6 research outputs found

    Reorientasi Maqasid Terhadap Pemikiran Islam Reformis (Studi Pemikiran Maqasid Ibn ‘Ashur)

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    Ibn ‘Ashur is considered as one of the founders of modern Maqasid science which plays a role as a link between the thinking of salaf ulama and contemporary-reformist Islamic thought. This article tries to find the intersection between the maqasid theory and the reformist Islamic movement in the development of the thinking of maqasid Ibn ‘Ashur. This article is written as library research in which the author uses a thematic study of Maqasid as an approach to Islamic studies in three books written by Ibn ‘Ashur, for Searching the correlation of the concept to answer the problems in this study, among others; al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir; Alaysaå al-Subh bi Qarib and Usul al-Nizam al-Ijtima'iy fi al-Islam. And supported by secondary references taken from books and journals related to the research theme. This article finds that Ibn ‘Ashur’s efforts in reorienting Maqasid theory to reformist Islamic thought are seen in the concept of Maqasid al-Qur’an al-’Ammah (objectives general al-Qur'an), which contains the mission of al-Qur'an in efforts to maintain the social system and order of human life. Ibn ‘Ashur's idea regarding the reorientation of the Maqasid theory has succeeded in changing the paradigm of the conservative group so that educational reforms at Zaytunah University can be realized. The main factor that shaped the idea of reorienting maqasid towards reformist thinking was the influence of the Muslim reformist movement and the movement against French colonialism

    Maqasid Al-Qur’an sebagai paradigma pendidikan islam: konstruksi pemikiran Islam Ibn ‘Ashur

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    Dalam perspektif ilmu maqasid, maslahah harusnya menjadi target capaian dari proses belajar-mengajar. Namun selama ini, konsep pendidikan lebih banyak diformulasikan dengan pendekatan tasawuf akhlaqy. Selain itu, Ibn ‘Ashur mengkritik sistem pendidikan dalam dunia Islam yang tetap mempertahankan metode tektualis-literalistik, tanpa diimbangi dengan alasan dan tujuan (maqasid) dibaliknya. Konsep pendidikan Islam selama ini dibangun dari ayat-ayat pendidikan di dalam al-Qur’an secara terpisah. Belum ada kaidah pendidikan yang bersifat kulliyyah yang mencakup pesan ayat-ayat Pendidikan secara keseluruhan. Disertasi ini ingin menguji konsep maqasid al-Qur’an Ibn ‘Ashur sebagai paradigma pendidikan Islam yang dirumuskan ke dalam sebuah kaidah kulliyyah pendidikan maqasidi yang secara teoritik dapat berimplikasi menjadi sebuah landasan filosofis paradigmatik bagi kajian pemikiran pendidikan Islam yang dikembangkan di kemudian hari. Dari latar belakang penelitian tersebut, diterjemahkan ke dalam rumusan masalah lebih rinci sebagaimana berikut: (1) Asumsi dasar yang dibangun Ibn ‘Ashur dalam membangun konsep ‘Maqasid al-Qur’an sebagai Paradigma Pendidikan Islam. (2) Nilai dasar yang menjadi faktor pembentuk ‘Maqasid al-Qur’an sebagai Paradigma Pendidikan Islam. (3) Konstruksi penerapan ‘Maqasid al-Qur’an sebagai Paradigma Pendidikan Islam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah riset kepustakaan (library research), dengan berbasis Interpretif Socio-Lingusitic, menggunakan metode Istiqra’ (penelitian induktif) dan al-Maqam, baik maqam al-hal (kedudukan makna konteks) ataupun maqam al-maqal (kedudukan makna teks). Sumber primer penelitian ini ialah empat kitab karya Imam Tahir Ibn ‘Ashur, antara lain; al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir; ‘Maqasid al-Shari‘ah al-Islamiyyah; Alaisa al-Subh bi Qarib dan Usul al-Nizam al-Ijtima’iy fi al-Islam. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ‘Maqasid al-Qur’an Ibn ‘Ashur dapat dikonstruksi menjadi paradigma pendidikan Islam atas landasan paradigmatik berikut, Pertama, Asumsi Dasar bahwa (1) Al-Qur’an Adalah Sumber Pendidikan, (2) Al-Qur’an yang memuat kemaslahatan dunia-akhirat menjadi orientasi pendidikan, (3) Relevansi al-Qur’an sepanjang zaman memiliki konsep pendidikan yang selalu dinamis. Kedua, Nilai Dasar bahwa (1) Secara global memuat nilai Islah} tatanan sosial dan keberadaban dunia, (2) Secara parsial memuat nilai Islah keadaan tiap individu menuju kemaslahatan dunia dan akhirat, (3) Secara partikular memuat nilai Islah untuk mendorong perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Ketiga, Konstruksi penerapan ‘Maqasid al-Qur’an sebagai Paradigma Pendidikan Islam dalam kerangka pemikiran maqasidi tercakup dalam empat bagian, (1) Prinsip Pendidikan (al-Asas al-Maqasidi) (2) Konsep Umum (al-’Maqasid al-‘Ammah) (3) Konsep Parsial (al-’Maqasid al-Khassah) (4) Konsep Partikular (al-’Maqasid al-Juz’iyyah)

    MAQASHID AL-SYARI’AH: Kajian Mashlahah Pendidikan dalam Konteks UN Sustainable Development Goals

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    Abstract: This paper will discuss the concept of maqashid Sharia as an Islamic education approach in realizing global goals. Education as a development instrument for Human Resources (HR) that encourages competent management and use of Natural Resources (SDA) should play an important role in the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program. And educational goals oriented to the SDGs program can be conceptualized by the maqashid shari’ah approach. Because Ibn ‘Asyûr thinks that the benefits that will be achieved by maintaining the maqashid shari’ah are the main objectives of Islamic sharia. In the context of social piety, noble character is the ultimate goal of Islamic education. This is part of the Islamic mission as a religion which is "rahmatan lil ‘alamin". By spreading the Mashlahah in all the joints of life. On a global scale, Islamic education is required to be able to answer various contemporary problems that arise and create benefits for all parties. It can be seen from the purpose of Islamic shari’ah. Substantially the objectives of the Shari’a which we call "Maqashid al-Syari’ah" contain benefits. And SDGs also contain the mashlahah that the world wants to achieve. Although this study is included in the shari’ah discipline, according to al-Nahlawi, the concept of maslaha has a close relationship with education. In this case, Islamic education must be able to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed upon by 193 world leaders on September 25, 2015 and then through the UNDP (United Nations Development Program). Makalah ini akan membahas konsep maqashid syariah sebagai pendekatan pendidikan Islam dalam mewujudkan tujuan global. Pendidikan sebagai instrumen pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang mendorong untuk cakap dalam mengelola dan memanfaatkan Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) harusnya bisa memainkan peranan penting dalam upaya realisasi program Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Tujuan pendidikan yang berorientasi pada program SDGs bisa dikonsepsi dengan pendekatan maqashid syari’ah. Karena Ibn ‘Asyûr beranggapan kemaslahatan yang akan diraih dengan memelihara maqashid syari’ah merupakan tujuan utama syariah Islam. Dalam konteks kesalehan sosial, budi pekerti yang luhur menjadi tujuan akhir pendidikan Islam. Hal ini menjadi bagian misi Islam sebagai agama yang "rahmatan lil ‘alamin". Dengan menyebarkan mashlahah dalam semua sendi kehidupan. Dalam skala global, pendidikan Islam dituntut untuk dapat menjawab berbagai masalah kontemporer yang muncul dan menciptakan kemaslahatan untuk semua pihak. Hal itu bisa dilihat dari tujuan syari’at Islam. Secara substansial tujuan syariat yang kita sebut dengan ”Maqashid al-Syari’ah” mengandung kemashlahatan. SDGs juga memuat mashlahah yang hendak dicapai dunia. Meski kajian ini masuk dalam disiplin ilmu syari’ah, namun menurut al-Nahlawi, konsep mashlahah ini memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan pendidikan. Dalam hal ini, pendidikan Islam harus mampu mewujudkan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) yang telah disepakati oleh 193 pemimpin dunia pada 25 September 2015 dan kemudian melalui UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)

    The Correlation between Language Skill and the Brain in the Second Verse of Surah Yusuf l ‘Alaqah al-Maharah al-Lughawiyyah wa al-‘Aql fi Surah Yusuf al-Ayah al-Tsaniyyah

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    Arabic language had linguistic skills in its application. The Second Ayah (verse) of Surah Yusuf informed that there was a correlation between language skill and the brain. In terms of semantics, the choice of pronunciation and word in Al-Qur’an was based on the reason and the wisdom behind it. This article is necessary for language learning research by using neurology as a new approach in language skills learning. This article aimed to analyze and reveal a correlation and an appropriateness between the language skills in the Arabic language and the process of the human mind as mentioned in Surah Yusuf, the second verse. The data and evidence were obtained from books related to the subject of the research, a dialogical analysis between three scientific disciplines, such as commentary books, Arabic learning and neurology, with the method of content analysis of Al-Quran. The results of this research showed that the appropriateness of language skills in the Arabic language and the process of the human mind based on Surah Yusuf at the second verse were achieved. This result was reached based on three aspects, and it is from the opinions of scholars, interpreters, linguistics, and neurology. On the other hand, it was confirmed through this scientific research that there is no contradiction between the correct transmission and the frank reason. This article confirmed that the learning theory about maharah lughawiyah has the correlation with the workings of the human brain, according to what was stated in Surah Yusuf at the second verse

    Linguistic Complexity in Hadith: An Examination of the Role and Origins of 'Al-kalimat al-mubtakirah' in Hadith

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    This research investigates an intriguing phenomenon concerning the use of the Arabic language in the narrations of Hadith. Despite Prophet Muhammad's acknowledged fluency in the Arabic language, there are instances of foreign words, known as "gharabah," used in some hadith. One striking example is the term "al-kalimat al-mubtakirah," which constitutes a newly coined vocabulary by Prophet Muhammad and was not fully comprehended by his companions. This study aims to examine three crucial aspects related to this phenomenon. Firstly, it identifies patterns within the al-kalimat al-mubtakirah that have never been heard before in the Arabic language, whether in the form of words, phrases, or sentences. Secondly, it delves deeper into the eloquence of prophethood and the role of foreign words (gharabah) in Prophet Muhammad's hadith. Thirdly, it attempts to elucidate the reasons behind the emergence of foreign words in Prophet Muhammad's hadith. The methodology employed in this research is literature review, with a focus on the examination of al-kalimat al-mubtakirah related to the Prophet's eloquence in hadith and the concept of gharabah in the science of rhetoric (balaghah). The research findings reveal the following: Firstly, the innovative words coined by Prophet Muhammad demonstrate a high level of linguistic proficiency. Al-kalimat al-mubtakirah encompasses three distinct patterns, namely words, phrases, and sentences. Secondly, the foreign words in Prophet Muhammad's hadith are regarded as good foreign words (al-gharib al-hasan). Their usage is uncommon in everyday Arabic language due to their higher level of linguistic complexity compared to the common understanding. Thirdly, this research identifies six reasons why foreign words appear in Prophet Muhammad's Hadith