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    The problem of moral degradation occurs due to the existence of globalization, which has a negative impact in the form of a lot of juvenile delinquency that makes the social environment unsafe. This will provide unrest for the people, one of which is students with visual disabilities. Blind students can’t adapt if the social environment becomes unsafe. There is a need for character education to overcome forms of moral degradation, including in people with disabilities through the value of guyub rukun and ewuh pakewuh as Javanese cultural values. This study aims to explore an efforts to construct the value of guyub rukun and ewuh pakewuh in blind students of SLB A YKAB Surakarta. This research method uses descriptive qualitative approach of phenomenology. The research data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results showed that construction of guyub rukun and ewuh pakewuh values applied to blind students of SLB A YKAB Surakarta with 3 phases, externalization, objectivation, and internalization phases. The externalization phase shows efforts to instill an understanding the value of guyub rukun and ewuh pakewuh through teacher teaching and reading braille books of folklore. This phase is followed by the interpretation of understanding of two values which is called objectivation phase. The last phase is internalization phase containing efforts to actualize the value of guyub rukun and ewuh pakewuh in blind students. Actualization is carried out in 3 forms, namely Mobility Orientation (OM) activities, character education integrated subjects, and extracurricular healthy walking and gymnastics

    Internalisasi Nilai Hasthalaku melalui Braille Comic sebagai Strategi Pendidikan Karakter Siswa Tunanetra

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    Era globalisasi memberikan efek negatif berupa degradasi moral pada siswa tunanetra karena keterbatasan pengelihatannya yang berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan sosial dan perilakunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan strategi internalisasi pendidikan karakter nilai Hasthalaku pada siswa tunanetra melalui media braille comic. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan 5 siswa tunanetra, 4 tenaga pendidik SLB, 3 ahli materi nilai Hasthalaku, 1 pewaris budaya kearifan lokal. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis dalam 4 dimensi, meliputi domain, taksonomik, komponensial, dan tema budaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi internalisasi nilai Hasthalaku dalam pendidikan karakter berfokus pada 3 komponen penting, yaitu moral knowing, moral feeling, dan moral acting serta menggunakan media braille comic. Media braille comic dapat menginternalisasi nilai Hasthalaku pada siswa tunanetra dengan baik dan memenuhi kebutuhan, keminatan, dan ketersediaan pendidikan karakter. Setelah proses internalisasi pendidikan karakter, terjadi perubahan pola perilaku siswa tunanetra menjadi lebih positif