving material in the mold storage area due to the area's expansion and the addition of 5-7 tons of mold material. Therefore, proper design is needed so the overhead crane can function properly. The design method uses the VDI 2221 or Finite Element with Solid works software. The results of the structure obtained are double box girder type girders with dimensions p = 21 m, t = 1224 mm, and l = 600 mm. The deflection results are 13.75 mm, and the runway uses steel profile I with dimensions 400 x 200 x 8 x 13 mm, with a deflection value at the runway stem of 5.6 mm. The type of wire rope used is type 6 x 37, with a diameter of 28 mm. The stress that occurs in the steel rope is 4306.1 Kg, less than the maximum allowable tensile stress of 8009.4 Kg. The single hook type with a hook diameter of 120 mm is made of material S45C. The tensile stress on the hook is 0.88 Kg, and the result is smaller than the allowable tensile stress of 12.72 Kg. The pulley diameter is 630 mm, the drum diameter is 604.9 mm, and the drum length is 279 mm


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    The low learning motivation and learning outcomes of students occur because there are several problems such as the attitude of students who are indifferent to the learning process, students do not pay attention when the teacher explains the material and do not do the assignments given by the teacher, the lack of interest of students in Pancasila Education subjects and Citizenship. This study aims to find a quantum learning model through arisan cards to increase student motivation and learning outcomes. The research method used Research and Development This research was conducted in three product trials. The subjects of this study were class VIII students with 36 students in the 2019-2020 school year. Data collection techniques include expert verification sheet learning models, verification of material experts, observation of learning motivation and student learning outcomes, interview sheets and documentation. The results showed; The percentage of observation results of learning motivation and learning outcomes of students in the first trial, namely motivation by 58%, pretest by 50%, and postest by 56%. In the second trial, the motivation was 61%, the pretest was 61%, and the postest was 68%. And in the third trial, namely motivation by 80%, pretest by 77%, and postest by 85%. This study concludes that the design of the Quantum Learning learning model through the Arisan Card can improve learning motivation and student learning outcomes in the material order of the order of laws in the national legal system in Indonesia

    Rancang Bangun Smartglass untuk Pegukuran Suhu Jarak Jauh dengan Memanfaatkan Koneksi Bluetooth

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    Saat ini dalam masa pandemi Covid-19 pengukuran suhu tubuh manusia sangatlah penting untuk pendeteksian dini dan untuk pencegahan penularan virus corona. Umumnya pengukuran suhu tubuh manusia dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan thermogun oleh petugas keamanan. Potensi untuk penularan sangat mungkin terjadi disebabkan oleh pengukuran suhu tubuh secara langsung. Dari permasalahan tersebut di kembangkan sebuah ide pengukuran suhu tubuh jarak jauh. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk Rancang Bangun Smartglass Pengukur Suhu Tubuh Secara Jarak Jauh. Metode yang dilaksanakan pada tugas akhir ini yaitu ketika sensor suhu GY-906 ini mendeteksi obyek maka data yang telah diperoleh akan di olah diarduino kemudian akan dikirim melalui modul bluetooth master dan slave. Modul bluetooth slave ini menerima data dari pembacaan sensor GY-906 kemudian akan di olah di arduino nano dan menampilkan hasil pembacaan pada oled display. Ketika suhu diatas 37oC maka buzzer akan berbunyi sebagai tanda peringatan. Hasil tugas akhir yang didapatkan berupa jarak maksimum deteksi objek terhadap sensor berkisar 5 cm di luar ruangan ber AC dan 3 cm di dalam ruangan ber AC. Daya tahan Battery mampu digunakan selama 2,5 jam dengan pengisian daya selama 1 jam. Tingkat keakuratan data pada sensor suhu memiliki error ±1 %


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    AbstractThe Purpose of this research is to know about the differentciation of children confidence before using show and tell method and knowing the confidence differencitation before and after using show and tell method and knowing the confidence differenciation before and after using show and tell method. This kind of research is experimental research method with one-group pretest-posttest design. The data experiment full filled with observation and documentation. The sample of this research is 4-5 years old children. Based on data analysis the research result titled The Effect Of The Show And Tell Method On Self Confidence in Childern Aged 4-5 Years In The Nursery Kindergartens TK Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Tebas is totally significant, because for the pretest score average is 17,7, and the posttest average is 10,60. And then the result from the table (8.271>2.0518) it means that there has after threatment given. Then to know how big the show and tell method the self confidence it has done “effect size” test. With score1.648>1.00 knew that the effect from show and tell method to the self confidence of children ages 4-5 was.Keywords : Show and Tell method, self confidence, childern ages 4-

    Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of Microstrip Leaky-Wave Antennas with Slot and Defected Ground Structure

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    This paper discusses the design, simulation, and realization of a leaky-wave microstrip antenna with multiple slots and defected ground structure (DGS). The leaky-wave microstrip antenna with multiple slots and DGS was designed to operate at 5.925-6,425 GHz for wireless local area network applications (WLANs), with a gain of ≥4dBi. The antenna uses FR-4 epoxy as the substrate with a dielectric constant of 4.6 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. The leaky-wave microstrip antenna has dimensions of 45.1 mm × 24.8 mm × 1.6 mm, while the leaky-wave microstrip antenna with multiple slots and DGS has dimensions of 40.6 mm × 25 mm × 1.6 mm. The simulation results showed that adding multiple slots and DGS to the leaky-wave microstrip antenna increased the bandwidth from 280 MHz (5.859–6.139 GHz) to 691 MHz (5.854–6.545 GHz) while the gain increased from 4.47 to 5.04 dBi. Meanwhile, the measurement results showed that the bandwidth parameter increased from 273 MHz (5.877–6.150 GHz) to 684 MHz (5.845–6.529 GHz) and the gain parameter from 4.53 to 5.06 dBi at 6 GHz

    Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of Microstrip Leaky-Wave Antennas with Slot and Defected Ground Structure

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    This paper discusses the design, simulation, and realization of a leaky-wave microstrip antenna with multiple slots and defected ground structure (DGS). The leaky-wave microstrip antenna with multiple slots and DGS was designed to operate at 5.925-6,425 GHz for wireless local area network applications (WLANs), with a gain of ≥4dBi. The antenna uses FR-4 epoxy as the substrate with a dielectric constant of 4.6 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. The leaky-wave microstrip antenna has dimensions of 45.1 mm × 24.8 mm × 1.6 mm, while the leaky-wave microstrip antenna with multiple slots and DGS has dimensions of 40.6 mm × 25 mm × 1.6 mm. The simulation results showed that adding multiple slots and DGS to the leaky-wave microstrip antenna increased the bandwidth from 280 MHz (5.859–6.139 GHz) to 691 MHz (5.854–6.545 GHz) while the gain increased from 4.47 to 5.04 dBi. Meanwhile, the measurement results showed that the bandwidth parameter increased from 273 MHz (5.877–6.150 GHz) to 684 MHz (5.845–6.529 GHz) and the gain parameter from 4.53 to 5.06 dBi at 6 GHz

    Port choice by intra-regional container service operators : an application of decision-making techniques to liner services between Malaysian and other Asian ports

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    Intra-regional container service operators are challenged to design regular and reliable liner services connecting regional ports at the lowest cost and shortest transit time while considering customer demand. This paper focuses on the selection of ports of call in regular intra-regional container services, an under-researched part of the container shipping market. A combination of decision-making techniques (i.e. Analytical Hierarchy Process, fuzzy link-based and Evidential Reasoning) are presented to assist intra-regional container service operators in selecting ports of call. The proposed methodology is empirically applied to container services between Malaysian and other nearby Asian ports. While Port Klang is the main gateway to Malaysia, the results show that other Malaysian ports should play a more prominent role in accommodating intra-Asian container services. This research can assist maritime stakeholders in evaluating intra-regional port-to-port liner service configurations. Furthermore, the novel mix of decision-making techniques complements and enriches existing academic literature on port choice and liner service configuration

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Giving Question and Getting Answer Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Konsep Materi Sistem Pernapasan Pada Manusia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Giving Question and Getting Answer terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia di Kelas XI MIPA SMAN 1 Jatiwaras Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu true experiment dengan desain posttest only control design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh kelas XI MIPA SMAN 1 Jatiwaras sebanyak 4 kelas yang berjumlah 142 siswa. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 2 kelas yaitu XI MIPA 4 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang berjumlah 30 siswa dan kelas XI MIPA 1 sebagai kelas kontrol yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan Teknik cluster random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa tes kemampuan berpikir kritis berupa soal uraian berjumlah 16 soal. Instrument yang yang digunakan tes kemampuan berpikir kritis pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan uji prasyarat analisis dan uji hipotesis. Uji prasyarat analisis yaitu uji normalitas menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov yang diperoleh nilai signifikasi untuk kelas eksperimen 0,073 0,05 dan kelas kontrol 0,057 0,05 serta uji homogenitas menggunakan uji levene yang diperoleh nilai signifikasi 0,110 0,05. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t independent hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Ho ditolak dengan nilai signifikan diperoleh 0,000 0.05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh model pembelajaran Giving Question and Getting Answer terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik di kelas XI MIPA SMAN 1 Jatiwaras Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023 pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia
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