810 research outputs found
Optical Observations of Core-Collapse Supernovae
I present an overview of optical observations (mostly spectra) of Type II,
Ib, and Ic supernovae (SNe). SNe II are defined by the presence of hydrogen,
and exhibit a very wide variety of properties. SNe II-L tend to show evidence
of late-time interaction with circumstellar material. SNe IIn are distinguished
by relatively narrow emission lines with little or no P-Cygni absorption
component and (quite often) slowly declining light curves; they probably have
unusually dense circumstellar gas with which the ejecta interact. Some SNe IIn,
however, might not be genuine SNe, but rather are ``impostors'' ---
specifically, super-outbursts of luminous blue variables. SNe Ib do not exhibit
the deep 6150 Angstrom absorption characteristic of ``classical'' SNe Ia;
instead, their early-time spectra have He I absorption lines. SNe Ic appear
similar to SNe Ib, but lack the helium lines as well. Spectra of SNe IIb
initially exhibit hydrogen, yet gradually evolve to resemble those of SNe Ib;
their progenitors seem to contain only a low-mass skin of hydrogen.
Spectropolarimetry thus far indicates large asymmetries in the ejecta of SNe
IIn, but much smaller ones in SNe II-P. As one peers deeper into the ejecta of
core-collapse SNe, the asymmetry (indicated by the amount of polarization)
seems to increase. There is intriguing, but inconclusive, evidence that some
peculiar SNe IIn might be associated with gamma-ray bursts. The rates of
different kinds of SNe as a function of Hubble type are still relatively poorly
known, although there are good prospects for future improvement.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. To appear in "Young Supernova Remnants," ed. S.
S. Holt (New York: American Institute of Physics), 200
Spectropolarimetry of Core-Collapse Supernovae
We briefly review the young field of spectropolarimetry of core-collapse
supernovae (SNe). Spectropolarimetry provides the only direct known probe of
early-time supernova (SN) geometry. The fundamental result is that asphericity
is a ubiquitous feature of young core-collapse SNe. However, the nature and
degree of the asphericity vary considerably. The best predictor of
core-collapse SN polarization seems to be the mass of the hydrogen envelope
that is intact at the time of the explosion: those SNe that arise from
progenitors with large, intact envelopes (e.g., Type II-plateau) have very low
polarization, while those that result from progenitors that have lost part (SN
IIb, SN IIn) or all (SN Ib) of their hydrogen (or even helium; SN Ic) layers
prior to the explosion tend to show substantial polarization. Thus, the deeper
we probe into core-collapse events, the greater the asphericity seems to be,
suggesting a fundamentally asymmetric explosion with the asymmetry damped by
the addition of envelope material.Comment: Invited review at Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses, 16-19 June,
Padua, IT. 6 page
Optical Spectra and Light Curves of Supernovae
I review recent optical observations of supernovae (SNe) conducted by my
group. The Lick Observatory Supernova Search with the 0.76-m Katzman Automatic
Imaging Telescope is currently the world's most successful search for nearby
SNe. We also use this telescope to obtain multicolor light curves of SNe. One
of the more interesting SNe we discovered is SN 2000cx, which differs from all
previously observed SNe Ia. Another very strange SN Ia that we studied is SN
2002cx, many of whose properties are opposite those of SN 2000cx. Extensive
data on SNe II-P 1999em and 1999gi were used to derive distances with the
expanding photosphere method. Results from spectropolarimetry suggest that the
deeper we peer into the ejecta of core-collapse SNe, the greater the
asphericity. We are using Hubble Space Telescope data to identify, or set
limits on, the progenitors of core-collapse SNe.Comment: Filippenko, A. V. 2003, in "From Twilight to Highlight: The Physics
of Supernovae," ed. W. Hillebrandt and B. Leibundgut (Berlin:
Springer-Verlag), 171-18
Probing black hole X-ray binaries with the Keck telescopes
The advent of the large effective apertures of the Keck telescopes has
resulted in the determination with unprecedented accuracy of the mass functions
and mass ratios of faint (R ~ 21 mag) X-ray transients (GS 2000+25, GRO
J0422+32, Nova Oph 1977, Nova Vel 1993), as well as constraining the
main-sequence companion star parameters and producing images of the accretion
disks around the black holes.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, SPIE Symposium 4005, in pres
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